Interest check - Dragon Ball Z Rp(Sequel)

Sexy Beast

A beast into the jungle of life
May 20, 2008
I am at the horizons of the Stratosphere
Well seeing how I'm more active in this good ol' section of Rps, I'm making this thread to see if anyone would be interested in a DBZ rp??

The general timeline is going to be a good 20 or so years after the events of DBZ, and not GT cause it sucked ass :P.

Once I can get at least a couple of posts in this thread, I'll start on a draft and go from there. :awesome:
I've heard that GT isn't canonical anyway, so it should be ok to throw all of that to the side. :D

I wouldn't mind participating in this if it kicks off.

Sadly I've not yet seen or read anything from the Majin Bu saga, so I'm not entirely sure what happened there. I saw everything up to that point though, but Cartoon Network was always an ass and would stop showing episodes at random times and would start from the beginning of another saga.

That said, if required, I could always read up on what happened.

My question would be what sort of storyline this one would have? And what sort of villain / villains would there be in your idea?