Home of the Beast: A Nanaki (Red XIII) Club

Hera Ledro

FFF's resident Furry novelist
Oct 16, 2006
This is a thread dedicated to Final Fantasy's greatest character ever: Nanaki of Cosmo Canyon (Red XIII if you don't wanna call hi by his proper name).

Discuss Nanaki-related topics here, whether it be why you like him, any events you liked with him, or anything even related to him.

I'll start off then shall I :D

Did you like Nanaki or not (or are you neutral: didn't really care)? State your reasoning please.

Also, please do not start discussing things that are TOTALLY unrelated to Nanaki. If you wanna talk about FFVII stuff, or just Final Fantasy stuff in general, be my guest, but keep it closely related to Nanaki.
I'll be joining. Nanaki was my favourite character and allways has been. I didn't even have to play the game to know he would be my favourite character...all I did was look over his small profile in the booklet. He was such a unique character I just could not go a game without having him in my party. So yes I adore him and allways will.
Why hello again :D Nice to see you on these forums as well Shadow.

Question (if you are the Shadow that I know from AC forums): Why haven't you been posting in the Nanaki's Cosmo Canyon Club?
Hey there! Well I haven't really visited AC forums in a long while ;-; I really should, but I seem to have been concentrating on the forums I mod as of late, but i will return there soon!!! *cough*
Well that would explain it :lol: You should come. White_Nanaki and I have totally turned it into our own little playground lol
Yeah, I can see that. It is true that it is a little wordy to call him Red XIII at every single mention of him. I'm surprised that (if his name was given Red XIII) they didn't auto-shorten it.
Yeah, but then if it was auto shortened his name would loose its meaning. The XIII in his name makes him out to be little more than an experiment to Hojo, just nameing him Red wouldn't give his name as much meaning.
Well, I don't really think Nanaki liked the dub "Red XIII." It labelled him as an experiment and was really condescending.
Umm... I dunno if I can ask this since the last post was in November, but I'll join!

I don't have FFVII (YET!!!), but I've read almost every Nanaki profile there is out there, be it on the official site, Wikipedia, or anything else.