Is Yuna's mother elder or younger sister of Cid?


Feb 11, 2013
I know that Yuna is older than Rikku, but I wonder who is the elder cousin sister?
don't know if this question makes any sense though :) because in my country, (elder brother's daughter) will be (elder cousin sister) of (younger sister's daughter), no matter how old they are.
of course, I need a reliable source :)
I don't think they ever said if Cid was older or younger than Yuna's mother.
I know Rikku is younger than Yuna, but Brother (Rikku's Brother) is older than Yuna. So really I don't think (unless they say in the future) there is no way to really know for certain.
^ because in my language, we have 2 separeted pronouns for elder and younger cousin sister, but no pronoun for "cousin", and I'm translating a wiki.
I don't think we will ever find out for certain. But thinking things through...Auron is 35 during the game, and was 25 when Braska went on the pilgrimage, given that Braska didn't seem much older than Auron, I'd hazard a guess that he was probably about the same age or a few years older. When you see Yuna's mother on the farplane she looks young, but Yuna was 4 when she died, and Braska headed out on pilgrimage after that. So given that she was probably early or mid twenties when she died, and ten years later Cid looks to be at least 40 and has two children one of which looks like he is older than Yuna. This is all guesswork, because the only ages we actually know are Aurons, Yuna's and Rikku's, but I would say she was probably younger than Cid. Cid was also leader of the al bhed when Braska and Yuna's mother married, another thing that indicates he was probably older than her.
Ok, thank you all, now at least I know for sure that they haven't mentioned anything about this.
Cid was also leader of the al bhed when Braska and Yuna's mother married
Is this true? It's a helpful point that I haven't noticed. I think, a leader should be around 30 or more.
Ok, thank you all, now at least I know for sure that they haven't mentioned anything about this.

Is this true? It's a helpful point that I haven't noticed. I think, a leader should be around 30 or more.

Yes, Cid was already the leader when Braska and she got married. They do mention that when they got married they were both disowned, him by Yevon and she by the Al bhed (given that she was the sister of the leader) but that tension between them got better afr Yuna was born.

if you think she looks more than ten years younger than
him (which I definitely do) then I'd go with her being younger. All things considered I think that's likely the case :)