I am NOT amused! D=<

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
I finally picked up this game again today, determined to beat it. I managed to defeat Tiamat with relative ease and I was working my way up the Chaos temple thingy, beating the resurrected fiends. I beat them all very easily but then get to Tiamat, who just SPRINGS up out of nowhere in the opposite direction to where the guide told me he was, I was unprepared and desperate for the Masamune...fought Tiamat, thinking he'll be equally as easy, and I end up getting stuck in revival limbo against this CUNT of a boss. Guess who died. Guess who hadn't saved since the Flying Fortress? Guess who HATES this fucking game.

Me me me. :gasp:
When it comes to the older FF games, I save all the time. I never want to risk going back through whatever I just went through. Usually if I get to a point where I die and haven't saved in a while, instead of trying again, as pissed off as I am, I usually put the game down and don't play it for anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. No lie.

I do need to get into FFI though. As soon as I find my freakin' PS1 mem card...
Hahaha I know exactly where you're talking about. I was so damn nervous for that fight. I used a guide through the whole game because I got slaughtered and lost constantly when I tried it without one. I remember wondering if I actually needed Masamune that badly to risk a fight with Tiamat. Long story short, I got into the fight, barely managed to win, got Masamune, and beat the game easily. You really don't need the sword... but that probably doesn't help how you're feeling now.

The worst part of that is it's so random. The battle starts when you land on a square in the middle of a hallway. It's literally dead center and EXACTLY where you wouldn't think it would be. I figured it was RIGHT BEFORE Chaos but it wasn't. Even with the guide I was surprised.
I managed to get to that point without dying, too, so it was like an extra slap in the face. D=<

I used a guide and it said that the Fiends of Chaos would be found infront of the staircases. It irritated me because 1) they were nowhere NEAR the staircase (as you said, Tiamat was in the middle of the shitting hallway) and 2) it said the Masamune was in the bottom right corner and Tiamat was in the top right but, by the looks of it, that's backwards. -__-

I'll end up trying again tomorrow and saving after every battle. It's the random battles that make it so much more difficult to enjoy because they're literally every few steps an an otherwise MASSIVE dungeon. :gasp:
I know what you're going through. This happens to me everytime I play any of SE classic games... not so much on ps2. On chrono trigger i got about 5 hours into the game and i hadn't saved since 3 hours ago.

Man was I mad :P But I managed my way back, quickly too. I just skipped all the fights and all the story.
When I was playing FFIV my save file got deleted so I got pissed off and didn't pick it up again for about 3 months. Then when I finally decided to start again I got back to where I was in a few hours :wacky:. But man I was pissed off at first and I really couldn't be bothered at the time.
I thought Tiamat was easy.....

Took me an age to find and defeat WarMech tho. When I very first did it on the PS1 version it came up quickly and was easy to beat. Then the GBA it took longer to appear and was slightly harder. In the PSP version it took the piss. Spent ages finding it, battle took a while, died and had to do it again! Got the fucker the second time though.
The first time i ran into Shenryu or whatever it was at the bottom of the lifespring grotto, i though " ohh, great another lame-o boss, i hope he doesn't suck ass like gilgamesh did. After about 20 minutes of fightnig, i got my ass handed to me. I figured out afterwards that it has 30,000 freaking hp ( 10,000 more than chaos does) and there was also another boss at the bottom of that damned dungeon with 30,000 hp. So not only did i have to go through 40 levels or hell to kill one uber-powerful boss, i had to do it twice :gasp:

Needless to say, your not alone when it comes to having a surprise smashed in your face. And i never did get the masamune :(
I finally picked up this game again today, determined to beat it. I managed to defeat Tiamat with relative ease and I was working my way up the Chaos temple thingy, beating the resurrected fiends. I beat them all very easily but then get to Tiamat, who just SPRINGS up out of nowhere in the opposite direction to where the guide told me he was, I was unprepared and desperate for the Masamune...fought Tiamat, thinking he'll be equally as easy, and I end up getting stuck in revival limbo against this CUNT of a boss. Guess who died. Guess who hadn't saved since the Flying Fortress? Guess who HATES this fucking game.

Me me me. :gasp:
lol I did the same thing, so don't feel bad.
they have him stronger expecting you to be stronger by a large amount too.
Oh and I think he is on both sides.
*ouch man! i feel ya! that must suck but ya know dont take it so hardly ok, its just a game, remember your playing it to have a god time and not to frustrate yourself :) just remember and let it be a lesson for you to not underestimate the game even if you have a game guide :)

* i suggest playing it without a guide, its more exciting not knowing what comes next, and this goes to other games as well. :)
This has happened to me more than once in most FF's :lol:
It's not that bad but it does annoy you when you need to spend the next 5 hours doing what you did....5 hours ago... :wacky:
I find it funny when you go back with super characters just to get revenge on a certain boss and you own them lol.
HAHAHA don't even get me started on not saving games. I would start a final fantasy game and think in my head I should save soon I really should but I would just keep playing anyway. Then by some act of God I would get completely owned and then my stomach would drop when I remembered I hadn't saved in ages. I would restart just to see how far back I would be reset then I would go into a frothing rage when I was back at misson one. lol I duno why I do this I just get lazy :P
In all games in general you should always save before a boss fight :wacky: It could be worse though. I mean you could have saved farther back then that. In my FF12 i played and saved over the spot where i bought mirror mail and i didnt stock up on potions so i had to take the armour off and on to heal or it would reflect back. That was a bitch -.-
Anyways i don't recall having that much trouble with Tiamat. But i did train a lot previous to that battle.
To the original poster:
When you encounter Tiamat in the Temple of Fiends the second time around, You can cast Stop on him. Also, even though it's lame, you can cast Break on him with a high success rate, Break is called Brak in the NES version. Poison also has a high success rate, Poison is called Bane in the NES version. These 2 spells don't work on him in the floating castle though.
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Well what can I say, when stuff like this happens take it as a sign, a sign that more grinding and greater caution is needed. This is probably the last thing you want to hear but the same thing has happened to me and that's always what I do. Hope this was of some use to you. Besides I wouldn't want such an unfortunate event colour your opinion of FFI in a negative way, it still remains a great game, best not forget that ^_^
This games makes me SOOO mad. I realized after spending 3 weeks on this game (which for me is an extremely long time) that the version I have doesn't have the 4 extra areas. I was told that the end bosses and resurrected bosses were very, very... very hard so I wanted to do the 4 extra areas first. When they weren't there I put down the game and never played again. I got right to the end. Somebody slap me :gasp: I hated the part where you had to go through the ice cave and you fought the wizard lookin things that used poison on you. If you'll remember poison is a death move and if it hits you die. Well I died. More than once. More than twice. More than 35 times no joke. I ended up step saving (step, save, step, save, die, load, repeat).