Injuries you have had


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
What are some of the worst or most memorable injuries you have ever had?

I've never broken anything. Lately though, I have been having very bad mid back pain. I think it was from my last clinical when I used bad body mechanics to help a patient transfer from a wheelchair to a bed. My back has been hurting for the past few months. I really need to see a doctor, but I am afraid that this could cause problems for my next fieldwork and that I may not be able to graduate. But if I don't get help, I may even injure myself even worse :cry: So I am doing some exercises to help with the pain. Hopefully it is just strain and not a slipped disk.
Well, I've never actually broken anything, which is quite shocking, given how wild a child I was. But I have slammed the middle finger of my left hand in the front door before - I nearly took the top of it off. That was pretty horrific, since it was hanging on by a thread and my mother went to pieces.

I've also had a brick collide with my head - it was a miracle that didn't knock me out, or brain my damage - and a little more recently I slashed my wrist open on a nail taking out some old furniture, which nobody believes me about. I also remember getting this godawful back pain when we were on holiday a few years ago...I slept in a draught, woke up in agony. I never want to go through that again ._.
I've never broken anything either. The only major injury I've had was a severe pain in my lower back that I got when I was about 13 from lifting up a heavy fella while play fighting. That lasted a fair while but I got over the severe pain through exercises that my physiotherapist gave me. Occasionally I still get pain there but it isn't ongoing anymore.
I've had a quite a few injuries, like broke my leg twice and once a fracture in my foot. I broke my arm about 4 times, all from brothers fighting, we're quite violent when it comes to that, my brother broke a chair on my arm so... ._. I also fell on my head when I was young and had to stay at the hospital for a few days.

But thanks to that, I'm kinda used to all kinds of injuries, I'm not even bothered by the pain anymore. =]
I've never really injured myself at all.

I was one of those kids who had a mum who always wrapped me up in cotton wool.

Never let us do anything so it was hard to really get into any trouble.

I think I may have sprained my ankle once as a kid but that was nothing really.
Well I've had no broken bones to my knowledge. I think maybe I've broken a toe quite a few times, but I never get it checked up on. So there is no real way to know. Just purple discoloration and of course it's always hurt if I kick something wrong, plus I don't have full movement of it =P.

Now I've had knee problems, twisted my knee severely 2 1/2 years ago. I also have a bad rotator cuff in my right shoulder from excessive pitching when playing baseball/football. These days I can throw a little over half motion, not to a full wind up or else I'll have problems again.

That's about it though.

I haven't ever broken a bone thankfully. I've gotten the pretty typical or at times silly a sprained knee when I was out bowling with friends when I was in HS. I was rear-ended in a car accident in 2005 and that caused a cervical strain in my neck and I needed PT. for that, it was horrible and very painful. I remember not being able to look both ways at stop signs/lights...and having extreme pain to even turn and grab toilet paper when I went to the bathroom. I still have problems with my neck on occasion, however its my fault. I don't do the exercises they told me to do when I left PT so I suppose I should get back to them at some point. I'm glad I haven't had many severe injuries because I think I've been more ill in my life than injured...I think it would suck to have both. :gonk:
My best friend accidentally put a gardening fork through my middle toe on my left foot. I was lucky it went in at an angle, because it split the skin on the ball of my foot. If it'd gone straight down my toe would have come off. I now have a lovely crescent shaped scar on my middle toe- I've had it for 11 years
I never broke anything but I had 3 concussions when I was younger. The first time I felt off a swing. The second time my friend hit me very hard on the forehead with a baseball bat but it was an accident. The third time I felt on the head while playing ice hockey. The three time I went to the hospital and was under observation for 1 or 2 days. Each time it happened it was very painful on the moment but it's only after an hour or two I started throwing up for no apparent reason and felt like sleeping. All that happened between 8 and 10 years old.
I seriously injured my left thumb when a caravan door slammed on it - which is an event I think I've mentioned before. That was quite a while ago and I have only hazy recollections of it. It's mainly the pain and the screaming. I don't remember what exactly happened, but I was so frightened that I could lose my left thumb when I saw it go horribly black. My thumb now is just weak and still a little painful when I try and move it. And nowadays I tell people that I nearly lost my thumb at the time, but even I'm unsure as to how true that is. It's probably a bit of an exaggeration that I've been telling myself. :lew:

I scalded my feet climbing into the bath when i was a baby

I dislocated my elbow...not entirely sure how, I cant remember

Fell face first off a swing and bashed all my front teeth in as a kid

Stood on glass in a canal and cut my foot open

Fell off a wall and broke my arm

Fell off a house broke my arm again, and knocked a tooth out. Also had the best bruise all down my leg and had concussion and have a scar on my lip

Ran into a lamp post, scarred my chin

Ive got a scar on my thigh which i THINK is from climbing over the back gate

Theres one on my shin which I think a dog did

Several knee scars from falling over

Bad back from being pregnant and having a shite bed -__-

Fucked my little finger twice, once trapped in a door, the other time it got bent right fucking back and it well hurt

Stapled my thumb to see if it would hurt. It did

Ive gone over the handle bars of my bike afew times, also walking dogs on roller skates is a bad idea when you are me. I ended up spread eagle in the middle of the road

Fell on my head off a climbing frame. Twice

Fell out of a few trees in my time as well

Got pushed over in a shop and scarred my elbow.

