I need help


The Last Cowboy
Mar 1, 2008
i dont know if this was posted yet but when yuna gets captured while riding the shoopuff and you fight the robot thing with tidus and waaka i keep dieing i usuall cast cheer and hast on both and my weapons are tidus is ice/flame blade and waaka's thunder ball is there a better stratagy
Moved to Help Booth.

edit: might as well help...

You don't need to cast Cheer. Ensure that Haste is cast on both Tidus and Wakka and just attack regularly, using Overdrives when they become available [although I didn't find this necessary].

If your regular damage isn't hitting hard enough, and it still manages to use its strong attack on you both, it's advised that you actually start training; this boss is remarkably hard to lose to.
Smash the hell out of the thing when it rises up to keep it from releasing depth charges. Everything else you're doing sounds fine, so you may just be too weak. What are your levels?
Everything else you're doing sounds fine, so you may just be too weak. What are your levels?
I think VR is right.
I had the same problem once, then i went back and trained and i beat it quite easily, so you may just have to do that
It sounds like you're too weak, if you need to rely on Cheer at that point in the game...boy, you'll just love later bosses.

Ignore cheer and just bash the hell out of it, and make sure you have sufficient potions. It's an easy boss, but difficult if you haven't trained.
Yep, cheer can be useful early on....but having to rely on it is a definite sign that you're too weak. Plus it wastes turns, especially in this battle since you need to attack the boss as much and as fast as you can. Just go back to the path leading into the Moonflow and train some more, it's not particularly dangerous anyway since you'll have a save spot close by.