How did you like the ending of FFXII?

Did you like the FFXII ending?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 9, 2009
How did you feel about the ending of the game. Did you like it or not, what was the main reason for your decision?

I really didn't like the ending. I felt that it was not as memorable as other FF endings. It was confusing and left the player with more questions than conclusions. I personally thought that they left it open for a sequel, which they did FFXII: Revenant Wings, but I thought they could have did a better job at answering the players questions and concluding the game.
It is one of my least favorites.
I liked it. IMO it was great, like the rest of FFXII's plot.
Maybe it wasn't emotional like with some other FFs, but that because the game didn't really focus on characters development.
It is pretty much like some older FFs' ending (FFI, FFIII).
I'm torn on this, I kind of liked it but it was slightly disappointing. The ending isn't the
typical 'and they lived happily ever after' because Ashe gets what she wants but feels lonely and Basch was stuck with his brother's role. That's the worst thing that can happen to anybody : losing their identity. I like this type of ending, but I feel sorry for Basch to get that kind of ending. If HE were made to be the main character instead of Vaan, I would get mad at SE.

I voted no, by the way.
I didn't like it for one simple reason; it did not feel like the end. I felt that there were far too many loose ends that the game just did not explore: issues with Fran, Vaan and Penelo, etc.
The biggest problem was the fact that the Occurians were left out there with no resolution.

Demigods who are spurned and "ousted" by a technicality have no recourse at all?

I also did not like the time skip after the final battle and the bare epilogue that was provided. This game broke one of the biggest rules of "writing": show don't tell. Well, all they did was tell us what happened after the final battle and showed almost nothing... it was extremely dissapointing.
well considering that the rest of the story line was really poor and confusing, the ending made little sense to me. the only reason i completed this game was just to get it finished, not because i wanted to. id rate this game at 3-4 out of 10
If I said the ending was bad I would be a big liar. I loved the whole game, the story, the characters, the world... The ending just put final touches to the diamond (or how is it said?). Anyways, the ending was both sad and happy and it left the story open and I love to use my imagination so the open ending was a present for me. ^^
I've clicked yes, but I'm indifferent in my answer, I'm really not sure! I enjoyed it, but, It was similar to games in the FF series, so I'm not sure where to place my opinion.