Fell on a wine glass and crushed it under my hand

Fell in the kitchen (twice) scarring my shin and hurting the other elbow, it hurt that much i thought id broke the fucker. It still hurts to lean on them both

I managed to fall over on my way to work, scarring my knee yet not laddering my tights

Awww I walked into the guillotine at work the other week and the sioze of the bruise on my knee, its STILL there

Dropped curling tongues on my thigh scarring and making me look grilled

Burnt myself on the iron a few times leaving scars that appear to have faded now

Burnt myself on a screw driver and the steam off the kettle (...yeah)

Burnt my head on a bunsen burner
Burnt the top of my arm on curling tongues leaving a massive scar :rage:

Ate a money pizza, which resulted in nothing but grief for the best part of a year

Pulled my stomach muscles carrying too much heavy shit. I was fucked for a week

Im just getting into minor things now, I could go on all day. I should of been a boy
The worst I ever had was a snowboarding accident three years ago in Colorado, when I broke my ankle and had to get physical therapy for a few months >_> (I should have taken lessons.) They had to drag me all the way down the mountain on this yellow sled thing with dirt and snow all flying in my face, and there were still a couple of days left before the trip was over and I felt like I ruined it :sad3: And it was extremely expensive to take care of -__- I'm extremely lucky that I'm not dead though, or paralyzed, because when I fell (I was trying to stop), I flipped over once and landed right on my neck, and then I flipped a second time and landed on my shoulder or back or something, and then I landed squarely on my tailbone O_O Thinking back on it now I'm very grateful to have survived it, with only the ankle broken.

I also had to get a cat scan once because I pulled a car bike rack straight down on top of my head while I was standing under it, while closing the trunk :ffs: I got a really bad bruise and a scratch on my face, it took like a week or so to heal.
I fell off the top of the bunk bed when I was eight and had to go to the hospital because my parents thought I'd broken my arm since I landed on it so hard. Turned out I only bruised around my elbow. I had to have a cast over the weekend and couldn't put my arm straight for a few days.

About two years ago in summer when I was putting out the washing before work, I tripped over a rock bare footed and as a result, it's an on and off injury. Whenever I twist my right foot around, it could hurt so much. I should've had it checked out, but me being me didn't.

But alas, I've never broken anything. Not had any serious injuries whatsoever, just the occasional scars, cuts and bruises.
One time, I fell off of my friends trampoline, and broke my arm.

Another incident happened when I injured myself from a scooter. We had an uphill drive way and when, I went down (on my scooter) I ended up falling off and, at the time the road was getting re-done so, they had pebbles and it got inside my elbow :/ Had to go get that cleaned. Was about 7?

When I was five, I remember going to my dads friend house where their dog was 'friendly' >_> ended up biting my lip and, I had to go the hospital.

There was another time though, I can't really recall but, I had to have a cast on my leg (another story) and, the doctor ended up cutting my leg opened..... >_> I have the scar too.

All I gots for now :monster:
I've only ever had one severe injury when I had a torn cruciate ligament because of football about 3 years ago and I couldn't play for 6-8 months. Other than the worst I've probably had is a sprained ankle and a nasty cut on my thumb where I could see the bone :sick:. Just the general cuts and bruises after that.
In terms of long term effects probably a torn meniscus in my knee. i did during a spiking drill in a volleyball class in college. Just came down and felt a grind in the joint. At first it was just kind of numb - then it got stiff and sore and I had a lot of trouble getting around for a couple weeks. It will flare up once in a while if I do anything that really causes the joint to take a pounding.

In terms of pain - back when I was heavy into weightlifting, I tore up my back pretty bad on the leg press. I had 10 plates on each side which is 900lbs. I don't think I had my butt back in the seat far enough so my lower back was kind of in a compromised position. I was lowering the cart down after a couple reps and my leg buckled a bit and I lost control momentarily. As I reacted and tried to stop the cart and thrust it back up, I could feel the muscles along my spine just stretch and tear. I knew I was hurt bad and just lifted myself out of the seat and shuffled to my car a fast as I could. By the time I got home I could barely stay upright. For 3 days I couldn't stand up from a seated/lying position as the muscles were pulled so badly. If I had to stand up I had to pull myself up using a wall......but for most of the time I crawled around my place.
The worst injury happened this year and basically ruined half of it as I ended up in a boot after breaking my ankle. It's the first bone I've ever broken and it sucked, to say the least. It happened on May 8th. I was in a split for a day or two and then got a boot for 6-7 weeks. After that, I had to do physical therapy cause it was ruined from being stuck in the boot for so long. It's still not completely healed and gives me trouble a lot. I have only started jogging/running again about a month or two ago. I've been too afraid to push it. Even then, the pressure gets to me. I have to be really careful.
Well there was the whole can incident I posted in another thread. Then there's also the time I got pushed down stairs, and my leg bent outward and I fell with my weight on it. That was pretty bad...

Then there's more recently when I tripped and hurt my ankle. I couldn't put pressure on it for a good two days.
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