Im sure you've all probably heard this before


Dec 17, 2006
First time playing FF7 seriously, got to sephiroth, what a pain in the ass. It might be cause im underlevel? I use cloud,cid,vincent in one party, all 3 61-65. In the other if Tifa,Barret and Red. Now I did manage to get past the his first form, which literally took 45-60 mins. rediculous. Noone died, its just he always kept healing and reviving his dead parts. Im looking for an easier way to do this, or if im just plain not high enough level...

anyone got a way to take his ass out easy enough, but without taking the fun out of the challenge?


You know what, I remember the first time I did this I NEVER HAD TO SWITCH BETWEEN PARTIES. It was late, and I've beaten the game many times over to see if it would allow me to do it again, so I may have just thought I didn't do it. But I'm pretty sure I didn't; actaully, I'm positive, but still... Anyway, whenever I do it now, everytime the switch party option comes up, I take it, and I kill whatever I can, and then switch to the other party and continually do the same thing. I've never tried to do it any other way.
Being under leveled wouldn't really matter. It's your equipment and materia setup that really make a difference. The extra strength from leveling doesn't mean much.

Anyway, the easiest way to beat Safer Sephiroth is to get Cloud's limit break Omnislash and use it on him. I swear to God it's an insta-death tactic, especially if you have Cloud's Ultima Weapon. You can get it from the Gold Saucer in the battle square for some large amount of points.

If you don't want to do that (and quite honestly, I would understand why), there's the Knights of the Round materia summon and mime materia tactic, if you're willing to breed a gold chocobo. Again, long and involving.
Yeah i've heard of the whole thing about the materia by getting the gold chocobo...Ill give a list of what materia i have next time i get the chance to play....I know i only have 1 ultima right now. and im pretty sure i have omnislash for cloud, but i could be mistaken...thanks guys for the help..ill keep ya all updated :P
I'm going to assume you're talking about Bizzaro Sephiroth currently right? Make sure you have somebody in your party equipped with Restore Materia. I summoned Knights of the Round for this battle and Cloud's Omnislash does a great deal of damage as well, so make sure you do have Omnislash for Cloud. Use Haste on your party as well and use Ultima definantly. Also your best summons asides from, Knights of the Round, Bahamut Zero and Neo Bahamut. Atleast that's what worked for me I think. I know I used Knights of the Round and both Bahamut summons so that should work for you. The limit breaks really do come in handy though. Good luck! :D

and since this is a help thread, I'll move this over to the help booth for you ^^

Bizzaro was a cinch for me. Slash-All is an absolute must with cloud (or whoever has the highest attack). No need to switch.

Safer, though, is a different story.
Iv beaten him with no Materia at all before (just for the hell of it) all you need to do is have Cloud and 2 random people (probly whoever has the highest HP) and a decent suply of Megalixiers to get a half decent suply all you need is the W-item Materia and 2 Megalixiers assumeing you dont know how The Item dupeing trick works all you do is use W-Item an select the item you want dupeing (you must have 2 of them) and use it then select the same item and instead of useing it you just cancel and shazzam you have a duped item keep on slecting and deselecting to do this over and over again.