Interest check: d&d rp


Feb 24, 2011
Just fancied dm-ing an rp for d&d so i'd like to know if anyone's interest in having a shot at it?

Typical stats system, 8 and 22, no god-modding or power playing, meaning no Dwarven Artificers or Kalashtar Psions xD you know what i mean,. just for a bit of fun to be centred around a characters reactions to certain situations. All comers welcome, but an idea of d&d defo helps k, thx, bai! :busta:
1.> Entry Level?
2.> Regular character builds or Gestalt character builds?
3.> Alignment restrictions?
Entry level will be level one, starting characters. No alignment restrictions but the enemy will be evil so posted alignments will be studied and affect the game. Invite your friends, a group of 4 or 5 should be fine.
Okay so far we have Himeno-pretear and rob you would like to have a go? Ok, i'll wait a while incase anyone else is interested.
Sure. The other one seems to have come to a halt waiting on the others.
It has yeah, Himeno's on holiday so waiting for a message from her before writing another post.