Is Final Fantasy losing its appeal?


Final Fantasy Nut
Apr 3, 2008
I don't if you have heard of this or maybe I am just inaccurate in my assumption but I was wondering if the FF series is losing its appeal to most fans of the series? I wasn't a really dedicated fan until I actually played the games myself and now I am enthralled by the series but everywhere I look I keep hearing how FF is beginning to lose its appeal and that Square Enix post Sakaguchi is beginning to wane a little but I wonder with great games like FFVi, FFX and even FFVII I would say otherwise. Is FF really going down the tubes or I am I just innaccurate in my assumption?
I haven't heard anything of the sort... Who are you hearing this from?

from dedicated fans that are pissed that SE is using Squaresoft's reputation to produce shitty mediocre games, obviously. :monster:
Final Fantasy's golden age was, in my opinion, from FFIV to FFIX... While FFX was great, it lacked many of the elements of FF that made the games great... For example a world map, and flyable airship... FF12 had even fewer FF elements.. and the spin-offs have even fewer.

So yes. It is losing its appeal!

Last post.. I'm off on holiday now!
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Ugh, this attitude infuriates me.

I don't like any of the games any less than I did when I first played them. Whatever the internal dramas are at Square-Enix shouldn't make a difference to whether or not you enjoy playing the games.
Ok, ok... THIS is my last post before I go on holiday..

It doesn't stop me enjoying the games I HAVE enjoyed int he past. I just have been enjoying the recent installments less than the games in the golden age.
I still get my FF fix by playing and replaying the ones I like.
I think they are losing their appeal to me personally because I'm just getting older and my interest is just going in general >_>

I am getting rather sick of games being churned out by the bucket load, instead of eagerly awaiting a year or 2 or however long it was, there's a new game out every 5's just lost it's magic to me, but again, I blame that on me just getting older and losing interest :gasp:
Ugh, this attitude infuriates me.

I don't like any of the games any less than I did when I first played them. Whatever the internal dramas are at Square-Enix shouldn't make a difference to whether or not you enjoy playing the games.
I don't think he means re-playing the older games, but the new ones are loosing their appeal.

I'd have to agree, FFXI being an online game didn't exactly float my boat and I thought FFXII was not even close to as good as its predecessors.
However, I think it's too early to judge. If FFXIII is great then FFXII can be forgiven.
Final Fantasy's golden age was, in my opinion, from FFIV to FFIX... While FFX was great

i agree with argor (well mostly) from 7-9 was the golden age, then 10 came it was a good game on the whole but thats when we started the very liner ff's not like 7-9 where you had a wide open map. When they bring back world maps and proper airships the appeal will come back.
i'd have to agree that i do REALLY miss flying my airship around the world map. I remember when i first started playing X and i was so disappointed when i found out that i couldn't fly.

but yeah, i would say that the best final fantasies were in the VI to IX range. although that doesn't mean i've enjoyed X and XII any less. i know that sounds kinda crazy, but i felt like they're just as good.

and i still have no clue why people dislike XII so much. i enjoyed it a lot! i really liked the storyline and it felt a lot like the world of fftactics.

the spinoff have been sort of ridiculous though. dirge of cerberus was probably one of the worst shooters i have ever played. (it was still worth the buy and the play for the cutscenes imo)

all in all, i think the core series still gets the job done but the spinoffs are poor.
meh i dont really care about the airships and everything i mean sure it was fun but thats not the most important bit i personally find.

the most important bit for me is the storey line and YES the storeylines are going down and they arent as fun as they used to be but i still love them
the storylines aren't as dark as they used to be. you don't get psychos like kefka, sephiroth or kuja.
IMo yes I think that Final Fantasy is losing it's appeal. Why?

Because it's been 7 years since we've seen a decent main series FF game. Ever since FFX we've seen retarted sequels (FFX-2) a decent online experience (FFXI) and an Impressive odd ball experiment (FFXII) but we haven't had a TRUE FF game in quite some time. This is partly due to Hironobu's departure from the company but more importantly SE's new business plan.

From now on they seem to just be concerned about money instead of the quality of their games (Chocobo Tales anyone?) and they churn shit out every month or so. Same goes for the Dragon Quest series but that's a subject for another day.

What happened of the good old days of Final Fantasy IV-Final Fantasy IX...If FFXIII turns out to be a flop then I'll probably just stop playing all the new FF games and just replay the old ones.
That's what I've been doing since I don't own a PS2. I hear X was great though and I hate not having played a good installment. I wouldn't say just 4-10, though. Number 1 was great fun (although the random battles were far excessively, too numerous) and 2 was decent. The remake of three is alright, and I presume that's how the newer ones are, sadly. They need to go back to their roots and come up with some original ideas. None of the new ones have caught my interest to buy a new PS whatever in the first place. Monster Rancher 2 has been more inspiration for it, and that's just 'cause PS2 and 3 games make monsters if you use a PS3 to make them. lol.
Meh, I have three of the games and have only finished one (IX), but I have to agree. Maybe it's how annoying the characters are. I don't know...but for me good characters make a good game. The characters in X and XII just really irk me, with the exception of Lulu. Plus it's just annoying with the 'cloister of trials' in X and the large amount of dungeons in XII. Oh, and the voices are juts plain annoying. Ashe, Auron, Lulu, and Yuna all have normal voices, but everyone else sounds either a like drunk German (mostly in XII) or a squealing pig.

I think that I'll get VI once I finish one of the games and see how that works out.
How rude, voice acting is damn well good in FFXII >.>. Final Fantasy is known for having lots of dungeons in it's games, you'll soon find that out when you play more of the titles..
Meaby a bit.A better way to be appealing would be making remakes(like they do a little bit,but remakes for the PS3 would be much better),and sequels and less new parts.Still in every four years a new FF would be good tho.
How rude, voice acting is damn well good in FFXII >.>. Final Fantasy is known for having lots of dungeons in it's games, you'll soon find that out when you play more of the titles..

Not all of the voices are that bad, maybe it's just because I don't like English accents very much. No offense to anyone with an English accent, as I know most of the people here are from England. Maybe it's just because I'm not used to hearing them. *shrugs* And I will say that if they heard my voice in a game, they would probably complain about it as well. >_<

And I already said that I've only played three games. I'm perfectly okay with dungeons in games, but if they're hours long and the game doesn't really focus on the main storyline because of it, it just gets ridiculous.

Sorry if my post sounded rude. >_<
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Oh, I didn't mean your post was rude, it wasn't offensive at all, I just think that since X, there has been a definite improvement on voices, so I was taken aback a bit when you said that.

However, for the English accents thing, the Imperial soldiers were awful, terribly awful. So cringeworthy.

But some of us Englishfolk are sexy sounding. I think :gasp:
I just hope that they won't too much on voice acting in further installments when speaking with NPCs unless it turns out to be good.