I admit it it, I do not like this game.

Cloud's Nobody

ShinRa Guard
May 7, 2007
Ruins of Sector 7
A ton of people love this game, but...I do not.

Why, you may ask? For a couple of different reasons.

1. All the male characters look like females. I'm not sexist, but if you look down the line, the guys actually look like guys. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the sentence, I'm just stating my opinions.
2. The battle system was absolutely horrid. I wouldn't mind DoC's battle system in this game. No stupid lines. (and yes, I know you can turn them off in Config)
3. Lack of story.

Sorry for all the XII lovers out there, I just do not like it.

I lost interest around the part where you had to fight a giant bird in front of a temple. Maybe I will consider playing through the whole game, but I doubt it.

The one thing I did not mind was the licenses and gambits.

Post your comments here.

*readies to avoid projectiles*

PS: This is not a haters thread, I'm just pointing out why I do not like the game, so don't flame me about it being a haters thread because its not.
A ton of people love this game, but...I do not.

Why, you may ask? For a couple of different reasons.

1. All the male characters look like females. I'm not sexist, but if you look down the line, the guys actually look like guys. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the sentence, I'm just stating my opinions.

As is with most FF's. Tidus, Cloud, Squall. o_0

2. The battle system was absolutely horrid. I wouldn't mind DoC's battle system in this game. No stupid lines. (and yes, I know you can turn them off in Config)
No, it wasn't a pleasant battle system.

3. Lack of story.
Even Square Enix have their off days.
FFX-2 is living proof of that.
Ambiguity said:
People in Japan don't have facial hair, Cloud's Nobody, so what do you expect?
lol, that's so going in my sig.

And I respect everyone's opinions if they have truly played the game and given it a chance, but I don't really understand why you think all the men like like women in this game...? Vaan, I can understand, I'm not talking about him xD But, Basch? Vossler? They looked like women? Reddas? The Judges? I mean, none of them looked remotely feminine to me o_O

Balthier was a little on the.......fancy side, but he never struck me as a 'woman'.

And there have been plenty of past FF's were the guys looked a little to pretty for their own masculinity. I mostly point to Squall & Irvine (VIII), Kuja (IX), and Tidus (X) to a lesser extent.
I'm not a fan either. I played for a while, and my feelings on it changed. At first I didn't like it, then I had a total change of heart and for a while I loved it. But now I can't stand it. It got really boring and repetetive to me, and the (small amount of) character interaction is poor to say the least. I thought SE pissed on their chips with XII.
Yes but Balthier is British.
Exactly, he's British. Not a British lady xD
Where's Rulia??

I loved this game. A different battle system yes. But different is good.. things have gotta change sometime. Vaan looks like a wierd dude not a girl. Though the vest is really strange to me. Balthier is freakin sweat.... He pwn's any other FF air pilot. Plus he's got Fran (how cool is that!!).. FFXII is a fresh installment in the FF line up. I loved this game and the new ways.. YOU have to evolve sometime poeple!!


I love how typical animé/FF men look like women.

Lol ... now thats a quote for a sig right there!!
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I have completed FFXII and I didn't like it much compared to others.

The main character is just "there". I think his role in FFXII is the equivalent of like Edge, Yuffie, Irvine, Quina etc (I'm not joking!).

The story was dull compared to others that I would desperitely push on to find out what happens. FFXII I lost interest in the story after Stilshrine of Miriam.

The battle system never gave me tha good FF feeling (and I did have it on wait from the beginning). The story was also easy to progress and the story was too short (although probably better off since the story isn't that interesting anyway) with the long distance travelling adding a lot to the game time.

Considering this is my first playthrough, it didn't feel right beating the last bosses pretty easy in a few minutes rather than my other first attempts with final boss fights going as long as 30 minutes and thinking carefully about my next move. This was just hack n' slash letting the computer play it for you.

There is more I want to say but I am on the Wii and is taking awhile to type this.
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The only final boss I ever found REALLY challenging was Safer Sephiroth.

All the others I just leveled up far to much to really have a challenge. But with Sephiroth, he gets stronger if you do. o_0
I lost interest around the part where you had to fight a giant bird in front of a temple. Maybe I will consider playing through the whole game, but I doubt it.

I'm not a huge fan of this one myself, but I did enjoy the story.

I'm sure it's a lot different than what you're used to in a FF. However, the story in this one actually takes some time to really get going, If you ended the game at the Tomb of Raithwall, you actually ended it where the games true story starts to pickup.
The only final boss I ever found REALLY challenging was Safer Sephiroth.

All the others I just leveled up far to much to really have a challenge. But with Sephiroth, he gets stronger if you do. o_0

I think that the Sorceress at the end of VIII was challenging...it would be a lot challenging if you didn't level your characters and junction them equally, which sucks.
I'm here Server..

1. All the male characters look like females. I'm not sexist, but if you look down the line, the guys actually look like guys. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the sentence, I'm just stating my opinions.

Not exactly good observation there. The only one that could actually resemble a female was Vaan, but even then you could tell he was a guy.

2. The battle system was absolutely horrid. I wouldn't mind DoC's battle system in this game. No stupid lines. (and yes, I know you can turn them off in Config)

DoC's battle system? Please. That was hardly challenging. You could pretty much beat the game with the limit breaks and repetitive bland firing.

3. Lack of story.
So you think. At least XII's story didn't drag on like certain games and make me feel as if I was in the middle of a movie.

Big deal, so there isn't the largest amount of interaction. Wait, hold on, maybe there actually was? Yes there was interaction. Maybe less friendliness coming from Ashe, but was more important to her, making buddies with everyone, or saving her kingdom and stopping war?

BTW, Safer Sephiroth wasn't exactly THAT challenging. I beat him under level 60 with no KOTR summon, first time round.
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The only final boss I ever found REALLY challenging was Safer Sephiroth.

All the others I just leveled up far to much to really have a challenge. But with Sephiroth, he gets stronger if you do. o_0

Yes and I was just over level 50, and still found them easy. I think that is because the story is short and don't need to level up as much.

Since I'm on the PC, I will now get other stuff of my chest.

I remember reading reviews like "So many twists in the game to keep you entertained. There is only 3 twists.

1. Vossler's betrayal - I was a bit shocked but not that shocked. They pulled this one way too early to get that much of a suprise out of me. They probably should have held this one off a bit and let him turn against you near the end.

2. Balthier reveals his past - Wasn't really that shocked, more pissed off as I thought it ruined his sky pirate gimmick and after this scene, he didn't seem the same as he was at the beginning, more dull I think.

3. Balthier's father - They never really made a big deal out of this except Vayne mentioning it afterwards, that was it.

None of these really kept me interested in the story that's for sure.

Even Square Enix have their off days.
FFX-2 is living proof of that.

This is a poor excuse for any game being bad, not just a FF game but any poor game made by a big developer and say "They have off days" is a poor excuse. Considering a game can take quite a few years to develop (As FFXII was being developed for over 5 years) then they would have to have a shit load of "off days".
Too slow? You want slow, play FFX lol. That was slow, although rather decent.