I have witnessed the end of humanity...


The One with the Wyvern Eye
Dec 9, 2007
University of Florida
What makes us human? I personally believe it to be deeply rooted in our capacity to appreciate and culture the arts (such as music, theatre, graphical arts, etc.). Well... if the Florida legislature has their way and the Florida Board of Education continues to pass legislation like it did just recently, art will be a mystery to youths until graduating high school.

Let me explain. In a tragic case of the "God Complex" (that little conception some people get that they are indeed the all powerful creator of the universe), the Florida Board of Education managed to pass something called the P.E. Amendment for elementry level public schools. The legislature decided that it was obviously the role of the school to 'cure' children of obesity and not the previously held notion that it was the role of parents. Thus, it is now required for elementry students to take two P.E. courses a day.

"But Professor13!" you say, "This just means the legislature is taking an interest in the health of the children! Surely there is no harm in a little more exercise?!" True enough, if the only thing that would be sacrificed were a few calories.

Unfortunately, room must be made in the funding for schools for this 'benevolent' law. The 'logical' answer? Go ahead and take this time to wipe the excess sarcasm from your ear. Ears good and clean? Excellent, listen. The amendment, to fund this policy, has cut ALL the arts programs in public elementry schools. No more art. No more music. Goodbye originality. After all, kids don't want to be creative, they want to be carbon-copy learners of multiplication tables, while sitting on their marvelously fit bottoms (sorry, did it again. Clean up, I'll wait).

If this weren't enough, in March they will be voting to get the P.E. Amendment passed for the Middle School level, and afterward, highschool. In short, if you want a kid that can think outside the capabilities of a calculator, do yourself and the kid a favor, don't have him/her in the Sunshine... I mean, Standardized State, Florida.
Woah, thats really harsh! My fiance's kid brother is in a couple of artsy classes...and my fiance herself wouldn't be the artist she is today without her art class.

Thats really lame, damn you Charlie Crist!
That is, in all honesty, retarded. Kids should be allowed to choose if they want to do more PE or not, but to force it on them, and getting rid of Art, Music and (I assume) Drama, is just ridiculous. PE shouldn't be considered more important than the other subjects, it should be up to the kids what they want to do.
Hahaha, that's a load of shit. School itself is a load of shit.

Making kids take PE two times a day in school is an even bigger load of shit. Seriously, if someone wants to be fat, they should be allowed to be the size of the damn moon and eat everything in sight if they want to. It shouldn't be anyone else's problem that someone else is fat. This is what happens when you live in the US with idiots that believe everything should be picture perfect, and is reinforced by a Society stupid enough to enforce it.

Also, removing art is a smaller concern to me, but it's still retarded. Kids will always have a way to be creative, cutting them off art classes isn't really much of a problem unless it's band or something, which should at the very least stay.
God, health freaks gone crazy. Less creativity, more conformity, more annoying PE lessons. Absolutely hated them.
I think L summed it up well.
This is goddamn ridiculous. =/ As Aerith stated, it should be up to the kids what subjects they take. Lord knows I would *not* be happy if I had to take PE for another year. >.< And saying that, I'm still a skinny runt.

Making kids take PE two times a day in school is an even bigger load of shit. Seriously, if someone wants to be fat, they should be allowed to be the size of the damn moon and eat everything in sight if they want to. It shouldn't be anyone else's problem that someone else is fat. This is what happens when you live in the US with idiots that believe everything should be picture perfect, and is reinforced by a Society stupid enough to enforce it.

Damn straight. Just goes to show that the world has been brainwashed by this 'ideal' body image, whereas there are still people out there who don't give a damn if they have a 24 inch waist, and maybe LIKE being big?

And the part about childhood obesity being 'the school's fault and not the parents' is a load of bull. Obesity is a result of many factors, but overall it's willpower, really. You can't make somebody change if they don't want to.
That proves how retarded politicians can be. If it weren't for the arts and music, we would have never had great masterpieces like "Fur Elise". They must understand that these courses are as important as staying healthy. Sacrificing the right to think by ourselves just to lose some weight? Yeah right....

Good thing I don't live Florida :monster:
Grrr... Stupid Florida! Here's an interesting fact of which I was recently informed: Florida, though third in the US in terms of population (California and New York coming out ahead), is ranked 49th in terms of school funding! I think we have some State politicians that flunked basic arithmetic.
Grrr... Stupid Florida! Here's an interesting fact of which I was recently informed: Florida, though third in the US in terms of population (California and New York coming out ahead), is ranked 49th in terms of school funding! I think we have some State politicians that flunked basic arithmetic.
And who said most politicians were smart in the first place? They just love to make money and then the hell with the people :mad:
So now in thier much infinate wisdom they have decided to away the arts of school. Instead they think being more fit is important. FOR THE LOVE OF, I won;t go on that little tangent. Through obesity might be partially genetic, it is still a matter of choice and then the parents responsibility. If the parents are always going to buy all this junkfood of course the kid will then eat. This develops a poor case of proper eating habits, as soon it will be all they care to eat. Most will decide to eat the junkfood present to them and not the health food.

Making them have to take a second gym class won't change it. Heck they probably will want to eat more after working out, cause if I be dammned I get hungry after working out usually. To get rid of art is a crime in itself in our schools. They want us to chase our dreams and be creative yet now they are slowly getting rid of those creative dreams. In fact it seems the only dreams the schools of Florida want thier students to have is to be some stupid jock that will go no where in life.