Help How was this place caled?


Aug 23, 2009
Near the end of the game there was this side quest where you where inside a cave I think and there were these boxes in sets of threes, and in order to get the correct one you where supposed to count to multiples of 2 or 3 i think, and after getting all 12 consecutive correct ones you got an accessory which supposedly unlocked all nodes.

How was this place called where you had to complete this quest, cause i left this game a long time ago?
That would be the Omega Ruins, and I didn't know about that accessory. Would that be reusable?
Unlocks all nodes...? I dont think you get any accessory that does that

*Grabs Guide*

Items for number of chests opened

1. L4 key sphere
2. defending bracer
3. Turnover 3 key sphere x2
5. defending armlet
6. friend sphere x2
7. lvl 4 key sphere
8. phantom ring
9. cactuar Wizard
10. warmonger
11. teleport sphere x2
12. warp sphere x 99 (just enables you to move where you want on the grid)
Yes i thought it was the omega ruins but i cant find a youtube video that shows how it's done.

I was only able to get 5 or 6 of them till the next one resulted in battle.

I dont remember the specifics of this unique item, i only remember that it unlocked many nodes.

I cant even find the secrets faq that mentioned it. I'll have to do some more diggin and i'll get back to you.
It's random, so you will just have to keep trying til you get lucky. I gave up in the end and never got all 12 open
12. warp sphere x 99 (just enables you to move where you want on the grid)

Have you managed to get it?

I remember reading that it unlocked all nodes, but maybe it didn't comprehend what the significance was.

So how do you use the warp spheres in order to complete the grid?
You can just move around to anywhere on the grid. I cant really rememeber if they move you anywhere you want or they can only move you to a node you have previously travelled to. Either way they will make life easier moving round the grid

And no I haven't I gave up trying after several failed attempts. I got round the grid the good old fashioned way :gonk:
I read that they move you up anywhere. Teleport spheres are the ones that move you to nodes alreay unlocked with other characters.

People seem to be saying that it is random but i recall this one faq that said "move up to the chest and count 1,2 then open. IT also works with multiples of 2, like 4,6,8,etc and sometimes multiples of 3."

That's what i was doing and i was able to get 5 or 6 of them till my nerves got the better of me. Maybe that guy had a point maybe it really is random. But i couldnt give it up so i gave up the game entirely! I just couldnt go through without 100% sidequest completion.

After a while i wanted to resume the game but my mcard got corrupted.

Also here are some good reads on this matter.

BTW i forgot to ask. Where you able to save the game after succesfully opening chests, so you can resume at the nthchest for example instead of reseting and starting from the top?