Dirge of Cerberus is this game worth getting?


May 31, 2009
right smack in the middle of NONE YA!!!!!
hey guys, i'm new to the whole final fantasy world and im trying to figure which to get. Dirge of Cerberus looks amazing but i is it a very long game? i want a good game that will take me a good long time to finish. if this isn't worth buying which is?
K i wouldn't recommend Dirge of Cerberus, i would go with the regular FFVII. It should take you a good while.
It's one of those games that you'll enjoy for a while but then you'll quickly get bored of and won't want to play for ages
It really depends on your own taste because every FF is a bit different. But my first FF was Final Fantasy X, and it left a great impression on me and made me want to play more. It's probably still my favorite FF so far. I recommend FFX, but it may not be the best choice if you want the classic FF feeling.
If you are after a long game, this isn't the game for you. On my first play through I finished it in about 11 hours. Plus it is a pretty shit game too, I wouldn't recommend this game.
I wouldn't consider getting Dirge of Cerberus since it's kind of short. Don't get me wrong, it's not too bad, especially if you're into third person shooter games. But, the storyline gets rather boring. The music isn't bad, but sometimes sounds a little repetitive. But, really, for storyline purposes, I suggest trying out the original FFVII first. It's longer and has better storyline and gameplay.
If you really wanted to get the whole Final Fantasy experience and you had the right systems, I would get Crisis Core for PSP, then pick up Final Fantasy 7 and Dirge of Cerberus.

I really enjoyed DoC. I was skeptical about buying it at first, but the game really grew on me. I enjoyed the weapon customization features, the action style game play, and the story. I understood most of it during the first run through, but after playing Crisis Core and 7, I enjoyed the story a lot more. The game IS somewhat short, though. The replay value is alright, but the enemies are quite fun to kill!
If you want to know more about the compilation, then yes.

If you want to play a genuinely good game that does not possess the qualities of many extremely mediocre anime action series and games, then no.
YOU ask if its worth getting well i think its a good a great graphics and just the way its story line is..i would reacommend it if ur lookin for finalfantasy games on ps2 ..but ff12 is pretty ool
I wouldn't recommend Dirge of Cerberus as your first step into the FF world. It's a great game, but not a traditional RPG. Besides, I'd play FFVII first to get the real story and first meet the characters.

Keep in mind that Dirge is more of a third person shooter with RPG elements rather than a true RPG.
If you're looking for a standard Final fantasy game, you're not going to get it. If you want a decent shooter game with a poor storyline, than by all means buy the game. I rate it a C as a normal game, as a sequel of 7, I give it a D.
I thought it was a really enjoyable game if your use to shooters. It reveals alot into Vincents past, who is so mysterious you can't help but be curious about him, but if you haven't played FFVII yet then you might not want to play this just yet as you will not have a clue whats happening. So yeah its worth getting but I wouldn't reccomend it without playing FFVII.
It is really worth getting if you like action and gun games. At some parts it can get difficult at some points.
I would stick to the main Final Fantasy games. DOC is not a very long game and the story suck, plus it was just not a very good game. If you played this and any other FF game you can so a huge differece. I wouldn't waste my money on buying it.