is that the WHOLE ending? (spoilers possible)

Edward Elric

Mar 19, 2007
was anyone else really pissed about this ending? i mean why couldnt they just show vaan going to meet up with ashe? or anything else? i hate how its pretty much a cliff-hanger ending. thoughts?
was anyone else really pissed about this ending? i mean why couldnt they just show vaan going to meet up with ashe? or anything else? i hate how its pretty much a cliff-hanger ending. thoughts?

I kind of like cliff hanger endings with no sequels to let my imagination go crazy. Anyway, if you want to find out what happens then just get ready for Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings which is basically Final Fantasy Tactics.
There is another one that is going to be released? Interesting. I thought also the ending was a bit underdone. I feel that there should have been more information in it. More to see abouit what happened to everyone.
There is another one that is going to be released? Interesting. I thought also the ending was a bit underdone. I feel that there should have been more information in it. More to see abouit what happened to everyone.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings has already been released in Japan. Nintendo DS only.

EDIT: If you scrolled down, you would have seen tha their is a sub forum for it. :)
Yes I noticed that. Thanks. I still believe though that there should be more to the story.
Um, I wasn't pissed about the ending. I thought it was well done, but I do agree there was some stuff missing, such as everyone's whereabouts. I mean, everything was pretty much explained in a "letter" that Penelo composed, but it still wasn't enough for me.

However, I do like the simplicity of it all too. So I can't really argue much about this. I like it, even though there was some stuff missing, and that's that.
I liked the simpicity of the ending...and it does leave us on a cliffhanger (by not showing Balthier and Fran)

i Think this ending was made so it can easily be fleshed out into a Sequal - hence FFXII:RW
I liked the simpicity of the ending...and it does leave us on a cliffhanger (by not showing Balthier and Fran)

i Think this ending was made so it can easily be fleshed out into a Sequal - hence FFXII:RW

yeah the cliffhanger but some where we all knew that FraBa
are still alive even in the ending Panello tells us in some way
''If her owner wants her back'' and we know that Balthier is the owner so here we have it

anyway I like the ending I can see Sexy Basch with a new hair cut
and he is even hotter with it
but the only thing that was missing was Ashe being crowned Queen
well a bit they could have let us see the Stral fly by
and a quick look at the window to see who is in it
but than in FFXII RW there would be no suprise
when we see FraBa and find out there still alive ; )
Ending was good. More fulfilling then previous FF's.
But it's obvious they're still alive anyway!
exactly ... i dont see how people can think otherwise ..... i was waiting for a little something else after the credits like they have done in previous titles but overall i think the ending was summed up quite well ....
i liked the ending and all, i just was interested to see what was going to happen when vaan and ashe meet up? do they ever have any type of relationship more than friends? it just left a lot of my questions unanswered. no disrespect to the game cause it was still great, im just like that with good games...i always want more.
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i liked the ending and all, i just was interested to see what was going to happen when vaan and ashe meet up? do they fall in love? it just left a lot of questions unanswered. no disrespect to the game cause it was still great, im just like that with good games...i always want more.

Interesting that you'd think Ashe and Vaan would fall in love. They didn't interact in that manner as far as I can see.

I also liked the sketches in the end credits. I think I squeed until I passed out when I saw Fran with her sisters, and baby Balthier/Fframaran (sp?)with Dr. Cid.
Personally, I thought it was a good ending, although I would have liked to see Fran/Balthier again, and it would have been nice to see Ashe's coronation. Oh well, can't do anything about it. :P
i liked the ending and all, i just was interested to see what was going to happen when vaan and ashe meet up? do they fall in love? it just left a lot of questions unanswered. no disrespect to the game cause it was still great, im just like that with good games...i always want more.

I never thought that question was even opened to be answered. It is debatable that there could possibly have been some tension between Balthier and Ashe but nothing too strong to suggest. Many could also suspect Vaan and Penelo but I just seen them as close friends as they had lived together for awhile. Something could happen in FF:RW but from FFXII, there wasn't anything strong.
i liked the ending and all, i just was interested to see what was going to happen when vaan and ashe meet up? do they fall in love? it just left a lot of questions unanswered. no disrespect to the game cause it was still great, im just like that with good games...i always want more.

It was a great game, but the ending had that to be continued feeling about it, leaving a few things (story wise) unexplained. Sure they did a good job wrapping up the characters, but again, there where a couple of things I would like to have known a little more about. One of the major ones are the
, but from what I'm hearing, that's what RW will pickup on. I'm just still hoping it's not a direct sequel.

vaan and ashe meet up? do they fall in love?

Nah, It's more or less Vann + Penello. Infact I heard that RW's will explore their relationship a whole lot more.