If You Were A Summoner...


Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
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...Would you continue your 'pilgrimage' to defeat Sin? (Knowing what would happen to you in the end, which I shall not disclose in here to prevent any spoilers.)

I was playing FFX last night and talked to Dona in Cid's airship, where she mentioned that she was thinking about quitting her pilgrimage but was worried about what the people might think of her. And it got me thinking...if I were in her place, I would surely cowar out too and most likely quit the pilgrimage. It's so easy to be a hero/heroine in front of everyone's eyes but very hard to actually complete that particular task, knowing the 'consequence' afterwards.

So I probably would quit being a summoner too and let someone else like Yuna handle the job. >.> Would I worry about what the others would think of me? Probably so since many people depend on the summoners, but I'd get over it.
Good question.

Was kind of thinking that too when was by Zanakand and everybody was telling Yuna to return back and quit her journey, because they loved her and didn't want anything to happen to her. But Yuna carried on, and thought ''hang on, isn't that rather selfish ?''
Your friends love you, and don't want you to leave them.

But then thought about everybody in Spira, the children who loose their parents, the parents who loose their children, the people who loose their friends everyday.

So no wouldn't quit the journey, and well who cares what other people think of you ?
If you let other people's thoughts about you, get in your way then your just going to fail and feel even weaker than before. It's just like in real life, if you don't care what others think about you, you won't feel scared to do anything no matter what the cost.
Good question. You have to think about a lot of things before you decide to become a summoner. I think what motivates someone to become a summoner is the will to protect the people you love. Then you think about other people you have never seen in your life and realize they too don't want anything to happen to those they hold dear, and you understand that perfectly. The main reason for someone to become a summoner is really to give people a chance to live in a world without the pain of losing whoever is important to them. It's very altruistic since you are going to extend that will to a much higher level. And I think if someone makes such a decision, it's because s/he will not just give up at the very end. Just like Yuna didn't give up.

Of course there will be some doubt, specially when your friends ask you what the hell are you doing but if the summoner remembers their motives, they'll keep going 'till the end. So yeah, if I were a summoner (finally answering the question XD) and had gone through all that thinking, I would go and kick Sin's butt with style 8D

Of course if I had a Tidus with me things would be better :awesome:
I probably would. But not before establishing some things with my friends and guardians. Namely, that they would seek a way to destroy Sin without summoners during the calm.

I thought about just doing that instead of continuing the journey, but then again, every moment I don't continue is a moment in which Sin could be ravaging the land.

And I might have a backup plan for me anyway. Souls in Spira seem to stay in Spira as they were in life if they have a "strong connection" to the world as Auron puts it. Good examples of this are Mika, Yunaleska (sp?), Seymour, and Auron.
Who's to say I can't just become an unsent like them when I die after killing Sin. :P
Personally I think I would have done the same thing Yuna newly planned out after reaching Zanarkand (to get rid of sin for good) however I do reflect on why I have to give my life for millions of others when we could have done the new plan perviously (kinda like a "oh crap" moment).

The zanarkand thing always reminded me of a situation where someone asks me "errr...you really want to do that?" (like Tidus did). Then I would think it over and be like, let's think of a new plan.
For me it depends if I knew there was an alternative to Yunalesca's way and what the alternative to completing my pilgramige would be. If Yunalesca had been defeated and Yuna and company said "Yo Aztec, sorry to break the news to you, but there's no way to get the Final Aeon anymore" there'd be no point in me trying to fight Sin. I'd probably drop out and go watch Blitzball or something. What other choice would I have? Join them? Possibly, but two summoners might be a little excessive.

If Yunalesca were still alive and/or I had no knowledge about the Final Aeon, it'd completely depend on what I was going to do if I gave up my journey. I would not drop out like Dona, out of fear, and simply travel to my guardian's homeland... as she did with Bartello. That's a big no-no. If it were something more similar to the way Issaru dropped out, then I'm not sure. Issaru never knew about the Final Aeon but he dropped out to help keep the Yevon Church afloat. I could see myself doing that, if the church had meant enough to me to become a summoner in the first place.

