If you had to stay one age what would it be?

i would proberly be 21 also. minimum wage goes up for a start and you can do absolutely anything in most parts of the world. (not like ive eva been 21 but still)
I would like to stay with the age i have now...or maybe perhaps humm 16 or 17...i don´t really wanna get older:blink:
21, I suppose. I want to stay moderately young, but I sure as hell don't want to be a teenager forever.
21 also. Not too young, not too old - just perfect. There's just something about the age 21.
i would have to say 18. your body is in its prime, and you can still improve yourself, physically and mentally with too much trouble


You aren't a kid anymore, but you have so much more life experience, which would be key, I think anyone.
Meh, I'd be 18.
You're not quite an adult, but you are legally.
Plus that's when the most fun is out there.
Just don't spoil it and do stupid things is all.

Yay, 201st post.