Ideas for games/anime/etc. for the FF7 complitation


Jun 11, 2009
So square has 9 years to make a bunch of games and other content for FFVII til 21st anniversary of FF7 soo..... I just started coming up with a random list of games/anime that would be cool to make around FF7. This all just my opinions and random ideas i get off sugar and mass amounts of music

Sephiroth game- come on how awesome would it be to play as sephiroth? It would also be cool making a storyline of FF7 based on the perspective of sephiroth don't you think?

Anime series of the full game- Might be a far-fetched idea to do the whole game, but I liked how they did Last Order. The only thing I would request for such a project is make it pretty original following the game plot and having good english dubbing (For example the dubbing for FMA was perfect) and not some annoying english voice actor (I'm looking at you One Piece and Naruto!!!!)

SOLDIER game- They did a game on the Turks so why not SOLDIER? I'm kinda thinking around a Call of Duty like atmosphere only with FF7 features. This one extremely out of the box and probably is impossible that such a game would be made, but hey why not?

Novelization of FF7- for those who like reading why not? It would be pretty cool getting to know more about each of the characters and create a whole new perspective of the game. )Series should be split into 7 books hahahaha corny joke srry!^^)

These are just some of my crazy ideas for FF7 compilation, but im sure i guna think of more and i would be happy to read any or your ideas!
Whats so special about the 21st anniversary? But i like the idea, im going to think about and inform you later. But you really think that if send this to SE, that they will really take our opinions into consideration?
also, they already have a SOLDIER Game, Crisis Core, FF7. though it was based on Zack's perspecitve, it really was doing missions.
A game where we see Sephiroth's full story,from birth to death.I would like to know his childhood and how it went.This would fill up some holes i still have with his life.also how he became the best soldier that ever existed
Okay well i can explain Sephiroth's life to you, really quick, he was a failed experiment, created by Hojo, that was the birth of Sephiroth. Hojo even says that in the game. >.>
A Crash Team Racing type game expect with FF VII characters
And instead of the characters racing in cars

Cloud- Motorbike
Tifa- Stolen Car [ The stolen car they stole from Shrinra HQ ]
Aerith- Staff [ Like a witch with a broomstick ]
Barret- DOC Car
Cid- The Tiny Bronco
Sephiroth- His Wings xD
Cait Sith- Nanaki [ like in Advent Children lol ]
Vincent- Flying board [ The one he uses in DOC ]
Zack- Rollerblades
Reno & Rude- Helicopter

And they throw bombs and traps at each other and stuff..

: 3

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So kinda like when you have to escape from Shinra and Cloud has to defend everyone, only with a few minor changes?
I would love to see a novelization of the game. It would be so epic, it's not funny.
We all know another sequel is coming because of the secret ending at the end of Dirge of Cerberus. Those who played Crisis Core know what that means...

To keep from spoiling it too much... a certain man in a red coat returns who has a problem that can only be solved by the Cells in a certain sword wielding hero.

My only desire is that Cloud NOT be the main character again. I love Cloud to death, he's my favorite. But he has had his game and doesn't need another one about him. If they made a sequel it would have to have Denzel be the main character. I'll give my reasoning:

  • Denzel tried joining the WRO to be like Cloud
  • Denzel wants to be strong like Cloud
  • Denzel is 12 (at the end of DoC) if they made a Sequel, he'd be around 14-15 (Good age for him to be).

Now, if they made it... Cloud would have to be beaten to an inch of his life and kidnapped by a certain man who needs Cloud's cells. Denzel would seek out to find Cloud with most likely Barret, Red XIII and Marlene's help (She'd be like 16 or 17 by then). I say those three as they have been significantly ignored in all of the spin-offs.

It would be great if it were a similar game to Kingdom hearts where you have people join you and fight along side you, allowing you to choose your allies. It would be even cooler if you could get some of the characters from Before Crisis in on it... like Elfè AKA Felicia or some of the old Turks. Keep a similar equipment system and materia system. You just only control the actions of one character at a time during a battle like Kingdom Hearts (Since Nomura is known for working on both KH and FFVII).

Just follow Denzel trying to find the only father figure he has with a certain red coated man being the Mr. Bad guy of it all. Possibly bring back the original wielder of the Buster sword since Sephiroth and the man in the red coat have come back more than once. He deserves it at least once too.


As for the other Spin-off... simply put Before Crisis on the DSi and I'd be happy.
OMG I would kill for a FFVII Novelization HELL any FF Novelization would work lol.
OMG I would kill for a FFVII Novelization HELL any FF Novelization would work lol.

There are actually two books about FFVII. One comes with the Special Edition of Advent Children (Not Complete) the big black box set looking version. It has a book titled "On the Way to a Smile" which covers the events between FFVII and Advent Children, explaining things such as;

  • Who Denzel is
  • How Cloud got his Bike
  • How Tifa got her new Bar
  • Why Barret is looking for Oil
  • What Cid is doing

Then there's another about Aerith called "Maiden Who Travels The Planet" which is about her journey through the life stream and what she does for the planet whilst in the Life Stream.

I think it'd be cool if they made another CGI movie, but only if it was about the game. It would be way longer than Advent Children was too.
I'd like to see an anime, film or game concerning Nanaki's tribe.

I'd like to see the emergence of the Gi tribe, Seto fighting off the Gi tribe, the early years of Nanaki's life... Then perhaps link it to the future and how he would find the rest of his kind, as he evidently does (FF7 ending + AC intro).

Perhaps the film / anime / game can be based in the present, with flashbacks and flashforwards into the future to help show the story.

The story could be about Nanaki searching for the survivors of his tribe, but to do this he needs to dig up his past, learn more about the Gi tribe wars (flashbacks shown etc), and where his tribe might have ran off to, assuming they did.

Flashforwards could exist every now and then showing him playing with his kids, just to show us that is what he will ultimately achieve or something.

It could have an epic ending where he finds them all, they all cry together, then he has to defend them from the descendants of the Gi tribe or something.

I dunno, I'm talking trash. :D It's just something I'd like to see / play.

I think the dark "badass" characters have had way too much attention. It's time to let some of the more interesting and unique characters of FF7 get their stories developed, if done carefully.

I don't think any contradictions they do with Red's story can be as bad as those they do with the main story elements, as Red's past isn't explained very well. So it would be good to see.
Yeah Dan, i think that would be pretty awesome.. especially since in the beginning of Advent Children, Nanaki was running with some of his fellow members of his tribe.. i would have loved to know when he found them and such.. if you dont remember the scene here it is.. if you skip to about 35 seconds thats when it shows them
I'd love to see the Wutai war from 15 years before the game's beginning, as well as the rise of Shinra. Also a lot more of Midgar's history and development, and what it was like before the Mako reactors were built.