Im I missing any protect,regen,.....

it depends where you're up to in the game... just keep checking the magick shops as you progress with the story to check if they've been unlocked. I'm not sure when the specific time the would be unlocked.
RapidPunishment. Stop only using the words "Self Explanatory" in your messages. Your long title's should be trimmed down to a few words at most to give a general idea and then go into detail in your first post. While you are asking for a question, you are still spamming. I've noticed this several times now. We are eager to help you, but we need more input and effort from you in your initial posts.

Title: Short and sweet.
Message on first post: Explain more.
Or rather, the question is if you've even unlocked it on the license on the board. Protect can be actually released quite early in the game.