Infinite Ex-Mode setup for anyone


White Knight
Oct 10, 2009
North Carolina, United States
I need an infinite Ex mode setup for anyone. Not just Gabranth. I want a permanant one-winged angel form for my awesome Sephiroth. Btw, where do I get the Heike equipment so I can make the Genji equipment. I want to kingdom hearts my Sephiroth.
Well, luckily for you I just figured it out today xD

Heike gear i've found in the Distant Glory areas (blade and armour in Gabs' and Helm and shield in Shanny's)

As for infinite EX Burst, I suggest having EX Core/Force Absorption +30% an 15%, have Tenacious Attacker, have as many critical boosts as possible (more force released) also, anything else put on boosters such as 'large gap in brave' 'level 100' and stuff like that to further increase the effect, that should keep it going indefinately if you press the offensive. Having an EX Mode Duration boost will keep it going if you start getting struck back.
Heaven's Cloud is the best weapon for EX building, but you can just use Sephy's exclusive weapon.
Don't forget Katana Adept skill if you're going for HC. (+2 ATK = awesome)
Genji Set is nice to have but is not necessary - Adamant will do.
Gold Hourglass
Gravitorb (replace it with something else if you have Heaven's Cloud - Red Gem, booster accs., Smiting Soul etc. I highly recommend having Smiting Soul acc. for Sephy since lots of hits = lots of chances for Iai Strike to activate)
Pearl Necklace
Champion Belt

First to Victory (you can replace it with something else however this is VERY useful in the Duel Coliseum)
Close To You
Center of the World

Opponent HP=100% (Sephy's HP attacks are hard to land. I recommend building 9999 BRV and then using a HP attack.)
Summon Unused
Large Gap in BRV

How to get:
Heaven's Cloud is made out of some other Katana and 5 Behemoth Horns. You'll need to spend a while in the DC Lunar Whale course to get enough Megalixirs for them. The other Katana is made out of... well, another Katana and IIRC some Hi-Elixir parts (DC Invincible course).
Most of the accs. require Battlegenned items and Tomes. Tomes are gotten by buying them with Megalixirs or obtaining them via the DC Lunar Whale course. Either way, you need to spend a while in the DC.
Large Gap in BRV is obtained by completing Shade Impulse 4 with... I don't know who, just check the Accomplishment menu.
By the way, do you know Sephy's bread&butter combo yet?
Sudden Cruelty 1st part > Dodge Cancel towards the side (cancel your attack's recovery time with a dodge) > Oblivion.
I hope this helps.
You won't have an infinite EX mode just by standing there. You need to attack. S.C.>Oblivion will produce enough EX force to fill all your EX bar.
Remove Counterattack/Sneak Attack/Back to the Wall because with EX Critical Boost ALL your hits in EX mode will be criticals.
thanks very much. do you know a good way to get megalixers? ive only gotten a few because Lunar whale is brutal. The level 100 characters I have are Golbez, Cloud, Sephiroth, emperor, and Gabranth. which should i use? Thanks in advance.
Float System (opponent must be on ground) > Dodge Cancel > Float System > Dodge Cancel > Infinite
Although I think infinites are pretty cheap.
If you're good enough, you can do Time Attack in under 15 minutes for 10 Megalixirs & 10 Wind/Water/Lifestones or in under 20 minutes to get 5 Mega/Hi-/Elixirs. I can easily do that with Jecht, but it's still a bit hard to do.
And get the Imp equipment from the DC Invincible course! Fully equipped, it will give you EX Intake Range+15M which is HUGE, combine it with some Ivory Chokers and some multipliers on your Cloud. Use Double Cut to gain EX, and when your EX gauge is full EX Guard and go batshit insane on your enemy since they won't be able to guard your attacks. Get enough Megalixirs to get Pearl Necklace, which is essential for your EX build - equip that on your Cloud and then you'll be strong enough to get the other Megalixirs. I think >.>
Just keep your HP at max! Max HP Cloud + EX mode = pwnage!
try this one...i found it in gamefaqs and forgot who made it...pretty useful anyhow:
Heaven's Cloud
Blurry Moon

Pearl Necklace
Gold Hourglass
Close to You

Miracle Shoes
Strength Crystal
Strength Orb
3x Red Drop
Red Gem

Katana Equip
Katana Adept
Counter Attack
Sneak Attack
EX Critical Boost
EXP to EX Force
Spd Boost ++
