How do you pronounce the names of the characters in FFVIII?


ShinRa Guard
Jan 31, 2009
I've never really known how to pronounce the names of the characters...and well this is how i said their names.
Squall Leonhart - Squall "Lion-Heart"Rinoa Heartilly - Ri-No-Ah Heart-eh-lee
Seifer Almasy - Say-Fer All-Mah-See
Quistis Trepe - Quis-Tis Tree-Puh
Selphie Tilmitt - Sell-Fee Til-Mitt
Zell Dincht - Zell Din-Chid
Irvine Kinneas - Irvine Kin-ee-as
Edea - Ee-Dee-Ah
Adel - Ay - Dell

ust wondering if I was pronouncing any of them wrong. (especially Squall's last name)
Spelling in an attempt to phoneticize, so forgive the horrendous examples below.

I've never really known how to pronounce the names of the characters...and well this is how i said their names.
Squall Leonhart - Squall "Lion-Heart"

Leon. Long e.

Rinoa Heartilly - Ri-No-Ah Heart-eh-lee

Seifer Almasy - Say-Fer All-Mah-See

Quistis Trepe - Quis-Tis Tree-Puh
Kiss-tiss Tre-peh

Selphie Tilmitt - Sell-Fee Til-Mitt
Zell Dincht - Zell Din-Chid
Dinkt Or close enough since it's the german 'cht'

Irvine Kinneas - Irvine Kin-ee-as
Ir-veen, but that's just me.

Edea - Ee-Dee-Ah

Adel - Ay - Dell

ust wondering if I was pronouncing any of them wrong. (especially Squall's last name)
Hope that helped
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Commonly mispronounced FF Names

There is a similar thread there.

But this is how I've always pronounced them:

Squall Leonhart - Skwoll Lee-On-heart
Rinoa Heartilly - Ree-No-Ah Heart-Ill-Lee
Seifer Almasy - Sy-Fer Al-Mah-See
Quistis Trepe - Kwis-Tis Tray-Pah
Selphie Tilmitt -
Sell-Fee Till-Mitt
Zell Dincht - Zell Dinkt
Irvine Kinneas - Err-Vine Kinn-Ayes
Edea - Eh-Dee-Ah
Adel -
Ay - Dell

Hope that helped >_<
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why would someone want to do this any way

Please keep posts contributory

Commonly mispronounced FF Names

There is a similar thread there.

But not the same ;))

Squall Leonhart - Skw-all Leon-heart
Rinoa Heartilly - Rin-oh-ah Heart-illy
Seifer Almasy - Sy-fer al-mass-ie
Quistis Trepe - Kwis-Tis Trep
Selphie Tilmitt -
Sell-fi Till-Mitt
Zell Dincht - Zell Din-cht
Irvine Kinneas - Err-Vine Kinn-ee-ass
Edea - Eh-Dee-Ah
Adel -

Doesn't seem to be all that much variation on how we pronounce the names :monster:
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I just look at the Japanese pronunciation. That is the easiest way I think. Unless of course you can't read Japanese.. Anyway, with Japanese there's really just one way to read it. Let me romanize it:

Sukooru Reonhaato
Rinoa Haatirii
Kisutisu Turiipu
Zeru Din
Serufi Tirumitto
Aavain Kiniasu
Raguna Reuaaru
Kirosu Shiigeru
Waado Zabakku
Saifaa Arumashi

R can be L, 2 of the same A or I is just one short one pronounced longer. And the U after an S, R, K and so on is mostly silent. And so is the O after T or D. Hope it clears up a few things.
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Squall Leonhart - Skw-all Lee-on-heart

Rinoa Heartilly - Ruh-no-a Heart-tuh-lee

Seifer Almasy - Say-fer Al-Mass-see (Emphasis on the Mass, I used to call him Sef-fyer when I was younger but later realized that this was contrary to the spelling)

Quistis Trepe - Quis-Tis Trehp (rhymes with grape)
Selphie Tilmitt - Sell-Fee Til-Mitt
Zell Dincht - Zell Dinch (do not pronounce the T)
Irvine Kinneas - Er-vin Kin-ee-as
Edea - Ee-da
Adel - Ay - Dell

Squall Leonhart - Skwall Lee-on-heart.
Rinoa Heartilly - Ree-no-ah Heart-tily
Seifer Almasy - Sehfer Al-masy
Quistis Trepe - Kwis-tis Treypay
Selphie Tilmitt - Sel-fee Til-mit
Zell Dincht - Zell Dinch
Irvine Kinneas - Ir-vyne Kinnays
Edea - Ee-deea
Adel - Ahdell

I'm from Northern England so that might play a part. XD
Squall Leonhart -Skwoll Lee-On-Heart
Rinoa Heartilly - Ree-No-Ah Heart-Ill-Lee
Seifer Almasy - Sai-Fer Al-Mah-See
Quistis Trepe -
Kwis-Tis Tree-Eep
Selphie Tilmitt - Sel-Fee Till-Mitt
Zell Dincht - Zell Dinkt
Irvine Kinneas - Irvine Kin-Ee-As
Edea - Eh-Dee-Ah
Adel -

