

Nov 25, 2009
Coahoma Texas
This is a sign up forum for my new ORPG, Hunters. This world is one in which the Roman Empire never fell, but was conquered and expanded by Attila. All of Europe and Africa is ruled by one massive superpower, Rome. Gunpowder never became common outside the military, and civilians still use swords, bows, and shields. The superpowers are as follows and in order of power:
Rome;Controls all Europe and Africa (Leader- Caesar Attila III)
USA;Controls real world territory plus Canada (Leader- President Mertellus Caesarus)
United Asian Alliance;real world China, Japan, Mongolia, Asian Russia, and Southeast Asia (Khan Xiatsu Kwan)
Other countries are as in the real world. Other than weapons, technology is on par to the real world. War is held to a minimum by an organization that is as old as the peace we have been experiencing called hunter's. They are sent by the governments to keep those determined to cause chaos from getting too powerful. They are not a secret police type force, as they are only intended to fight important insurgents. They aren't numerous enough to be a military force. They are special forces. They stop insurgents. They are recruiting. Are you tough enough?

Sign-up format:
Name: (Try to sound like you are from your home area)
Age: (Between 14 and 25)
Original alliance: (Pick an empire or a country)
Weapon Specialty: (Artillery, light ranged, heavy melee, light melee)
Appearance: (Description or picture)
Backstory: (What got you into the hunters, why you were interested, whatever. This part should be long.)
Quirks: (Abnormalities you have, like nose-picking)
Current assignment area: (This is where you start the game. The hunters are considered internationals, and above normal law. Wherever you are, you are only subject to Hunter law. Thus this matters only as you wish to start where you want to go.)

Mine will be posted later. There are no guns, no magic, and Artillery uses Ballistae and Onagers in teams (Alone only in emergencys) and Scorpions if you are alone. Because this is important to me, I will reiterate, no guns. Please do not give your character a background that includes genetic alteration or any such that causes superhuman abilities. The Hunter's are the peak of humanity, trained like Spartan's, but we are humans none the less. I WILL REJECT SUPERMEN. This type ofgame is just more fun this way. Please enjoy the game. We start(My health permitting) on January 10 to give plenty of sign-up time.
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