I'm confused


Chocobo Breeder
Dec 15, 2006
Where did Kadaj and his gang come from? Are they the cloaked clones that appeared in the original game? Didn't Sephiroth kill them all?

What's the Geostigma exactly? From what I gathered, it's the infection of Jenova cells, but that doesn't make alot of sense. Isn't Cloud (along with Zack and Sephiroth) the only the character to have been injected with some Jenova? Or am I confusing it with Mako? More importantly, why would the kids have it?

I would also ask why full-form Kadaj ("Sephiroth") (yes, I don't think he's really Sephiroth) would actually have all of Sephiroth's memories and experiences, but I would guess that's just sloppy writing.

Also, how would Red XIII have kids? Isn't he the last of his race? Or did the staff overlook this?

Thanks in advance, guys.
Red XIII had kids? I must have missed 'em. Maybe he just crapped a few out on his own? Can't explain that one.

Or...any of your questions, as a matter of fact. I always just assumed that Kadaj n' friends were randomly thrown in as new characters. Geostigma? I took it the same way as you: an infection that's spreading among the people. Now that I think about it, it does seem like it's primarily the children who become ill.

Yeah, I got nothing. I'd be interested in knowing the answer to these as well.
Where did Kadaj and his gang come from? Are they the cloaked clones that appeared in the original game? Didn't Sephiroth kill them all?

This might shed some light on your Q.


Also, how would Red XIII have kids? Isn't he the last of his race? Or did the staff overlook this?

Shortly before the game's ending, the player can return to Cosmo Canyon, where Bugenhagen — having lived to the age of 130 — lies on his death bed. Before passing away, Bugenhagen suggests to Red XIII that he may yet discover a mate, indicating that Red XIII is not the last of his kind. In the epilogue to the game's ending, Red XIII is shown 500 years after the events of Final Fantasy VII, looking over the overgrown ruins of Midgar, now aged into adulthood and accompanied by cubs, confirming Bugenhagen's prediction. Nanaki's "official" mate is named Dinne. They were mated in a special ceremony seen in "Before Crisis" at Cosmo Canyon. She secluded herself in a spiritual 2-year meditation, which is why she was not seen in FFVII.
cloud zack and sephiroth all have jenova cells cause of hojos tests, they have mako cause of soldier. the geostigma is jenova effecting the life stream its like a virus and the life stream tries to react to it but over compinsates and it starts to effect the inhabitants much like radiation in our case. watch the movie again and listin to vincent.

and kadaj is a shell for sepiroth much like a butter fly in larva stage and the turns into sepiroth when given more jenova cells. but yes it's really sephiroth.

but i still don't know as to where they came from
Where did Kadaj and his gang come from? Are they the cloaked clones that appeared in the original game? Didn't Sephiroth kill them all?
They're the product of Sephiroth's will being imprinted on the Lifestream. That eventually manifested into Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz.

What's the Geostigma exactly? From what I gathered, it's the infection of Jenova cells, but that doesn't make alot of sense. Isn't Cloud (along with Zack and Sephiroth) the only the character to have been injected with some Jenova? Or am I confusing it with Mako? More importantly, why would the kids have it?
It's to do with the Jenova cells being in the Lifestream, or something like that (I think). When Holy worked its magic, it called forth the Lifestream to destroy Meteor. When the Lifestream was free, it brought forth Geostigma. It's better explained in Case of Denzel.

I would also ask why full-form Kadaj ("Sephiroth") (yes, I don't think he's really Sephiroth) would actually have all of Sephiroth's memories and experiences, but I would guess that's just sloppy writing.
Because it actually is Sephiroth.

Also, how would Red XIII have kids? Isn't he the last of his race? Or did the staff overlook this?
He wasn't the last of his species. There is actually a name for his mate, but I can't remember it.
I prefer the theory that he did it asexually tbh, but it's disproven. :monster:
Where did Kadaj and his gang come from? Are they the cloaked clones that appeared in the original game? Didn't Sephiroth kill them all?

Of the three antagonists, Kadaj is the only one with the capacity to become Sephiroth. According to Vincent Valentine, Kadaj is something of a larval form of Sephiroth, needing to only go a bit further in order to awaken as a manifestation of the fierce villain.
Kadaj feels a deep sorrow and perhaps disdain when coming to terms with the knowledge that he is nothing more than a puppet to Jenova and Sephiroth, that his "mother" has chosen Sephiroth to be her "true" son. Despite these misgivings, Kadaj ultimately is forced to relent in a particularly fierce battle with Cloud, when he completes the Reunion by merging his body with the remains of Jenova, causing his transformation into an avatar of Sephiroth.
As an avatar of Sephiroth, Kadaj is an extraordinary fighter, dealing vicious, swift and powerful blows with a lean long sword against Cloud's gigantic blade. He even seems to retain Sephiroth's memory as Sephiroth is linked inexorably to Jenova, whose cells are now a part of him.
Still, even with this boost of power, Kadaj is no match for Cloud's resolve and he is ultimately defeated.
Before reverting back to his normal body, Kadaj's Sephiroth avatar promises that he will "never be just a memory".
In death, Kadaj finds serenity in Aerith, now inexorably linked to Gaia, the mother and lifeforce of the planet (mirroring Sephiroth's link to Jenova) whom he calls "mother", a title thus far only used to refer to Jenova.