If things had been different...


Red Mage
Aug 6, 2007
One of the interesting things about the FFVIII world is the way that the pasts of the main characters is connected... but the connection between Squall and Rinoa's pasts kinda creeps me out.

Julia and Laguna had a budding romance, although when he disappeared after the Lunatic Pandora mission, she ended up marrying General Caraway. Anybody ever think about what might have happened if they had somehow not been ripped apart by war?

In a weird way, Squall and Rinoa potentially could have been siblings. I mean, obviously, they wouldn't have been the same people considering the lack of Raine and Caraway's X-chromosomes and the family environment and the specific traits that were passed on, blah blah ad nauseum, but it's still kinda freaky.

Obviously the creators had used that connection to foreshadow as well as build the significance of the eventual intersection between the two family lines, but despite it being their intention to heighten the romance, it doesn't lose the creepy pseudo-incestuous aspect to it.
Julia and Laguna had a budding romance
more than that, they were in love with each other.

its odd that people who could have been brother and sister fell in love.

but squall doesnt know that laguna was his father so that makes it less odd.
more than that, they were in love with each other.

its odd that people who could have been brother and sister fell in love.

but squall doesnt know that laguna was his father so that makes it less odd.

I dunno about that last bit... incest is pretty odd no matter what the circumstances.
Out of curiosity, was there ever an established timeline to dispprove that Rinoa and Squall AREN'T related?

...That would be creepy. Really creepy.
Out of curiosity, was there ever an established timeline to dispprove that Rinoa and Squall AREN'T related?

...That would be creepy. Really creepy.

Well, it's known for certain that Rinoa's parents are Julia Hartilly and General Caraway. The only lineage slightly questionable is Squall's, although it is pretty clear that his parents are Laguna and Raine. In any case, they would have ended up in the same place if they were siblings (either in the orphanage or with Caraway in Deling City).

But just the "if" part of it creeps me out.
I cant remember exact bits or quotes, but during the course of the game it does confirm that they arent actually brother or sister, or even half bro/sis. It does let onto the fact they could've been related though, which is where this thread comes in. It is kinda weird, but hey, thats FF for you!
I guess you have to view it in such a way as the story lays it out. For example, if they were related, they would be very unlikely to be the same people as they were when they met.

Worst case scenario would be that they were in actual fact half brother/sister, in that Julia and Laguna might have a relationship at some point, the real question with that would be, is the age difference between Squall and Rinoa enough for that to have been able to have happened?

I think it is safe to believe the writers did not decide to make them related in anyway :)
incest..... is weird.
SO weird.
No matter what,incest is weird.
Now,i think that even though Julia and Laguna would´ve had it going,there is no proof that Julia woould've popped out exactly Squall and Rinoa.Maybe,if Squall wasn't there,the whole story woul have drastically changed.
Am I right or am I right?
incest..... is weird.
SO weird.
No matter what,incest is weird.
Now,i think that even though Julia and Laguna would´ve had it going,there is no proof that Julia woould've popped out exactly Squall and Rinoa.Maybe,if Squall wasn't there,the whole story woul have drastically changed.
Am I right or am I right?

Well, obviously if they'd been together Squall and Rinoa wouldn't exist in the same capacity (due to the lack of Raine and Caraway's X chromosomes) but I'm just saying it's conceptually weird.
there is more to love than secks.
the only reason julia and caraway got together was because julia was broken hearted when laguna didnt come back, so she obvisiously loved him
yea disregard my other post. must have been high or somethin.. nfact im gonna go delete it.. i think it is kinda strange that they connected squall and rinoa in that way. to think they could have been brother and sister (yea diff people of course) is kinda weird. the fact that squall doesnt no lagunas his father and kinda makes it better, but only a little.
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Guys, enough already.
Squall and Rinoa aren't related and that's it.
If you gonna start thinking like gays and incest freaks then stop it, coz if they were related there's no way that they have sex or even think about it..What a perverts!
Guys, enough already.
Squall and Rinoa aren't related and that's it.
If you gonna start thinking like gays and incest freaks then stop it, coz if they were related there's no way that they have sex or even think about it..What a perverts!

Nobody's saying there's any incest going on in the game... just a stray idea that I always found kinda funny/icky. The fact that I keep having to state that is a little tiring.

And frankly incest happens much more than any of us would like to go to bed thinking about.
And frankly incest happens much more than any of us would like to go to bed thinking about.
It is kind of funny to think about, but I Julia did, in fact, happen to be with Laguna instead of Cathaway, then the two people known as 'Rinoa' and 'Squall' wouldn't have even been born because Laguna would have never stayed with Raine.
It is kind of funny to think about, but I Julia did, in fact, happen to be with Laguna instead of Cathaway, then the two people known as 'Rinoa' and 'Squall' wouldn't have even been born because Laguna would have never stayed with Raine.

Yeah and I totally get that... but there's still vestiges of weirdness around it.

Like the odd idea that perhaps if Laguna and Julia got together, there would be a chance that their child would be like a child Rinoa and Squall would have. And also just from Squall and Rinoa's POVs... that their parents had at one point wanted to boink each other... yech.