Interest check - Power Rangers


All your username are belong to me.
Nov 20, 2009
Somewhere else
Oh yeah, you read the topic title correctly. I'm amazed it took me this long to come up with the idea, actually.

This would be a cheesy, by-the-book Power Rangers RP, set in a fantasy medieval world consisting of five kingdoms - Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Darkness. Prior to the start of the RP, there was a sixth kingdom - a Kingdom of Light - which was annihilated by the Kingdom of Darkness, plunging the world into a state of chaos.

The Kingdom of Darkness is now more powerful than all the others, and it's manic King is out to conquer the entire land. So, it is up to the four Princes and Princesses of the other Kingdoms to call upon the ancient power of the Power Rangers and defeat the evil King of Darkness and his forces and restore balance to the land once more! Of course, these other Kingdoms don't exactly get along, so it wouldn't be quite so simple.

There would be a total of six rangers - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Black (who would begin evil, but would later turn good) and White (who would be the traditional "extra ranger" all series have) each with their own elemental powers, titles (so, for example, the Black Ranger will be the Black Spectre Ranger, and so on) and, of course, zords. Villains would include the King of Darkness and up to three lieutenants.

The Ranger technology would be from a civilisation long past, so we can ignore the burning question of why futuristic robots are running rampant in a medieval setting, and the Ranger suits themselves would be something akin to knight's armour - something like Koragg the Knight Wolf, from the abysmal Mystic Force series - and there would be a cheesy callout phrase (we'll take a vote on that), six-storey high fireballs and everything else.

Due to the small number of spaces (I'll be taking the King of Darkness and probably the blue ranger if this kicks off) I'm not accepting any reservations - first come, first served, may the best app win, etc. This is particularly true to the sixth ranger, who will be a PM-only application.

I know I'm not the only Power Rangers fan on here, and I think this would be a laugh. Anyone else agree with me? :awesome: