It's been a LONG time!


Midgar Zolom
Sep 26, 2009
...Since I made any kind of introduction on any kind of forum!

I miss forums, though, and stumbled across this one while looking for a new place to haunt. :)

I'll be brief! I'm Naruse. I live and work in Tokyo. I'm in my early twenties and I've been playing FF games for a LONG time -- ever since my best friend rented one of them and played it so abysmally that I complained to my parents until they bought me my own copy and I could actually get past that damn first boss battle and see for myself what lay beyond it.

And just to answer the usual questions I get straight away:

I'm female!
Yes, I speak Japanese!
No, I am not Japanese!
Yes, I am a robot. :|

Anyway, it's lovely to be here and nice to meet everyone :) Looking forward to getting to know you guys.
Lucky you, Id give my right arm to be in Tokyo...well, thats my wanking arm, maybe my left arm...or perhaps a toe......the little one on my left foot, actually, take both

Anyway ¬_¬ Welcome to the forums :monster:
Thank you, Bambi!

I pretty much DID have to sacrifice body parts and make intangible promises to get here. Well, perhaps it wasn't THAT bad, but it took effort, let me tell you!
I'm so jealous :wacky:

Hope to see you around the forum,check out the shoutbox there's usually some form of banter going on in there :neomon:
Lucky you, Id give my right arm to be in Tokyo...well, thats my wanking arm

Remind me to never shake that hand unless I feel like being a perve <_<

Howdy and welcome to the forums and stuff :D

Follow the rules, blah de blah blah blah and have fun.
OMG A fellow asian! :monster:

Welsome to the forums, Nareuse, have a nice time but behave yourself :)

I'd love to visit Japan again TBH
Sabriel... Read the post. She LIVES in Tokyo. Said she speaks Japanese but is NOT Japanese. :wacky:

Welcome to the forums. :monster: Hope you stick around. Japanese language is so pretty :3
Naruse said:
I'm female!
Yes, I speak Japanese!
No, I am not Japanese!
Yes, I am a robot.
You like ruining the fun? Huh?HUH?

Hey have fun and stay active
Thanks for all the welcomes, guys. :) I promise I will behave myself!

Ooooh, Xu likes Lamento? The soundtrack to that game is one of my favourite soundtracks ever. It came out when I very first moved to Japan but I only started playing it this year. (Right now I am being hideously lazy with it, however. It's hard to find the motivation to keep reading such huge reams of text.)
Yup! :D Sure am!

*...Or sure think I am, anyway... May be something to do with living in robotic metropolis....*
Thanks for the welcomes, guys. :)

>Hope Estheim -- it's entirely possible if you are determined enough!