

Tauros and Probopass <3
Apr 8, 2007
I wonder why people look down on the highfive nowadays. Maybe it's just people 'round these parts, but I have difficulty finding people who are willing to give or take a good highfive.

A friend of mine made a funny earlier and I was like, "Heyyyy! Good one! Highfive!" He just sorta stared at me.

So anyway...

Do you guys use the highfive often? Or is it an awkward way of greeting/congratulating someone that you'd rather avoid?
Hmm. I'm not sure, actually. Never really noticed that people avoid it or something. I know back in the Philippines, highfives are very common - at least in that particular town I lived in.

I do highfive often, but only with my daughter and the children at the daycare center. I suppose I view it as a playful gesture more than anything. Now that I think about it...I doubt I'd highfive a friend for any reason at all. o.o It may seem a little awkward...for some reason...
I highfive all the time. It must be particular to the East or something 'cause everyone does it over here. :monster:
I highfive all the time, mainly when my friens and I pwn people, lol, she is a riot, anywho, yeah, people down here is AussieLand quite often look them down, partly because they think they are too 'gansta' to do it, buch of....
I don't think it's looked down on that much, it just kinda phased out so now when people do it it's kinda weird.

The only recent thing I can think of where I saw the high five was The Todd on Scrubs, and he made it really lame xD
I hardly do, and when I do, it's probably because a movie based on a game was announced(Silent Hill sequel>_<!).
since me an my mates started watchin How I Met Your Mother the high fives have been broken out on a regular basis...... the aussies down seem to into it thou its kinda dissapointing
Me and my frieds don't high-five very often....it usually happens when we win something or something happens in our advantage...but these don't happen very often so ....:rolleyes:
Iv never done it, it always seemed a little........cheesy to me :wacky:

Not sure what I do wen Im congratulating someone for something actually.... o_O Scream woohoo, I expect... maybe give them a playful jab on the arm or summin......:wacky:
I guess it's just people in my town or something, then. Mostly all of you guys do it!

The few people who do highfive here suck ass at it. They'll hit your wrist instead of the palm. Aim issues. And others won't put enough strength into it.

I'm a fan of the overexaggerated highfive. Put your entire body into the highfive, and jump so you're in the air when the highfive makes contact.

A highfive of that nature is meant to make people look at you strangely, though.
Yes I can imagine :monster: Im no stranger to getting funny looks for my odd behaviour but I draw the line at flying hi-fives :wacky:
I high-five people all the time :monster: Me and my friends high-five over the stupidest stuff aswell, like 'I might get the soup..' 'Me too, HIGH-FIVE!!!1'.

I used to find it cheesy when I was younger, but somehow I just stopped thinking that and started high-fiving all the time.. We don't take it seriously though it's always just silly and OTT stuff. xD
Dude, Frisky, the flying highfive is where it's at. And I like that name for it...the flying highfive. That's what I'll call it from now on.

You gotta have good highfiving skill to pull it off nicely, though. Otherwise, you're asking for a horrible disaster.
Me and my friends highfive all the time, like, if any of us say something really funny someone will shout it and we'll all take turns highfiving each other.

I don't mind doing it...except when someone shouts it out in the middle of a quiet classroom and everyone stares at us :omg:
:wacky: It must just be round here then, no one but no one ever does it EVER lol. Altho, Iv just rememebered the 'Katie Dance' so originally named after my mates stupid dancing. We do it when we are over excited or feel like being stupid.

I can guarantee that it is the single most stupid thing you would ever see 2 girls do randomly in the street. Or at work. Or on the dance floor. Its funny as hell when you see girls pulling out all these 'sexy moves' then me and Katie come along invading the dance floor with our daft dancing :wacky:
I still highfive and it feels pretty...normal when I do. My friends and I usually highfive over some of the most pointless shit; deciding which movie to see, deciding what to get for dinner, deciding what time to set the alarm clock to and pretty much every single acomplishment no matter how insignificant it is.
Where I live, I have not seen a high five ... ever... Not because it's weird or anything, I just don't recall ever seeing anyone doing it now that I think about it :-\