What are some of the worst or most memorable injuries you have ever had?
I've never broken anything. Lately though, I have been having very bad mid back pain. I think it was from my last clinical when I used bad body mechanics to help a patient transfer from a wheelchair to a bed. My back has been hurting for the past few months. I really need to see a doctor, but I am afraid that this could cause problems for my next fieldwork and that I may not be able to graduate. But if I don't get help, I may even injure myself even worse So I am doing some exercises to help with the pain. Hopefully it is just strain and not a slipped disk.
I've never broken anything. Lately though, I have been having very bad mid back pain. I think it was from my last clinical when I used bad body mechanics to help a patient transfer from a wheelchair to a bed. My back has been hurting for the past few months. I really need to see a doctor, but I am afraid that this could cause problems for my next fieldwork and that I may not be able to graduate. But if I don't get help, I may even injure myself even worse So I am doing some exercises to help with the pain. Hopefully it is just strain and not a slipped disk.