I hate this game


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
So far tonight, all I have done is die, I got done over in some forest by these crysal efforts so had to go do it all over again

Galuf died, wtf, didn't see THAT one coming

I died another 5 times in X-deaths castle (stupid firey floor thing) Gilgamesh was surprisingly easy, and now I keep getting killed by X-Death, I can only assume I need to level my jobs abit more, well and my levels, I think I'm level 30 now but I haven't really bothered learning many jobs

I just can't be arsed, I am debating on just quitting, is it worth all the training I know I'm gunna have to put in before attemopting X-Death again or should I just wave the white flag and call it a day? :gasp:

It's bad enough that I can't really get into it anyway.....eugh, I hate quitting -__-
Hehe, stick with it and beat it...it is a nice game :)

It hard, of course...it is from the time before the series turned soft on the difficulty department.
It's driving me up the bastard wall, I'm gunna have one more crack at X-Death then I give up, well, unless I decide to have another go tomorrow.... >_>

I fucked it for myself really, no one knows any white magic past cure2 unless I have a white mage but that sucks :gasp:

Edit* Actually, I can't be arsed, I'l have another o at it tomorrow <_<
Job level up more fool.

I just got out of Barrier Tower and im level 33. Granted I did diliberatly raise to that level so I could get some Blue Magic but oh well. I've made sure that pretty much everyone is keeping upto speed with Black and White magic, with Faris keeping up with Summons and Galuf with Time. Really not liking having to spend ages to get Double Cast for a couple of peeps but nevermind, I'll get around to it eventually. ¬¬
I'm in the last world at the moment but I think Ive fucked it with Blue Mage now seeing as I know all of about 5 skills. Im level 32 ish now and I keeping getting my arse handed to me, looking for Kuza castle for those 12 legendery weapon efforts

I need a good training spot I think

I played the game ALL day yesterday and inbetween dying and getting my hair off I probably made about 5 hours progress -__-
from my experience this game was one of the hardest (if not the most). you've just got to keep at it because it's also one of the most rewarding.
I never found it hard...Maybe it was the experience with the Job Class System I was afforded by playing the hell out of Tactics prior, idk...But get each character to master a few classes (it's not that hard nor do I recall it taking very long), get one mage with X-Magic (Red Mage mastery)...one physical with X-Attack (Hunter mastery)...If you balance 2 mage, 2 physical, Faris isn't one of the mages because Galuf is your other mage...and when you're going to actually duke it out in the end, remember that the Bare class acquires all of the passive abilities of the classes that character has mastered (which is why I made my Summoner master Monk for the HP boost)...Mime is your other shitkicking class. If you don't have it, you should go get it.
Where is it >_>

I don't have it yet. I'm at some STUPID fork towert thing now and it's hacking me riiiiight off. It never rains but it pours.
Oh great -__- Something else to peck my head, wait.....I don't think I have my submarine anymore >_>

I give up anyway Im stuck in that stupid fork tower and I can't be bothered training, it's taking too long -__- I think I'm just gunna give up.
Mime is in the sunken Walse Tower (the that bastard crystal shard that was unreachable) that is accessible in World Three. You have to reach the bottom of the tower, have an annoying battle with Gogo and its yours.

I still haven't beaten Exdeath at the end of world two yet. I've got 3 Blue Mages (to learn Doom) 2 with Summon to use Golem as and when and 1 with White for healing. 1 Thief so I can steal the Judgment Staff. Everyone has Reflect Rings equiped so I'm casting Aeroga on the party so it refects back to him. I nearly get to beat him but he always ends up killing my Blue/White Mage and I've got no Phoenix Downs left.....I retreat out and stock up on Phoenix Downs then go back through, levelling alittle whilst im at it. I swear he has never given me this trouble before ><
I got mime, not that Ihave used it for more than 5 seconds mind....

I'm finally up to X-Death and when I finish it, Im NEVER playing it again. EVER
What a dick I am. Realized there was no point in having a thief so changed Faris into a Blue Mage w/Steal as I wasn't making use of the Thief Ring which was the only reason why I had her as a Theif in the first place ¬¬ Suprising how such a little tweak can turn the tide of battle, I whooped his arse with 2 seconds left on the 'Doom' timer. Only got Elixir tho and not Judgement Staff which sucks but I think I can buy one later so its no biggie. Pyrimid of Moore here I come ><

Your not liking the older FF's much are you Bambi? :wacky:
No they peck my head, I want something easy to play now I'm sick of being done over by these hard older games.

Anywayyyys, I finally completed it yesterday you will be glad to know, off to relax on FFIX next :monster:
Congrats, not all the older games are that bad are they. I thought 6 wasnt too bad. And IX is awesome I think you will really enjoy that.:)
No they peck my head, I want something easy to play now I'm sick of being done over by these hard older games.

You've gone through Chrono Trigger, right? That's classic easy oldschool fun. Hmmm...Maybe Earthbound too...Breath of Fire 1 & 2...Oh! The first two Lufia games! Although the dungeons could get irritating sometimes in 2, they were still kind of fun to romp around in.

But, yeah, FFIX is pretty good anyways...Hard not to <3 Vivi.
I've already played IX, I just don't remember all that much about it, so I know it's nice n easy, I just wanna refresh the story really, I didn't really think much of it tbh, but Im willing to give it another shot

And no I don't have chrono trigger, did it even come out over here?

I did rather like VI but that5 pecked serious head aswel, which is why Im moving onto IX next, I need a break, since i went on this mission to play my unplayed games back in March I've just been perma-fucked off :wacky:

I can honestly say though that I will NEVER replay V -__-
And no I don't have chrono trigger, did it even come out over here?

Oh dammit, I keep forgetting about you damn PAL players~!! Well, you'll have to wait until CT DS comes out (it's been confirmed for a EU release), I guess.

I can honestly say though that I will NEVER replay V -__-

Yeah, I haven't really felt the need myself, but I think for different reasons...Once you've played better (FF) Job Class systems, you really notice how FFV's version seems so...less. Although, oddly enough, I always liked FFIII more than FFV. Plus, you can only play crystal-centered storyline FFs so many times because they're all so goddamn alike...
I've already played IX, I just don't remember all that much about it, so I know it's nice n easy, I just wanna refresh the story really, I didn't really think much of it tbh, but Im willing to give it another shot

And no I don't have chrono trigger, did it even come out over here?

I did rather like VI but that5 pecked serious head aswel, which is why Im moving onto IX next, I need a break, since i went on this mission to play my unplayed games back in March I've just been perma-fucked off :wacky:

I can honestly say though that I will NEVER replay V -__-

Sorry you feel that way.

I hope you enjoy your playthrough of IX, though!