I'll Be Going Now...


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Aeriths farewell to Cloud in the woods is a really important scene, and it connotes so much if you read between the lines,

"I'll be going now...I'll come back soon...When it's all over"

What do you think she meant? Do you think she knows shes gonna come back with a spirit body - as shown in AC?

I also believe this line is what sparked the flurry of "Aerith Resurrection" rumors.

How much did Aerith know? Did she know she was the only one capable of destroying meteor? did she know she was the biggest threat to sephiroth?

Discuss ^_^

Please note - Aerith bashing in this thread is not allowed - i do not wish to see any "OMFG That silly girl thought she could defeeeet sephy and she dieded!! HAHAHA!" or similar comments. :)
I see no reason NOT to bash Aerith in this thread. That's quite bias of you to single out such opinions of others. Afterall, they are only opinions.

I do indeed believe she knew she was the only one capable of stopping Sephiroth's plans. However, only because she knew what the White Materia was for. I'm skeptical of whether only a Cetra could harness such power or not, but technically speaking, anyone could summon Holy. A being who's soul arrived to the planet, calling for Holy, would have its answer called. Doesn't single out any race or kind, so it seems anyone would/could be capable.

Also, Aerith isn't capable of stopping Sephiroth at all. He was blatantly able to prevent Holy from emerging, so Aerith's AND Holy's power was nothing in comparison to what Sephiroth could -at that stage- 'do.' Only an assault upon Sephiroth himself would hinder his ultimate goal; something which Aerith was never capable, nor would be capable, of doing.

Sephiroth was one of a kind. There was multiple forces allied against him, and only Cloud and a bunch of nobodies could actually stop him.

"I'll be going now...I'll come back soon...When it's all over"
Aerith makes numerous 'appearances' within the likes of AC, but this could determine her presence at the chapel, after she convinces -as Jenova- for Kadaj to return to "where everyone's at." However there are plenty of times where Aerith is signaled or made direct reference to... so it's hard to say.
I simply think that she assumed she'd come back with no complications, to be quite frank xD She wasn't expecting Sephiroth to be there. If she was, I doubt she'd have gone on alone because, as Saix said, she would've been no match for Sephiroth - Cetra or not. She wouldn't have bothered to summon Holy if she knew that Sephiroth could trap it in the Northern Crater.

Final Fantasy VII can be deep ... but not in this case xD
I noticed that Kadaj was calling Aerith "Mother" and when Cloud did that she said "Again? Why is everybody calling me their mother lately?" but I can't explain. Maybe it's because she's an acient.
She wasn't expecting Sephiroth to be there. If she was, I doubt she'd have gone on alone because, as Saix said, she would've been no match for Sephiroth - Cetra or not. She wouldn't have bothered to summon Holy if she knew that Sephiroth could trap it in the Northern Crater.

Final Fantasy VII can be deep ... but not in this case xD
I think she DID know, hence the point of what she was doing. Her soul had to return to the planet in order for her wish to be heard, so she had to die one way or another. Sephiroth turning up there seems likely no matter how you look at it... so I believe she acknowledged this too.

She wouldn't have bothered to summon Holy if she knew that Sephiroth could trap it in the Northern Crater.
I beg to differ. Holy was the only thing able to stop Meteor, so would you not still try if you were in her shoes?
This is an interesting topic. I think she knew she had to summon Holy in order to stop Meteor. I'm sure she was fully confident that was the case. I have no questions in my mind about that.

However, what I'm not decided on is whether or not she knew she was going to die. On one hand, there was no look of surprise in her face when Sephiroth dropped from above. But does that indicate that she simply had accepted her fate... or that she simply didn't notice him? And I can't honestly decide. I think she understood the gravity of what she had to do... but maybe not the specifics of what that entailed. I'm not really sure.
You forget that in the English version it's "You see? Everythings.. alright."

That's more closure compared to the thought provoking other translation..
I don't believe there will be any ressurection, even for a game called Final FANTASY, its preposterous.

Just to point out...he's not talking about Advent Children. This is the FFVII Game forum, not the Advent Children forum...He's talking about the quote Aerith made before she took off to the City of the Ancients so she could summon Holy. Also, AG was pointing out that he thinks maybe that single line Aerith said in the game was what provoked the whole "Aerith being ressurected" rumor...
AG was pointing out that he thinks maybe that single line Aerith said in the game was what provoked the whole "Aerith being ressurected" rumor...

I'm positive that line was the basis for many Aerith resurection rumours, and i'm still confused as to why she says it. I think either she meant she'd come back after summoning Holy or she knew she'd come back as a spirit.

I believe Aerith thought that Holy could stop meteor and thats why she went to summon it, i don't think she knew Sephiroth was capable of preventing Holy through sheer force of will though.

As for whether or not she knew she was to die, i'm still undecided.

This is an interesting topic

Heh, i've been thinking about making it for some time ^_^

However, what I'm not decided on is whether or not she knew she was going to die. On one hand, there was no look of surprise in her face when Sephiroth dropped from above.

I think their are several possible reasons why she had a smile on her face -

1. She was pleased to see Cloud.
2. She was happy that Holy would be activated.
3. She believes shes managed to protect the world.
4. She's ready for death.

