Serious Is there a name for this type of person?


Spoken in Pitches
Oct 24, 2009
Wherever there are people that do not deny the wea
Im not saying I want neither.
I suppose im just wondering what one should advise about someone that plans on never having sex in their lifetime.

Yes, it's a rare occurance. But it's me! I dont want to have sex and I dont want to get married and I guess that means I don't want to love someone so much.

What are your thoughts?
Good for you sweetie. But a quick question for you. How do you know you wont fall in love and develop feelings for someone? Just curious :) When I was younger I vowed to never love anyone else because I hate love and its happened twice since :(

But if thats what you want to do, then bloody well do it hun. I dont know what the term would be for a person you have described, do you really need a name for yourself? Do what you think is best for yourself and your life. Also please be careful hun.
Maybe HSDD? Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. Well...I'm not saying that you have it (it would depend on how old you are), but that's the nearest thing. Either that or you're nihilistic....which I doubt.
I think what you are talking of is Abstinence or Sexual Abstinence. Or maybe even Asexuality. Or even Antisexualism. There are a few terms that describe what you are speaking of, some differ in ways to others. Though I am unsure if there is a term to describe the person. Have a read into these you might find out more about what you are trying to achieve.

You must have a strong will to do something like this, I for sure could not.
Ah, well a lot of people call it asexual. Nevermind that the word asexual actually refers to reproduction by budding. But some people who do not wish sex and/or romance refer to themselves as asexual. So.

I would advise you to keep an open mind, however. I generally advise against actively looking for romance as well. Just don't turn it down automatically if it comes to you is all I'm saying.
I don't mean to be pulling out the age card on this, but honestly... umm I've never heard it before. I mean intimacy is an inate human thing, and to go without.. I'm sorry to say, I do pity it.

Going without sex.. was way easier to do when actually a virgin, but I can't possibly think like that anymore. I'm sure there is a psychological term for it, but then again everyone can be given a psychological term. It makes it easier for diagnosis. I don't wanna call you a freak.. but seriously to deny yourself of it, it would be better to be in a convent.
I'll be totally honest with you, I've never heard of anything like this before. Seeing as how you have your age hidden as well, I can't make a fair assessment as to how or why you feel the way you do. I guess the easiest assessment I can make is that you're choosing to be a loner. I can also call you an independent. But I don't know of any medical terminology for this.

But I propose a bet with you. I bet you any amount of money that your thoughts on the matter will change. Even a priest will eventually have sexual thoughts (and that doesn't turn out well for the most part). Being able to go without love or sex for a lifetime is exceptionally hard (no pun intended). But even so, both of which can be 2 of the most magical feelings a person can ever feel. I've had my heart broken as a result of love and I'm still willing to look for it again. I've also had my sexual encounters that didn't turn out well, yet I still want more.

Like I said, I can't make a fair assessment as to why you would feel this way. Unless the circumstances are extreme, I'd say that you'll cave in to the idea of both in time.
Well, how old are you? Because sex and relationships can really freak kids out when there even still twelve or so. It doesn't mean you won't change your mind. I bet you aren't even close to being done with life. Lets say you live to one hundred, and right now you're thirteen. (Assuming...) That is not even a fifth of your life! The decisions you make for your life when you are young will change as you get older. There really is no worry, or hurry to get married and become a baby machine. Just enjoy the now instead of worring about the later. :)
As of right now I'm going with what everyone else has said. Yes it is very possible to do such a thing for an entire life. Though it is one of the hardest things one could do i would assume. I suppose if you were christian, they'd call you a Nun. Though i doubt it. Assuming your in your mid-teens, I wouldn't be surprised if your mind changed later on in life. It will happen in time. Everything happens in time. Weather we accept it or not. Best of luck to you though.
It's possible, depending on you yourself, I'll suppose. Ultimately, there may come a day where you simply fall in love with some person for reasons unexplained. You probably won't be able to avoid thinking about marrying that person, or having sex with him, later on in your courtship. Nevertheless, I wouldn't deny the possibility that you may be able to stay as you apparently are right now.
Celibacy is fairly normal amongst priests, unless someone wants to make the obvious joke about priests fucking little kids.
Both Ghandi and Sir Isaac Newton were celibate for some time, and much less famously, sir cliff richard is also celibate, or so he says at least.
I don't think there's any good reason for not wanting to love someone or have sex with them, the only possible reason is not wanting to get hurt, but it is better to have loved etc etc.
I think by ruling out those two experiences, which are commonly held to be the best experiences, sex coming second only to crystal meth or Heroin, and love being the most enjoyable of all emotions. By deliberately choosing to give them up I think you're probably making life less enjoyable for yourself. If you do manage to go through with this, you must have brilliant self-control which is commendable. And at the end of the day who am I, or anyone else for that matter, to judge you on how you plan to live your life. Good luck to you, it's certainly something I couldn't do.