how many FFXIII's?

Too many ^_^
I don't think even SE know hoe many games there will be yet but since its a ten year compilation I'm guessing it could be around 5-10.
Its gonna cost a lot of money though>_<
Well the current games that are in development are:

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII Versus

Final Fantasy XIII Agito

SE said at E3 -
They called the new Fabula Nova Crystallis project a "100 billion yen project" (roughly 840 million USD) which gives the impression that Fabula Nova Crystallis would span quite a number of years and include many more titles, possibly including films, books, anime, manga, toys, etc.
Ahh. MMORPG? It does seem a bit odd as a game name that's supposed to be easy to pronounce though. Perhaps it won't be the final title.
I'm not a fan of MMORPGs myself, so.... *shrugs*
It sounds as if it could be true or maybe not. Square Enix did announce that they were going to make an MMORPG but I would know why they would make a game which meant "An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially dissension from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or baptized church member." plus thats most likely a template copyright note for most of their games.
I think there will be quite a few games and I think there will be a film or two aswell.

ps. I hope these games are ALL exclusive to PS3!
SE said at E3 -

They called the new Fabula Nova Crystallis project a "100 billion yen project" (roughly 840 million USD) which gives the impression that Fabula Nova Crystallis would span quite a number of years and include many more titles, possibly including films, books, anime, manga, toys, etc.

Square Enix President Yoichi Wada likened Fabula Nova Crystallis to Star Wars, suggesting it would be large, while also saying it will span a decade, until Final Fantasy's 20th anniversary.

Following the idea that all the media is set in the same universe but not directly connected gives a lot of potential for a large scale series, and one that is constantly fresh, so who knows where it could go?