If FFVI were a movie?


Apr 18, 2007
So me and my friends were hanging out the other day and the question was brought up which FF would make the best live action non cgi movie. I said FFVI and the others agreed but also thought VII would make a great movie. FFVI has and will always be my favorite game of all time. I spent hours and hours on that game when I was younger and every once in awhile I will go back and play it again. The characters and the story are amazing and not to mention has the greatest soundtrack out of all the FF games. The movie would have to be split up to 2 or even 3 seperate movies because there is so much to cover. But we were discussing who would play all the main roles of characters. Most of these actors we said are a joke (except maybe the girls)...a huge joke because we were also wasted lol, but who should really be in it?

Terra- Rachel McAdams
Locke- Christian Slater
Edgar- Mel Gibson
Sabin- "JVD" Jean-Claude Van Dam
Celes- Scarlett Johanson
Cyan- Tom Cellick
Setzer- Michael Douglas
Mog- Voice of Robin Williams
Gau- Haley Joel Osmone
Shadow- Keanue Reeves
Strago- Chirstopher Lloyd
Relm- Dakota Fanning
GoGo- Johnny Depp
Umaro- Slyvester Stallone
General Leo- Kieffer Sutherland
Emire Gesthal- Ian Mcklean
Kefka- Jim Carey
OH god christian slater would make SUCH a hot locke. O>O
And Jim carrey definitely suits Kefka. ^_^
Sylvestre Stallone as Umaro. :D

Sabin should be Chuck Norris!

For some reason Antonio Banderas comes into my head for Shadow. Maybe it is because of his theme.
Hmmm, I actually think Rachel McAdams and Scarlett Johanson should switch. I see McAdams more as a Celes than Johanson for some reason
Hmmm, I actually think Rachel McAdams and Scarlett Johanson should switch. I see McAdams more as a Celes than Johanson for some reason

I thought that too...but Rachel McAdams is that woman off Mean girls right? well i think she'd be too young to play Celes.....i was thinking maybe Uma therman...but like five years ago :lol:
I liked the idea about Jim Carey as Kefka, until I remembered the last time Jim Carey played a villainous role, and we were given the Riddler from Batman Forever.