
...an accidental
May 22, 2009
HAI THAR! :mark: I'm new. Welcome meh. D:

I lurked for a while and decided to join.... So I'm Zeletina, I'm a college student and I've been a long-time fan of Final Fantasy. My favorite is Final Fantasy IX and I think it's the most underrated game in the series...

Some other things about me... I'm an insomniac, I study music, I like painting and drawing, anime, photoshop, coffee and long walks on the beach... and vampires. I love vampires. BUT NOT THAT TWILIGHT SHIT, UGH D: Keep that shit away from me... Twilight has forever raped the goodness of vampire lore. IMHO.

I hope I enjoy it here...Nice to meet you all!

Any questions aboutz meh? :P
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Im an insomniac too, long suffering, it sucks -_-

welcome to the forums and all that jazz :monster:
Welcome to teh forums! :gasp:

I love vampires too! Though Bela Lugosi's Dracula, and all those classical vampires do it for me as opposed to the teenage stuff. :D

Glad to have you on board, and I hope to see you about! :awesome:
Hey hun, welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay with all the other Final Fantasy fanatics. ^^
Just so I'm aware...what are some hot topics going on nowadays so I can start posting? ^_^
Just so I'm aware...what are some hot topics going on nowadays so I can start posting? ^_^

Depends really. Everyone is always all over the place 'cause of the different likings. The Final Fantasy VII section seems popular enough daily. Beside that, I'm most active in the Bevelle section. Pairing clubs, Writing FanFiction, and things that deal with music.

Take your time to look around. You'll find some great topics that will grab your interest. ^^
Psst... Sup. You should cook that egg and have an exquisite dragon omlet du flaumage. Then join the Player vs. Player post-based 4 on 4 game by clicking my signature image, then click the link at the bottom and get yours. PvP = Awesome. :awesome:
I'm kind of new, too. I like it a lot! It's a place where people can give their own opinion about a game. It even has an Arcade! I have not gotten to the RPG yet, but I look foward to it. I hope you have fun!