How to play FFXII


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Sep 9, 2008
I need some help here guys, i want to use all 6 characters and atm i was thinking of this,

2 with a 1h melee and a shield as tank
1 with a 2h to do more dps and him healing aswell

i have gambits such as shell protect and decoy on the tank so every char does some of the, any tips on how to play better?

i equip all of my characters with heavy armor, does any1 know what kind of armor is gd for what kind of class, tank / healer / dps
What part of the game you at?

I'd suggest having your healer using a bow or gun so they stay ranged and don't take much damage, so they are away from the main fight just casting healing and buff spells.

Mystic armour will raise your magic stats, so for your main magick casters, use this type of armour.

Heavy armour will raise your strength, so for your tanks, this will probably be best.

Light armour will raise HP, so it's upto whether you think your characters need a health boost.

Weapons like rods and staves will raise your magick power, but are generally weak to attack with. Daggers are fast, Guns ignore the foes defense stat, one handed swords are quite strong to start with, but I'd suggest changing to Great Swords later on, as they are alot more powerful. Katana type weapons deal damage based upon strength and magick power, so Penelo would be a good choice to use these weapons, plus they have high combo rates. Ninja swords are all Dark element, and have good combo rates aswell. Spears are pretty strong during the earlier stages, but the only one worth using later on is the Zodiac Spear (highest attack power for any weapon in the game)

Hope that helps.
As DLflux explained the armours are about all you have to change.

Heavy for tanks.

Light for Hp nuts.

Mystic for spell casters.
On my newest game i have every other character casting curaga when ally HP = <40, they are around 3000 for the top so that keeps everyone doing pretty well if the healer falls behind with shell, protect, and healing. Also I have every single character providing haste for themselves. No point in going slower than you have to. Everything else above makes sense. Divide up the armor and range out the healers for less damage.
i have two parties divided up: main (Vaan, Ashe and Basche), support (Penelo, Balthier, and Fran). They are only 2 levels apart, so it doesn't make much of a difference, but i try to have the same type of fighters in each. 2 upfront attackers with a healer, even though everyone can heal at anytime if need be. If i were you, i'd either get some bubble belts or have ur gambits set up so that one of ur characters is casting bubble on the person with the lowest hp, so that when bubble wears off he/she immediately recasts it. Like mentioned before though, make sure ur main healers are equipped with ranged weapons and mystic armour so they can stay out of the fight but provide magic support to your characters. I also try to keep my characters equipped with haste, shell, protect, float, bravery and faith all at the same time through gambits. It works well w/ me, as i prefer to choose the magic that my characters cast at the enemy. That's just some advice for you, o and great swords are the way to go after a while because 1-hands just become too weak unless you want the bonus of a shield. That's what's worked for me, just something to try. It may take up some MP, but walking around restores it along w/ attacking successfuly ,so you should be ok depending on what accessories you have equipped.
I thiiink this might better in the help booth, feel free to move back if it would be better suited in the main section =]

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