Is this game " TOo typical"


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 27, 2007
Is this the typical "Main character is a female, with short-shorts and revealing clothing" game. Honestly with Final Fantasy you do not have to use sex to sell the game. Final Fantasy sells itself. Everything is sex appeal these days with games and commercials, there was a car commercial for tires with half naked woman for ridiculousness. Do they have to degrade FF series with sex, just to sell it? Um let's think Final Fantasy X-2, was ALL ABOUT sex appeal. And you can't tell me for 10 seconds it was not.

I really hope they don't make this that typical game now, like MOST (NOT ALL) are these days.
I dont think Lightings outfit is that revealing. But as youve said, sex does sell. Lulu in X had large breasts as did Tifa in 7. Come one, the games are mainly made for males, so of course the females are going to be sexy. They know it can help boost the sales.
I don't look for that in the game though, I look at the gameplay. FFX was awesome in it's gameplay and grid system design and FF7 for it's Materia system.
And that doesnt mean that 4 million males are not going to look at the sex appeal side of the game. And FYI, that was a randomly plicked number, so no people jumping on my case regarding staticts (sp) please.

Fair enough, play the game for those reasons. But it wont stop any company not using sex as a selling tool.
I didn't think Lightning's clothing was revealing at all. Look at Lulu in X, all three girls in X-2... Ashe in XII... Even if Lightning's clothing was revlealing, I don't think you could say the game is "TOO" typical.

And as Sapphire said, they will always use sex appeal to sell games. What good would it be, from a selling point of view, if characters were normal? Would you buy a Final Fantasy game if the main character looked like ther nerdy kid next door? :P

Also, I've talked to a few guys who marvel at the bodies of game characters. They enjoy staring at them... Eh, I'll never understand why. But it's proof that some men care about sexy female characters. I think it gives off bad messages myself. ¬_¬
Honestly with Final Fantasy you do not have to use sex to sell the game. Final Fantasy sells itself. Everything is sex appeal these days with games and commercials, there was a car commercial for tires with half naked woman for ridiculousness. Do they have to degrade FF series with sex, just to sell it? Um let's think Final Fantasy X-2, was ALL ABOUT sex appeal. And you can't tell me for 10 seconds it was not.

What are you talking about? Revealing and stuff? Using sex as a selling tool? Are you from the 1930's or something? It's today's fashion, and who would play a 60-70 hour game just to watch the girl in it? Some perverts maybe, but most of the people buy because it's FF and most FF so far have had sexy and beautiful female characters (example: Tifa, Lulu, Rinoa ... ), which is not the reason people bought them.

FFX-2 was IMO made mostly for the female gamers, all main characters were girls, dress spheres and such. Also if three girls went swimming together and played in the water it doesn't mean they are gay or that it's a "sex scene"(saw a video on youtube about this, stupid people .. :/).

Girls do this, they are much closer and open to each other in that way then guys, I think that the girls on this forum can confirm that.

So, just enjoy the game when it comes out and don't always try to find flaws and subliminal meaning or reasons, where there are none.
Is this the typical "Main character is a female, with short-shorts and revealing clothing" game. Honestly with Final Fantasy you do not have to use sex to sell the game. Final Fantasy sells itself. Everything is sex appeal these days with games and commercials, there was a car commercial for tires with half naked woman for ridiculousness. Do they have to degrade FF series with sex, just to sell it? Um let's think Final Fantasy X-2, was ALL ABOUT sex appeal. And you can't tell me for 10 seconds it was not.

I really hope they don't make this that typical game now, like MOST (NOT ALL) are these days.

Yes, and sex sells. It's the human body, grow up. What makes the female body so wrong then? Women can show off whatever the hell they want.

I don't think Lighting outfit is slutty at all, in fact, she seems pretty covered. There has been much sluttier female video game characters. I don't see anyone complaining about Morrigan Aensland from Street Fighter.

I don't look for that in the game though, I look at the gameplay. FFX was awesome in it's gameplay and grid system design and FF7 for it's Materia system.

Then why should it matter to you how revealing a character's body is? If you're so concerned about the game play then why are you concerned about how the character is dress? You can easily just ignore that.

FFX-2 was IMO made mostly for the female gamers, all main characters were girls, dress spheres and such. Also if three girls went swimming together and played in the water it doesn't mean they are gay or that it's a "sex scene"(saw a video on youtube about this, stupid people .. :/).

Girls do this, they are much closer and open to each other in that way then guys, I think that the girls on this forum can confirm that.

It's true though. I do tend to be attractive to girly things. I did not like FFX-2 but it was still fun looking at pretty outfits.
Sex won't sell FFXIII; but engineering will.

There's nothing too sexy about this game except for the incredibly orgasmic engineering. Of course, I guess there is something to be debated here:
Are Lightning's legs just too sexy?


This could be an issue for prude 1920's Amish communities!
And those armpits! Please! I'm getting erotic thoughts just looking at them! Cover them up already!

The simple story is that FFXIII is making a chance 360 degree turn for the series. We've seen a lot of great new innovations in FFXIII, even with the small stack of media that we've scraped together thus far.

Every FF title carries over traditional traits as the series expands; but no two Final Fantasy games are exactly alike. Each new game takes one more progressive step; leaving something old behind, carrying a few beloved traditions along, and inviting new changes all in the same process.

Don't be scared of non-polygonal graphics, guns, and science fiction. And don't be scared of action packed FMVs either, because from the looks of this game, there's a heck of a lot of eye candy rolling around on the floor. This isn't Devil May Cry boys and girls, it's just the next step in expanding the series. And all of those things that I mentioned (great graphics, guns, sci-fi, and memorable FMVs), these aren't new innovations. Take a look at the majority of the previous FF games; this is nothing new, and nothing to be afraid of.

I forgot one thing. Don't fear sex appeal.
~*Points to Tifa, Lulu, and Rikku*~
Nothing new. =]
I guess you have a point ... somewhat. BUT, me being a dude play FF just for the gameplay ... i dont go all Quagmire over some video game girls ... thats lame, weird, and a lil perverted. besides i prefer the real thing opposed to a video game.
As Cerridwen stated, Lightning's outfit is not at all slutty. Sure, someone could argue that her shorts are a bit...short. However, she's hardly revealing much is she.
Wow, and I got a "pre" warning, I suppose, for the same type of anti-prudish comments in the "What do you think of Lulu" thread, and I wasn't half as brutal as anything said here.
