Huge Updates!

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The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Right, as you may have been aware, there's been a large amount of staffing changes today. So I'll just fill you in and make you aware of something special ;D

Sadly, Mercurial, Bambi, and Rydia have all resigned from their respective staff positions, the staff would like to thank them for their contributions and dedication to the site, while they were on staff.

So, onto the good stuff!

Firstly -

♥Juliet♥ has been promoted to Global Moderator from her Final Fantasy Moderator Position

Vayne Solidor has been promoted to Global Moderator from his Gaia Moderator Position.

Koloth has resigned from his RPG Director post, but we are delighted to inform you he will remain on the staffing team, as a moderator in Gaia.

Tielknight has switched from Gaia Moderator to Final Fantasy Moderator, he will still be an RPG Director too though.

Judge Darius has stepped down from his Global Moderator position, and has went back to his RPG Director position, he is also moderating in the RP section along with Faith and Danny.

Now, onto what you can do! We have three staff positions that need to be filled - we need 2 more Final Fantasy Moderators, and another Gaia moderator. If you are interested in one of these positions, please read this thread and follow the instructions there ^^
Congrats to Kelly and Ali for doing an amazing job. Congrats to those who got promoted and those who become new staff etcetera etcetera.
Congrats to those who have been promoted, and sorry to hear about your resignations those who have resigned, all staff are doing a great job, keep it up
Congratulations on all who get promoted and its bad to hear about Mercurial, Rydia and Bambi. They were all great staff member. D=

Good luck as well to anyone who applies for the staff team. :monster:
Aw, so many fantastic staff members have resigned! D= Bambi, Mercurial, and Rydia really did their jobs well, so thanks to them for that!

Congrats to those that were promoted! You are all great staffers as well though, so keep up the good work!
I'd just like to emphasise that these people left of their own accord and are welcome to return if they so please, so it's unlikely to be the last you'll hear of them.

Thanks to those of you who've contributed their congratulations.
And, just to ease peoples minds about applying for a staff member position, the only people who can see the thread you create is yourself and the staff members. The other members cannot see your thread.

So come on and apply. We don't bite ;D
Wow that's a lot of changes! Well, congratz on the promotions everyone and for those who decided to leave the team, thank you for putting in the time and effort to keep this place running.
So many changes....anyway congrats everyone who has been promoted I hope you like it all the way up there. :D
Sorry to hear about the resignations but it was each of your own choices, I bet it's weird not being able to change people's threads and shouts anymore huh? Hahaha I know some of you have already done it to me. :D
Good times xD
Congrats on the promotions everyone, I know you will all do a great job. ;) And I am sorry to hear Bambi, Mercurial and Rydia have resigned though, they did very good work, and I appreciate all of their time dedicated to development and management of Final Fantasy Forums, and all their efforts put into keeping FFF a clean, friendly community. ^_^

Wow, there really was quite a few staff changes, between the resignations and promotions. :P
Aw gaiz ;_;

I'l miss editing your shouts xD

Anyway, congrats on the promotions gaiz, although it's no surprise, and I know you will do fantastic, seeeing as well you already DO do fantastic jobs already

Koloth being purple though......that's gunna take some geting used to -pokes in eye- xD
Thanks so much for the congratulations you guys. It was a bummer to see some great people leave the team, but as Dave clarified they are welcome to return at any time.
The submission date for all applications has drawn to a close and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who applied for a position amongst our team. We're currently having a staff poll to decide whom we want to join us and, so, we'll get back to you all with a small announcement by Monday night, when our poll closes.
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