[Interest Check/SU/Discussion] Record of Agarest War: Age of Man (Generation 1)

Sir Fratley

Dragon Knight of Burmecia
Dec 24, 2010
It has been one hundred years since Rex, the descendant of Leondhart, laid to rest the Dark Gods that kept the false world aloft.The people of the original five continents now live upon the true surface of Agarest, an inhospitable land full of monsters. But despite the odds, the many races of the world have managed to establish countries and have begun to thrive.

However, greed and hunger for power still drives many of those who served the Dark Gods. One country in particular, the country of Esterior, has waged conquests of opportunity, taking towns from other countries that have just begun to recover from more potent monster attacks. This country is led by a mysterious Gurg who calls himself Summeril, despite the fact that the true Summeril was slain by Rex a hundred years ago. However, no one knows his true intentions or his true identity. All anyone knows is that he brings war and death where ever he sends his armies, and that he must be stopped at all costs.

Your Role

You are one of the surviving races bracing yourselves to defend a critical fortress which overlooks the supply routes between the kingdoms of Gridamas and Klandria, two of the strongest of the five countries that oppose Summeril and the Darklar Kingdom. Communications with the other three kingdoms are currently cut off due to overtaken forts along the trade routes. However, your journey will take you far and wide over the new 'true' world of Agarest. There is much to do, so much that you may have to see your children carry on your burdens.


Human Humans in Agarest seem to be the dominant race on most of the continents. They comprise mostly of the ruling class with the kingdoms on each of the continent. They also seem to be the one race that is more likely to be greedy and/or a bit racist to other races. This occurs when they try and take over the lands of other races or when they show prejudice against elves. However, they are also the one race with the greatest honour and bravery.

High Elf High Elves are the oldest and most powerful of the Elven races. They are the most tuned in with nature and have great magical abilities. Their ears are a lot shorter than those of other Elves. They have the ability to summon Larvae as guardians to protect them. However, this species of elf is dying out, with Ellis being the only High Elf in all of Lucrellia. Of all the Elf species, they are the most respected because of their beauty and ability, with some being made leaders.

Dark Elf Not much is known about Dark Elves. It seems that most Dark Elves have tanned skin. It is unknown if all Dark Elves have the same hair color, but of those who are seen, Lavinia and Kuroe, both have red hair. They are stronger than the other elves, being warriors instead of mages. However, Dark Elves are considered by the rest of the world to be evil brutes. They are not allowed in the villages and, even those of half breed that merely resemble Dark Elves, like Lavinia, are banished from villages and persecuted by the other elves.

Syrium Despite the similarities, Syrium are not a subspecies of Elves. They are mentioned in first continent as one from three most numerous races, after humans before elves. They all have light grey skin, blueish grey hair and blue eyes. Unlike Elves, Syriums seem to be active and proud race, capable of sending 5000 warriors to fight with Gridamas Empire.

Onelet Oneltes are a race of beings that look very similar to humans except that they have a third eye in their forehead; a triclops race, in other words. This race tries to hide their third eye to blend in with humans and hide from persecution, although they themselves don't like it as it seems to hurt them. They seem to use jewelery or cloth to hide their third eye, though some do allow their third eye to be seen. It seem they have a habit of naming their children with two words with a dash in between ie "Vira" + "-" + "Lorr" or "Cal" + "-" + " Vina". This race seems to be the rarest in Agarest, with Vira-Lorr being the only one seen or mentioned in the first game. It is unknown what their abilities are or how in tuned with magic they are because of this.

Neocolom Created by the goddess Deeth, Neocoloms are a race of people who appear human with the substitution of animal, mainly of the mammal category, parts for various body parts or the addition of animal parts like a tail. Some Neocoloms, Sherufanir being an example, seem to become wild and uncontrollable, or even sexually aroused, during a full moon. Two different Neocoloms seem to exist in the first Agarest game: one with wolf-like appendages, Sherufanir; one with rabbit-like, Qua. Because of their animal tendencies, they seem to be one of the fastest races in Agarest.

Harpuia Harpuia are a race of feather folk, IE Humans with wings. Essentially they are the same as angels except their wings are lower in their backs. Just like humans, they are very varied in appearance with the exception of the wings, which in turn can come in a number of colors.According to Sayane profile, Harpuias have a great sense of direct, similar to those of some birds. They seem to prefer living in mountainous regions where they have forts built around their homes. They appear to rarely interact with other races preferring to remain in their town and villages. In terms of abilities, they seem to be a race that prefer aerials and distance attacks.

Yulishee Yulishee are Agarest's versions of merfolk, or mermaids. They appear to have human shape with fin like ears and a variety of skin and hair color with smooth skin. As expected, they live underwater in seas or lakes. Because of this they have no single living area, as they are spread across the oceans, but come together in one area usually near a lake or sea to communicate and govern their race. This is called a colom. They have strict rules, and those that break those rules are made to leave the colom. As expected they are a race that uses water as their main magic.

Ryulent Ryulents are a race of plant-like beings with human-like bodies similar to Ent in lord of the rings. They are said to be born from plants. When they are ready to die, they journey the world to find a place to rest. Once they find a place, their bodies are planted and are turned into trees. Given that, it can be assumed that many of the forests in Agarest are made from this race. Ryulents are considered to be one of the strongest races in Agarest, even striking fear into the Beast. One swing from them could destroy a hill. They are also the most in tune with nature and as such have some magical abilities. Because of their plant-like bodies, they can easily hide in a forest. Their ability to communicate with plants ensures they won't get lost. The Ryulents are a race that will retaliate if a person tries to destroy their home or nature.

