Inward Chaos


Sep 21, 2009
So everyone has a main that they can really smash with right? Which character/s have you beat Inward Chaos with?
jecht.. block-counter style.. block-jecht stream-jecht blade combo
and i equipped excalibur to boost my bravery and for the accessories, i equipped hero's seal, first to victory, rebellious soul, great gospel, berserker ring, sturm and drang, strength to courage, and 3 more accessories to boost my damage.. for the abilities.. cant remember.. exp to hp, riposte, counter...
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Can't remember what I had equipped for which character, but I have gotten through Inward Chaos with Cloud, and Golbez.

I do remember that I had Phoenix Down equipped for both when against Chaos, and for Golbez vs. Chaos, from all the stuff I had equipped I remember having a total of Initial Bravery +440% (Valor Resin, 2 of the weaker Valor accessory (can't remember name. :ness:), and some equipment that gave +40% Initial Bravery). XD
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Just one question about Inward Chaos, though. You have to battle ALL the characters, right? Does that include Shantotto and Gabranth? And who is the one you think is the toughest to beat, excluding Chaos? Because I have only gotten past the first 4 characters using Onion Knight, and surprisingly, I had more than 10 tries battling Onion Knight himself. Any tips in getting through the other characters?

Edit: Sorry, if it may seem that I am off-topic. My main though is Onion Knight, to answer the first post. XD
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Ya, you do fight everyone including Shan and Gabs. Personally I find the toughest between Jecht and Ultimecia. least, they give me the most trouble.

Jecht for his 1 combo can equal death and Ultimecia for her Apocalypse :jtc:
Though, I manage to foil Ulti's Apocalypse with long-ranged attacks. I guess I should level up long-ranged attackers first, like Frioniel?
Yeah, Firion, Cecil, Squall people who have some mid to long range magic attacks work best, or melee if they can charge in fast (like Squall's rough divide) personally i'd say Firion is best. His brave attacks are GREAT for Ultimecia's castle since she has the roof trap which works well with his spear/sword/bow combo. For Jecht, wait for him to use a charged attack and go for him after he's done (I beat him with Squall by taunting him into using Ultimate Jecht Shot and using Rough Divide)

As for Kuja, he's more troublesome so you may have to risk overhead attacks or chases since direct confrontation is a bad idea. With Gabranth, try to kill him before he eners EX, though it's easier said than done so try to cut off his evasion manouvers.
Oh, yeah. I really like Frioniel's Reel Axe. It really helped me level him up. XD I'm trying to master his moves at the moment, though.

I kind of find Jecht's moves easy to dodge. I just hate it when he lands his hit on me and his combos just follow. >:| And Kuja, he's kind of tough for me to beat. Sometimes I need to get close to him to attack him.I have trouble dodging his Ultima, though. As for Gabranth, I don't have much difficulty beating him, although I probably might have, when I reach him in Inward Chaos.
Pandemonium is the WORST stage ever! Everytime I need to hit Firion, I became stuck on the wall and during chases, I can't see what the characters are doing.

Anyway, I'm using Gabranth. He's the only one who can do damage to the enemy (EX mode) since all of my characters, including Gabranth, are equipped with level 78 weapons and level 52 armours. (I'm too lazy to synthesize their ultimate weapons and even their high level equipments) It's almost impossible to break the enemy's Brave when your Cecil is doing 3 damages each hit.:gonk:
Gabranth's EX mode is just that good to be able to break the enemy's brave in two or three hits.:highfive:
Im trying to finish Shade Impulse so i can Move on to Inward Chaos. My brother is up to Inward Chaos, and when he was versing chaos in Shade Impulse, It was really easy for him. But he still thinks his too weak to do inward chaos. After i do Shade Impulse, Im going straight to inward chaos.
ive tried the inward chaos with cloud first and it was really hard to beat any of them.
but then i've leveld my onion knight to lvl 100 and the opponents where i've needed 8 tries with cloud i managed to kill them on first try. i dont know why but the ok is much better in inward chaos then cloud (though cloud has way better equipment!)

but i can't manage to kick chaos butt in the end! i manage to defeat him once but then in the second round its over. i dont know what im doing wrong or is he just like the non plus ultra opponent?

does someone has a good advice?
^ Can you use Golbez well? If so, I suggest getting him to Level 100 and go through that last level with him so you can face Chaos with him, I defeated Chaos (all 3 rounds) in Inward Chaos in just two tries using Golbez (took me some tries to do it with Cloud, though). ;)
hm i've never played golbez. im now leveling jecht and zidane. but afterwards ill try.

what kind of equipment had your golbez when you faced chaos? lvl 100 stuff and his best weapon?
I did the 1st two stages with... Exdeath. Ultima Weapon and random armor.
For the other stages I used Jecht, using Sin's Fang (or Ultima Weapon was it?) and some random armor. I didn't use any breakables, not even at Chaos. It wasn't hard.
Cloud of Darkness was very hard to kill, so was Sephiroth. I handled the rest.
Gotta love Jecht and Exdeath. Jecht is my main, Golbez and Exdeath are my secondaries and I have Squall, Zidane and CoD as backups. Although I have everyone at 100 :monster:
gratz 4 having all on 100.

hm yeah thanks im gonna try it out later
for me zidane and sephiroth can break chaos easily because they attack very fast and they have a smiting soul accessory.. but my ace player is jecht and i finished chaos easily when i used him.. oh yah jecht and exdeath is good for blocking some attacks of chaos
well the OK should work also great then.
why are jecht and exdeath so good for blocking?
i thought everyone could block oO
Well, I completed first four stages with Terra, I think only Sephiroth took around 3 tries, everyone else fell slightly faster. As for the last stage, I wanted to get better equipment first... relying on Magic Pot the whole time isn't exactly good.

I'll try it with Onion Knight afterwards...
I went through mostly with Cloud up until the second to last stage, where i've been using Squall.

Any tips for Chaos? I can beat his first two forms (sometimes) but I stand little chance against his final form :gonk:


Tenacious Attacker
Miracle Shoes
Gaia Ring
Dragonfly Orb
Pearl Necklace
Archangel's Bell
Hyper Ring
Muscle Belt
Gold Hourglass


Aegis Shield
Reed Cloak

For abilities I have most of the speed/jump things as well as evasion boosts and a few critical rate boosts... Ideas? :gonk: