

Also known as NixMaster
Dec 12, 2008
Hey, guys. I'm new--but I'm sure you already new that. I came here looking for a decent place to RP, and was in the mood for a FF based RP.

I'm eighteen, and I will be nineteen on the 22nd. I've been writing fiction since before I can remember, and I have even had a short story published in my college's magazine (it was one of the three hand picked short stories written by the entire body of students)

My favorite FF game is FFVII. I live in Texas. I have three cats.

I like to sing, and I've been told I'm quite good at it. I've even written a couple of my own songs. And I sing regularly at my church (in a rock band, not a choir).

I'm quiet in real life, but I'm not really shy. I love getting to know people, and I seem to have a magnificent gift for tolerence. Very, very, very few people bother me.

...So far, I have not been too impressed by this website's content. It's plenty active, but I'm not sure about the morals of this forum, and I have been known to leave forums when I get the feeling they're bad for my spiritual growth. I think I'll stick around a little longer, though to make my decision.

If there's anything you'd like to know about me, ask away.
Welcome to the Forums... Enjoy your stay....
You asked me on the Sb a minute ago what hobbys i have, Hmmm i would say video gaming and making Graphics are my hobbys.
Post lots but DO NOT spam....
Have fun

Welcome to the forums and have fun! :monster:
We aren't all bad people, we'll treat you propely. :wacky:
On a serious note feel free to browse through the threads and put some input there.
welcome, we are a friendly bunch honest :gasp:

I have a cat too, she's called Velcro and made of win :monster:

Sweet. :highfive:

Welcome to FFF man. I'm already liking your username.