I honestly can't say for sure. I can say that I wouldn't drop out because of fear though. I would undoubtedly be very scared to face Sin and inevitably die... but I believe I have the "metal" to overcome that fear and do what was right.
I would quit it as soon as i got to yunalesca finding out to get the final aeon one of ur guardians must die *well kind of*
Yea you have to.
Although the summoner and her gaurdians dont know the whole story with regards to Yunalesca and the final Aeon they take up the job as summoner knowing that it will cost them their life. The gaurdians also know full well that its dangerous and theres a chance theyl be killed.
If you decide to become a summoner knowing what will happen at the end of your pilgrimage you cant quit. If so, why bother becoming one in the first place, it would just be a big waste of time. Also you'd be letting down a lot of people, the people you wanted to protect.
I think that you have to continue the pilgrimage. I dont think you have a choice wether you like it or not. so, in my rightful decision, I am going to have to follow the rules and say that I am going to continue my pilgrimage as a summoner
I would drop out so fast!! I would just learn how to summon Ifrit first :D Ifrit is the koolest.

Mod Edit - Please don't post one liners such as these in future, as they are generally discouraged as they add little to conversation ^^
To be honest, I think I'd wait until I was much older. I could never go through with it at Yuna's age, because you're so young and there's so much left for you to do in life. I would become a summoner when I was older, and definitely go through with it.
Nah, if I knew I was gunna croak it, I wouldn't bother


Although, if I had someone that I valued above my own life, Id do it for them I suppose..... god that sounds so gay

Actually, no I wouldnt be a Summoner, I dont think Id be willing to die for a couple of years of calm, it would all just be in vain

Edit* Onyx has a good point there, I'd wait til my looks started going and my boobs started sagging and THEN Id go sacrifice myself for the greater good....of probably a weeks calm knowing my appalling luck
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No way. I'm too much of a pansy. >_< I can't even look at a spider without freaking out. XD

I'd probably faint as soon as I saw Zanarkand closing in, in the distance.

There is no way I could do something as great as what Yuna almost did in the end. I'm not strong-willed in that way. Also if it were my partner in Tidus's place then there is no way I could leave him. =0

I'm much too selfish in the way that I put my own needs before others. Otherwise I'd just end up on the bottom again (or dead in Yuna's case) .

I'd think to myself, 'What the hell did any of these people do for me? Why the hell should I sacrifice my own happiness for people who won't even really care about me when I'm gone?'

I'm much too selfish for that kind of mission and I think I'd just hand over the task to someone else. >_<
Nope. I know for a fact that I would definitely want to quit, but I could never do that to my gaurdians, friends, family etc. I would never forgive myself, even if other people did. I got into the whole Summoner business knowing what would happen in the end. If I were to change my mind right then and there.. *sighs* No way. I would continue and achieve my goal.
Hell no

If I was a summoner, I would let another summoner go on the pilgramige, and I would keep those aeons for future reference. Then when I am the best summoner, I would go to kill him. But I have to be willing to commit Suicide.

of course i'd be a summoner!!! aeons,gfs,eidolons,etc., no matter what you are able to do extrdinry things. No matter the cost, it'd be awesome. I would totally do it!!!
The most I could see myself doing is getting all the Aeons and when I see Sin coming just fly away on Valefor. :wacky: Aeons are pretty cool yanno!

But I really wouldn't sacrifice myself for the sake of others. Other people really suck and the world is full of negative and evil people dare I say. So at least Sin kills them all. -__-

Maybe I could lead a happy life in a cave somewhere... and fly to town on Valefor to get some groceries every once in a while. :awesome:
Pfft, screw sacrificing myself for the Calm. If I was a summoner I'd go fuck up Bevelle and crush the whole Yevon religion crap, then I'd go live in Luca and commission the brightest engineers to build an indestructible bio-dome around it.

Or I'd just fly away on Bahamut any time Sin got close. I'm not Tidus so it won't bother chasing me.
I believe that I would do it. But I would go about trying to find another way to do it (like Yuna and her friends did) instead of the whole processes of everything being repeated after the Calm. I would do it only knowing that what I did would it end it once and for all like with what happens in the end.

I don't think I could do it if I had to go about it the "original way" because that didn't really solve anything. Sure they had a calm for awhile,but Sin would eventually be back and then another summoner and guardian would have to sacrifice their lives for a short Calm again.
I like this question. It had never crossed my mind. I believe I would probably back out as its not a pleasant end. But then again, it would be helping so many people. It really is a tough question. How will I be judged and remembered. I wouldnt want people to hate me for wanting to live. So difficult. But yeah, I think I would give up and rather have a life then give mine up. Im selfish like that.