Is Tidus ...

I would say he's a hero. Sure he's not the most badass or the coolest but he has his moments. I mean if you didn't have him it would have been impossible to kill Ject. He starts out pretty arrogant but he matures through the game. What I think really makes him a hero is that he went to fight Sin with full knowledge that if they managed to destroy Sin, he would cease to exist.

Also, it's cool to have a guy that actually made a move towards the girl as opposed to waiting around or being clueless.
I would have thought he was a cry baby at first because of what happened in Zanarkand and all. But I grew quite fond of Tidus. I thought of him as an FF hero just like Cloud, Squall and Zidane sooner rather than later. And I just knew he'd fall for Yuna. She's like his damsel in distress.
I'm tired of making summaries....

He was a sniveling little *insert witty comment here*< Edited by the FCC.
I liked him until he was always whining. In the BMG I thought he was cooler than Cloud or Squall. But then with the inscessent babbling, he was marked a *insert witty comment here*.:)
haha, this thread is perfect! He is the biggest crybaby in the history of fff.
I mean hes a proffesional sports player! U dont see Carmelo anthony or John Lynch cryin there eyes out
Lol. Is he any good in grand theft chocobo III? Roflmao.
I used to like him but after a while of playing it... Not so much so. I was so relived to throw ffX in my game cupboard when I completed it. I am thinking of playing it again, at some point... But this time on mute. :P

Oh yeah nearly forgot... Yes I think Tidus was a whiny bishy... Who needs a good B.D.S.M session :P lol
Maybe that will stop his whining. :P
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cut the boy some slack, he was taken from a world 1000 of years after his time, i think i would act the same way if i was him, a hero all the way
I don't know what to choose. I'd say he starts off a cry baby and ends up a hero. maybe this vote should have had an option for both?
He's a hero if you haven't beaten the game well too bad. He cried a lot when he was a kid and he cries when he meets his dad. But through the whole game all he does is protect Yuna... Therefore he is definitely a hero but in the beginning he was definitely a cry baby.
First 2 times I played it I hated Tidus. I'm playing it again right now currently, and I've changed my oppinion. He's not that bad, and he's not getting on my nerves this time. I actually think he is kinda funny. And well, he is the hero of the story, I choose Hero. Also, isn't a true hero measured by the size of his heart? Who's got more heart than Tidus? Good job Tidus!!!
i find him a whiny person who crys when he doesnt get what he wants but hes ok to because hes quick on his feet with fiends so i choose both if it alright with you guys :)
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I see him as a hero disguised as a crybaby. Sure, he IS whiny, but when it comes right down to it, he's a hero.
Three broads go on a full quest (final fantasy x-2) to save the man and he's not a hero? You guys are a tough crowd.
I see him as a crybaby as a child, buyt you have to remember that he didn't exactly have the loving fatherly influence that he had hoped for.

In the gameplay though, he gives up everything he has when he is sucked into a foreign world apart from everyone he knew, and forced to help save a world from evil corruptness and destruction. Sure he may have an annoying laugh and voice when he gets excited, but at least he's passionate about what he's gonig after. Even when he knows in the end he will lose it all once again.

Tidus is my hero.