Is Shadow really Relm's father?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Do You Think That Relm.......

Do you think that Relm is Shadows daughter? after all were given a few clues throughout the game - such as only shadow and Relm being able to equip the momento ring...and shadows dog doesn't try to eat her :lol:

theres probably a few more but i cant remember them lol but i think that Relm is shadows daughter.
Yes he is. Theres a scene at some point during the world of ruin that hints greatly. Relms mother dies in childbirth I think after which the father, Clive (aka Shadow), leaves Thamasa and leaves her in care with her Grandfather.
If you don't wait for Shadow on the floating continent, you'll get dream sequence with Relm where Shadow leaves her with Statego. And if Shadow lives in the WOR he will be in the cave in the Vedlt. If he dies, Relm will be there instead.
I didn't see anything concrete but i can't say its not true because it does make sense
Yes, Relm is Shadow/Clyde's daughter.

First off there is that coicidental liking between Interceptor and Relm, when in fact the dog usually hates everyone except Shadow.

Second, the Relic you can equip on both Relm and Shadow "only" are described as "Loving Mother's/Wife's departing gift" or something along the lines of that.

The dreams really are a great part of Shadow's past and it makes him one of the main reasons he is my favorite character in the game.
The evidence certainly seems to point to Shadow being Relm's father, so i say yes.

On a related note, i read somewhere that Strago and Relm aren't actually related.
I took the time to think about it and it really made alot of sense especially the ring part because there could be no other other explanation
I cant remember how but when Shadow was called Clyde Arrowney....
his love concieved a child, but he couldnt deal with it so he left her.
again i cant remember a little after that, but a little after THAT he got into trouble with the Emperors laws. so he lived on the run constantly and put on the Ninja gear and became Shadow.
I must concur with you guys on this... because he IS he father and there is no denial about. you cant deny a FACT: Relm Arrowney, Clyde Arrowney
If you need more info on this, might i suggest that you PM me so I can give you a site with these facts.
There are a total of 8 dream sequences involving Shadow, his friend, Relm, & Interceptor. There is a lot of suggestive evidence that Shadow is Relm's father. The momento ring truly gives it away.
I can´t believe some doubt this.

Yes Relm and Shadow are both same blood and flesh. There is a lot of evidence and I like that fact Relm never find out who her father is. Oh and I believe Clyde became Shadow because he was ashamed of leaving his daughter, and very sad because the love of his love died and all his misdeeds with Baram in the past so he killed his emotions that he wouldn´t have to ever feel sorrow.

Does Shadow die in the end since he stays in the Kefkas tower?
Does Shadow die in the end since he stays in the Kefkas tower?

It is unlikely he survived, as he does not appear on the airship when everyone else does after escaping Kefka's Tower.
I believe he comes back though in the GBA version. There is the Dragon's Den when you defeat Kefka. I assume he comes back because in the FFIV and FFV GBA versions all characters that were supposedly dead come back.
i agree with most people on here that shadow is relms father.

their should be a luke - vader scene i think @RElm i am you father' lol that would be so cool
Shadow is most certainly Relm's father in my opinion...the evidence strongly suggests it...then again, I suppose it could merely be interpretation of facts.