Some people pronounce 'Quistis', Key-Stis.
Squall Leonheart-Skual Lee-on-hart
Rinoa Heartily-Rinoua Hartili
Seifer Almasy-Seifr Almasi
Quistis Trepe-Kwistis Trep
Selphie Tilmitt-Selfee Tilmit
Zell Dincht-Zel Dinch
Irvine Kinneas-Irvaine Kineeas

So.....that's mine.
Squall Leonhart - Skwoll Lee-on-heart
Rinoa Heartilly - Rye-no-a Heart-ill-ey
Seifer Almasy - Sai-fer Al-Mas-ee
Quistis Trepe - Kwis-tis Trep
Irvine Kinneas - Er-vine Kin-ey-as
Zell Dincht - Zell Dinch
Selphie Tilmitt - Sell-fee Til-mitt
Edea Kramer - Ee-de-a Kray-mer
Adel - Ay-del

And just cos no-one else listed em.

Fujin - Foo-jin
Raijin - Rai-jin
Xu - Shoo (like shoe but shoo looks less weird)
Nida - Knee-da
Laguna Loire - La-gu-nah Law
Kiros Seagul - Key-ros Seagull
Ward Zaback - Ward Zah-back
Dr Odine - Doctor O-dyne
Ultimecia - Ulti-me-ce-a
Griever - Greave-er (greave as in greaves... that you wear... if that makes sense)
Squall Leonhart - Squall Leonhart. ;p
Rinoa Heartilly - Ren-no-ah Heart-lee
Seifer Almasy - Sye-fur All-muh-see
Quistis Trepe - Kwis-tis Tray-pee
Selphie Tilmitt - Sell-Fee Til-mit
Zell Dincht - Zell Den-itch
Irvine Kinneas - Eyervin -Kin-ess
Edea - Eh-Dee-Uh
Adel - Ay-dull

Haha. I know I don't pronounce alot of them the correct way,but that's just how I do it.
Squall Leonhart - Es-kwal Lee-on-hart
Rinoa Heartily - Ree-no-ah Har-tee-lee (i'm a sucker for "ee" LOLz XD)
Quistis Trepe - Kiss-tis Trip
Selphie Tilmitt - Sell-fee Til-mit
Zell Dincht - Zell Dinc-th
Irvine Kinneas - Er-vin Kin-ee-ass
I've always said Edea like Ed-e-a and Quistis as Kwis-tis, but apparently Quistis is said Kee-stis. Supposedly it is french. Her name in Japanese is Kisutisu Turīpu. According to Wikipedia Edea is pronounced more like I-dea... that is was her Japanese name is anyway... Idea Kureimā... Ultimecia I've said as Ulti-mecia though.
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I always said Edea as Ee-day-uh. As for Ultimecia I originally said it as Ulti meh see ya, but in Dissidia, Cosmos says Ulti may shee ya.

That's interesting about Quistis's name though. I always said Kwis-tis as well, but the French pronunciation makes sense.
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I always said Kwis-tis as well, but the French pronunciation makes sense.
It may make sense, but I lie Kwis-tis better. Kee-stis reminds me of quiche and it just sounds horrible in my opinion.

Lady Edea said:
According to Wikipedia Edea is pronounced more like I-dea... that is was her Japanese name is anyway
That's interesting. I've always pronounced Edea as Eee-dee-yah. I dunno I'm not that big a fan of I-dea.

I always said Edea as E-day-uh. As for Ultimecia I originally said it as Ulti meh see ya, but in Dissidia, Cosmos says Ulti may shee ya.
Yeah I was confused when I first heard it in Dissidia. I've always pronounced it as Ulti-mercy-ah.
I never thought about the fact that Quistis could be pronounced as Kee-stis, bit I think I'll stick with the Kwis-tis pronunciation. After about 10 years of saying it that way it's hard to change.

Also, the Japanese butcher every word (or name) in English when they convert it to their own Japanese characters so I don't value give much notion to their suggested pronunciation.
Kee-stis for Quistis sounds rather odd (no offense to the French language of course! :P). In a nutshell, if it's meant to be pronounced as kee-stis, would FFIX's Quina be pronounced Kee-na as both names have the same "Qui".

As for Edea, I have always pronounced it as simply "Ed-ea". I'm not going to change my pronunciations either. I've grown too attached to my Tie-dus (as opposed to Tee-dus), Ba-ha-mut (as opposed to Ba-har-moot) and If-rit (as opposed to If-reet).
I've always said "Ed-ee-uh" for Edea. And saying Quistis "Kee-stis" reminds me of Quina on FFIX. XD

But, yeah, most of your pronunciations sound good to me. :ryan:
We actually already have a thread on this, so I'm gonna merge them together.