I just want your thoughts and opinions on this one.


Blue Mage
Jul 18, 2006
Is anyone else here interested in vinnie veritas. I'm very interested in CCC, so i'd like to know if there's anyone here that'd be interested in joining or helping me start up a CCC based role play. Any takers? Any ideas for a story? Anything at all would be helpful.
Serge68, if you tell us what CCC is, we might be able to tell you our ideas. ^_^ I'm more than willing to do many types of RPs. But I'm dense and can't figure out those little letter nicknames people give things. XD
^ yes i'm dense too :P

my mind is full of stories, i always have 100 ideas running around in my head and i have no clue what vinnie veritas is. Oh yea... i agree... what's ccc? what does card capture sakura mean?
mmmm intiresting maybe ccc means... colorful collectors candles? >_< well THAT didn't sound sane... I have no idea... even out of the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ideas running through my head
ups too many 0s
All right, we've give him well over a week to respond and he's not been active since he posted this. I'll give it another week for him to respond and if he doesn't, then I'm afraid I will have to archive it. Two weeks is enough time for a response at least.
Sorry it's been so long y'all!

I tried posting before, but the site wouldn't let me.

Anyways, CCC is a mexican anime semi-series.

It's really "out there" and people who love random weird craziness will find it right up their alley! Take some time to explore his site while you're at it.
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Ok, so why did you even make the thread? What are you asking of us? Is it a CCC Role Play you want to make? Give us some answers and maybe we can help you.
Crud, I forgot to post the link.

It's CCChub.tk

Check out his stuff and tell me what you think of his world.

I'd like to do an rp, but there are too many idea floatin' 'round in my head. Which is why I need thoughts and ideas from y'all for a storyline.

With that, i'd also like to know if anybody'd be interested in playing a villain once the storyline gets up and running.
sounds like someone was majorly spamming up this forum *grabs for his banhammer but notices its strangly absent*
I'm seen some fan made stuff of Vinne Veritas, and that stuff and it looks great. But I can't read a word of spanish so I'm out. XD
Wow, i can't read spanish either, but it looks rather interesting, so i might take Spanish, provided this topic isnt deleted lol