Of course these are sheer speculations of mine, i'm not sure which one - if any - are correct.
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Oh, that was your point. lol I guess I can see it. I mean it's understandable since it is an obvious provocation. I would have to say though, like the Final Fantasy VII remake, that even though Square has given a multitude of reasons to believe it's possible... the real reason we believe is because we want it to happen. There were cries for a remake way before any of the sequels were announced, the movie was made, or the PS3 teaser was shown. Similarly, fans just wanted Aeris to come back and regardless of whatever hints or teasing cleverly placed lines Square may have dropped, the real reason fans tried to get Aeris back was because they wanted her back.
I think she only said that in order for Cloud not to interfere although i don´t think she was aware that Sephiroth was following her.

I don´t think she planned to sacrifice herself, she planned to pray for holy to appear and then join the others again.

But in the end she failed because Holy was not enough to stop Meteor, it took the souls of the planet (lifestream) to destroy Meteor.

And as for Sephiroth it was all the other characters who finished him as we all know.

So i believe she thought she would life and not get pierced in the chest by Sephiroth like it happened and die.
This isn't really related to the thread, but I don't understand is why they couldn't use a Phoenix Down on her, or when people die in battle is that just a knockout, then they die if there's no one left?
This isn't really related to the thread, but I don't understand is why they couldn't use a Phoenix Down on her, or when people die in battle is that just a knockout, then they die if there's no one left?

They can't use Phoenix down on her because she's already dead. In battles, they don't die, as you've said, they're just knocked out.^_^ I think what Aerith meant is that she'll come back in one piece, however, she can also mean that she'll come back as a spirit. She probably knew how powerful Sephiroth is and there's a possibility that she'll die. I do believe in what Tifa said when they were in Highwind, Aerith don't want to die and that she wants to come back, probably unharmed.

Here's what Cloud and Tifa talked about in the Highwind:

Tifa: I wonder what Aerith felt... when she was on that altar..?
Cloud: I'm sure she wanted to give her life for the planet.
Tifa: Really? I wonder? I don't think that was it. I don't think she wanted to die at all, but was planning on coming back all along. She always used to talk about the 'next time'. She talked about the future more than any of us...
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Aeriths farewell to Cloud in the woods is a really important scene, and it connotes so much if you read between the lines,

"I'll be going now...I'll come back soon...When it's all over"

What do you think she meant? Do you think she knows shes gonna come back with a spirit body - as shown in AC?

No. She thought she's pop off, summon Holy, and be back in time for Tea. Her becoming a kebab was not on the list of things to do, and Nomura's been pretty clear about that.

I also believe this line is what sparked the flurry of "Aerith Resurrection" rumors.

It helps, but no. There were also General Leo ressurection rumors. Have popular character die, will resurrection rumor.

How much did Aerith know? Did she know she was the only one capable of destroying meteor? did she know she was the biggest threat to sephiroth?

Probably, though I doubt she was the only one who could use Holy (just the only one in the right place to do anything with it), and yes, though I bet she thought she had a larger window in which to do her business without interference from Sephypoo.

Discuss ^_^

Please note - Aerith bashing in this thread is not allowed - i do not wish to see any "OMFG That silly girl thought she could defeeeet sephy and she dieded!! HAHAHA!" or similar comments. :)

That it even needs to be said that bashing is not allowed is rather saddening, actually.
Yeah Ryu, it actually is pretty sad considering people constantly insist on bashing Aerith. If a person creates a thread and asks that no bashing allowed, people should show some respect and abide by that rule and that goes for you and anybody else.
IMO, I think that Aerith was not attempting to use Holy, but to alter destiny with the materia so they would successfully defeat sephiroth. but the penalty of using power of that strength would alter he users destiny so the user would die in a short amount of time. in this case sephiroth just happened to be there.
i read the MoTP thingy, and i think it explained that aerith knew that she had to stop sephiroth, and knew that she would die in the process. but i could be wrong...i only read it once.

anyway, i don't think that she knew she was going to die without joining the lifestream, but i think she knew that even through her death she would be able to aid them in defeating sephiroth.
I believe she knew something was going to happen, eg her death. But she did come back with Holy as Marlene does say "Flower girl?" in the Holy FMV. She must have known that she would return to Cloud and co someway after she returned to the planet.
An interesting topic indeed.

I don't believe she knew she was going to die. Cetra she may be, but she is no seer.

I think she knew very well that when she left, there was a good chance she wasn't coming back. She said "I'll be back when it's all over," as a means to comfort not only Cloud, but herself; looking towards the good instead of the bad. She meant she would return when everything, with Sephiroth, Meteor, and Jenova, had been solved.

The chances she'd make it were extremely slim. But she still looked towards the bright side any way.

Anywho....that's my take on it.
I think she did know she would die, and that she needed more energy from the Lifestream in order to call Holy.

As for her words regarding coming back - they could mean coming back as a spiritual presence (that "I'll always be with you" that comes with death scenes) or they could also indicate that the Lifestream's part in destroying Meteor was instigated, or otherwise aided by her own actions.

From an after-AC retrospective, it could refer to the way she has an omniescent guardian angel sort of role in the movie.

But from a pre-AC retrospective, one could also conclude that perhaps the Planet decided to remove humanity and that everyone was united in the Lifestream.
I always got the impression that she didn't know... but was prepared for both. Because I'm pretty sure that she, being an Ancient, she knew that once she returned to the planet she would still have a certain level of interaction with everything going on.

It is slightly confusing when not in that context... Sure, she talked about the future more than anyone... but she also said she'd be back "When it's all over". What is "all" refering to? Because just after Sephiroth was defeated was when she came back to finish the job with Holy.

Eh, I don't think there's a way to know for sure.