Jecht's Final Aeon

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Penguin Owns

ShinRa Guard
Jul 14, 2006
Jecht's final aeon omg so hard who knows how to beat this thing.
I've tried Yojimbo but his Zanmato just doesn't happen :mad:.
Erm, I think he means Braska's Final Aeon, if so it's the last boss. If you level up your characters to the max and get them to have their Celestial Weapons completely upgraded, then you can kill him in 3 hits (That's the way I did it anyway) However that takes ages xD You have to pay Yojimbo a huge amount of gil to get him to use Zanmato (If your relationship with him is bad, it takes me 1,000,000 gil xD)
On defeating the final boss though, ignore the two pillars on either side of him. If you kill them they'll just come back a few rounds later. And don't just destroy one pillar either, as things will get nasty. You should keep your aeons to the second round in this battle. Use Haste, Protect and Regen, and some sort of protection against petrification. Don't use Tidus' talk command until the second round too, because this is where the boss' overdrive is more powerful. It'll be helpful if you get Rikku to mix a Mega Vitality or a Hyper Vitality as this will double your HP. Use as many overdrives of your characters as you can. This battle mainly depends on how developed your characters are though, because if they're crap then you have no hope xD
A good way to train your characters up is in Omega Ruins, you can almost guaranteee a level up every battle there. Also when you have the chance, it is very rewarding if you take part in the battle arena to get some great items that can increase your status and auto-magics. You may want to dedicate your time to earning the characters best weapons too if you find it that hard to defeat the final aeon.
dude im lvling up allooot and im nearly ready for braskas final aeon and earning allot of money =D
fial aeon

easiest way to beat this guy is to use your wall so that all his healing goes to you and poison him withyour poison or whatever that attack is.........he falls quicklythen :)
You could always get Holy for Yuna. It takes off 9999 damage to it. And try and get all the stuff for Yuna's ultimate weapon which will cost her Mp to 1 for every magic she uses.
Nah Braska's Final Aeon is a piece of piss compared to Yu-Yevon. If your having trouble with this one you no way gonaa be able to get passed Yu-Yevon.

ok ok but Braskas Final Aeon was still pretty easy IMO
Nah, Jecht is a tad tougher than Yu-Yevon, if you know what to do. Yu Yevon, despite being the main guy in all this, has a very, VERY simply weakness. Zombie. Full life, wham, he's down. If you don't have Full Life, then after every attack he uses, he'll heal himself, and counter with Curaga. With his zombie status applied, he'll be killing himself.

Easiest boss in the game.
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I hated this guy!!! That's why this fight made me buy a PlayStation 2 GameShark and use codes to beat him. I had all my characters stats maxed out and I was able to beat him in hit. Then, I got to see the ending. ^^
Azerty said:
I hated this guy!!! That's why this fight made me buy a PlayStation 2 GameShark and use codes to beat him. I had all my characters stats maxed out and I was able to beat him in hit. Then, I got to see the ending. ^^
You is not worthy now. Using GameShark. TUT TUT.
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