Is anyone happy about the turn-based system being replaced?

I like it, the same things been done with previous final fantasys without the option of moving around, they jsut improved on an older idea
It's not that i dont like the turned based battle system, its just not final fantasy anymore and its kinda disapointing because i really enjoyed the turn based system
I love turn based.It's a relaxing,thoughtful way to employ tactics in boss battles.But for random battles,I love the Gambit system.No more screen shattering and then facing some low level monsters every 6 steps.As I've said before,I think that a Gambit-like system is perfect for monotonous random fights,but in boss battles,I wish that turn-based was the only way.Gambits made it a little easy.Sooo,I'm torn.
I dont know, I really enjoy playing this game, the battle system and the random battles. But I really enjoyed the battle system in X also.
i lie turn based where your constantly going, like active turn based, not liek final fantasy 10, that was WAY too easy. like ff x-2 with gambits would be perfect
..If you want to play the old systems, play the old games xP. No offense, but why should we stick to the same old regular gameplay system - meaning random encounters and sticky old turn based battles for every single game? This was a much needed change, I'm sure some of you agree - I just think the whole random encounter elimination thing should have happened, and a new style of battle system (like XII's could have been implemented in 10. New system, new start?). Of course not everyone is going to like it, that's cool, and I know at first, I was like - U WHAT O.O.

But, I realised this had to happen sooner or later ^_^

As for the losing it's FF feel..I don't get that. x.x ;_;
I Happen To Like This Battle System ... When You Look At It, It Works Out For The Way They Were Trying To Go With The Game. Can't Live In The Past Forever, Gotta Innovate .. Different Teams Come With Different Ideas ...every Final Fantasy Has Had A Battle System With A Little Tweak Here And There, But None With The Same Method Of Battle ...
I Happen To Like This Battle System ... When You Look At It, It Works Out For The Way They Were Trying To Go With The Game. Can't Live In The Past Forever, Gotta Innovate .. Different Teams Come With Different Ideas ...every Final Fantasy Has Had A Battle System With A Little Tweak Here And There, But None With The Same Method Of Battle ...

Why does every one of the words in your post start out capatalized?
i'm so pleased with 12 and the direction they took with it. not just with the battle system, but every aspect of the game was amazing.
it's unique but with subtle parts that reminds you of the older final fantasy
it may be much different than what we were used to but it ertainly is a genius idea for it to be implemented in this game
That's a toughie...I actually liked both, actually. Well, I prefer the battle-system from the previous titles...but um, XII battle system was different and it was a nice change, I guess. It doesn't feel very Final Fantasy to me though, but what the's still good. =)

I just hope they'd bring back the normal battle system back again in their later projects though. I kinda miss it.

Argh, so I guess I can't really decide which I prefer. =/
I feel like Square-Enix wanted to make this battle system like a MMORPG. Which I am not too happy with. I was a fan of the random battles and the turn based system, but I was also ready for a change. This was not the change I was looking for. The battle system in FFXII takes little to no thinking at all, except for knowing what gambits to put on, which you should not have a problem with if you are older than 6.

I would personally like to have a turn based battle system rather than an online battle system for a game that is not online.
i love to play turn based games...but this battle system was just so just made me want me to play it more...
I liked parts of it and I disliked other parts. I liked the evolution of the active time battle, I mean, it's really the same thing except you can run around, but that running around adds a lot of dimension to the battle. The thing I didn't like is the gambits. They were kind of cool... but I really like controlling all my characters. I don't trust the computer to decide what to do (even if I tell the computer what to make them do) ;)
At first I thought the whole turn-based play being replaced by free movement battles was a terrible idea. But then it came to me it would mean no random battles. Yes!!! lol
I like it but im gonna miss the anoying random battles when your just about to reach the edge of the screen and the constant battle music, and little show off who deals the killing blow and does a little dance.