[Interest Check] Gundam Λ

Noblesse Oblige

The Dawn of a New Chronicle
Aug 22, 2008
Auburn, AL

Earth Year 223,

In the wake of the final war known as the Great Destruction, mankind was forced underground. But with the discovery of the pre-war Mars Immigration Project, mankind would again prosper and flourish.

The age of conflict in the subterranean world was finally over, and the newly established Government made recovery of the devastated environment its priority. Emigration to Mars was recommended, but that meant a threat to law and order on the Red Planet.

Corporations that were all-powerful in the subterranean world lost all their power when the government was created. But with a new planet to explore, they found new opportunities to regain their strength...

Due to the not as well received and probably convoluted RP storyline that was Gundam KR, I've decided instead for a new project. A new start, a new setting. This time Gundam is moving to Mars for the first time in fanon (and canon, if you don't count that one Manga).

The storyline is based on Armored Core 2, one of that particular series' best games, but in the event I want to create more for the series, I want to at least keep it focused on the Red Planet.

If there are any of those who are interested in this particular RP, come one come all. :)
restricting myself down to a single character might make it better for me in the long run. Ive been greedy as of late and taken on too many in older Gundam Rps.
Well, I suppose it's just the three of us...it'll do. I'll set up the SU/D thread sometime over the weekend.
I am intrigued indeed. :hmmm:

I'm willing to delve into such territory, although I may need some explanations and general limits when developing my character/Mecha.