is that not my jag there in the car park pissing all over the club chairman's mondeo?

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Indeed. I got the heebee jeebee's from looking at the pics in the thread. I was legit freaked. Rather creepy looking and have potential to cause total hell.
Toni say's they are actually evil so I wouldn't doubt it...

Then again, she WAS lying about a single platypus being able to kill a man @Squidward :toni:

EDIT: ONLY with it's poison... I want to make that part clear... Other than that, I wan't proof of this Platypus, Man-slaughter... :mokken:
Agent P? He totally pwns Dr. whatever his name is, everytime.

Just look into the eyes of an emu, they are totally evil. Just waiting to pluck out YOUR eyes or some shizz.
are you serious? Screwdrivers? That's insane. LOL

Hmm, pluck does sound a bit childish... :hmmm:
:ffs: you can't be serious.

I'll go along with it though. These are pretty crazy, but, where do they get their weapons from? :D
Well, I've been doing some extensive research and I have a theory that it's the Koalas... The Koalas jump down from the trees on top of an unsuspecting human, kills them, takes their shit, and sells it to the Emus.
Very interesting. So animals have their own black market type deal too? This also explains random deaths. Either way, It's very scary to know that these creatures can plan their actions so well.
Indeed. Perhaps we train our own breed of monkey to counter act their team? I'm pretty sure they'd run away from a gorilla.

Monkeys can also be situationed in a forest area if needed.

Oh also some birds that can talk. They'd be able to bring us detailed info on exactly what they do.
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