Greer Agarest's Dwarf-like race. As is common in RPGs, Dwarves are living in a underground cities and are associated with forging weapons and armors although they leave the enchanting to their close allies Neiths. They have pointy ears and are shorter than most other races with the exception of Neiths and Rem Lorients. It seem the female greers are slightly taller to the males. Despite their small stature they seems to be a proud and very powerful race. Neither male or female Greers consider themselves weak. In fact, they can be a bit boastful in terms of their strengths. While Ganz seems to use a Pole-Ax to make up for his small size, Dana uses her fist to fight. They are mostly figthing race so have a low ability with magic.

Neith The Neith are a race whose members are of very small stature. On average, they are significantly shorter and physically much weaker than Greer but taller the Rem Lorient. They are akin to Gnomes or Hobbits of some other fantasy worlds. They seem to be a race that have smooth skin. Because of their small size they are often mistaken for children but like most of the races, they have a long life. While it may just be Plum, female Neiths seem to have strong motherly instincts, even taking care of people a lot larger than them. Neiths are excellent craftsmen and artisans. They are able to make detailed, powerful adornments, and are known for their enchanting abilities. Also, they can be adventurers who look for treasures and troubles. They are close allies or rivals to their close neighbour the Greers, as they often enchant the weapons and armors that Greers make. Unlike Greers, they are not physically strong. However, they make up for that with their magic and speed.

Rem Lotient The Rem Lotient are the Agarest version of fairies. This race is the tiniest race in Agarest. They have pretty butterfly wings, big round eyes, and have the appearance of a small child. Despite their appearance, they are a greatly respected race, as Thrisasaz keeps in contact with Apli, and are very polite and mature to other people. It should be noted that despite similar appearances, they are not related to the Fairy enemies that the party fights. As one would expect of fairy-like RPGs, they have great magical abilities.

Larvae Larvae are a group of creatures from another world called the Boundary. According to Dyshana, they are closer to being gods that have a spiritual form. High elves with high magical powers have the ability to summon these creatures as guardians, protectors and somethings family. The High Elf that summons them also names them it seems. These are given a unique physical form. Larvae take no particular form. They may possess a beast/wolf-like body like Borgnine, a dragon/ dinosaur form like Galios or one of a crab-like nature. While it may not be true, all Larves seem to be male, although it could also be considered that Larvaes are genderless. Summoned Larvae are very loyal to those that summoned them. Both Borgnine and Galios seem to be like a doting father to their masters. These Larvaes have flames on their shoulders like Borgnine,Vashtor and Galios, leading some to believe that most Larva that are summoned may have the flames as proof of contract. However, Larvaes can be currupted. This happen when Summeril summoned a great number of Larvaes, including Vashtor, and corrupted them in Gurgs. However, these Larvaes seems to be able to break free from there summoners control. Larvaes are incredible strong and highly resistant to both physical and magical attacks. One can say that they are the strongest race in the world of Agarest. Their strength seem to be enough to take on a small army. They are usually the first to be sent in to battle ahead of the other making way for them as they take the role of Tanks in the party. They use fists, spears, and swords as weapons, and don't seem to have great magic abilities.


[B]Appearance:[/B] (Picture or 1 paragraph+)
[B]Weapon:[/B] (Daggers, Staff, Fist Weapons, War Hammer, Sword, Spear, Scythe, Gun)

1.> No Godmodding
2.> Romance is allowed (in fact it's one of the critical parts of the RP), but keep things PG-13
3.> OOC information is not ICly known until it is revealed
4.> Be active. Life happens, we know, but try to post at least once a week. If something comes up and you need to be away for longer, let us know on this thread.

Accepted Characters:
Robert Leonis (Male Neocolom)
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Name: Robert Leonis
Race: Neocolom
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Weapon: Fists
Personality: Robert is a fair and honorable man. He doesn't hold any real prejudices towards other races, but has a strong disdain for the servants of darkness and the Gurgs who have been terrorizing the other nations. He can be quite easygoing and a bit of a flirt at times. However, he is focused and serious in combat, always looking out for the welfare of his comrades.
Bio: Robert was born in a small little hamlet named Karneet, off along the northern boarder between the Grisgale Empire and the Logran Mountain range which separates Grangale from Esterior. The mountains had provided plenty of protection from the wars, as traveling through them was hazardous even for Gurgs. Robert and his sister Lilly were two of the town's Necoloms who had the power to purify the land, making the land fertile so that crops could grow healthy and rich. However, do to the ever invading dark energies from the Gurg kingdom to the north, the land needed to be purified on an almost weekly basis.

A year before his nineteen birthday, the Gurgs came to their little hamlet and laid siege to it. Most of the townsfolk died, and Robert was left for dead, watching helplessly as the Gurgs began to try and capture his sister. His sister evaded them long enough to transfer her hidden power to Robert, not only bringing him back from the verge of death, but also granting him the power to fight off the Gurgs. However, this transfer cost his sister her life. Robert knows not the true nature of this bestowed power, but instead has focused his mind on trying to help bring the war to an end and to bring the Gurg empire down with it.
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Well now, it's been a while since I've seen a Agarest RP, let's hope this one actually gets past the SU/D stage. I'll put up a bio soon enough.
Should've posted in here sooner, bad me :sad3:

But yus, i'm in too :monocle:

Am I to assume this fort we're all in, are we here from unique circumstances or is there some other reason why we've all shown up here? :hmmm:
It can be unique circumstances, or you could be part of the military forces.