Judge Aurelian vs Artemis Yuji

Artemis Yuji

Jun 17, 2008
OCC: Here's the thread, sorry it took so long.

Location: Temple of Oblivion

The oceans water roughly rammed against the floating arena. The light reflected off the water, revealing it to be green like in color, pulsing as if alive. The skies were blacken, the only light a green moon; causing a similar pulse like the waters. The arena was forty feet wide and forty feet tall, a large dark forest covering the edges, absorbing any water that come too close in contact with the official battleground. The inner area, was a large white dome, which in the inside large white blocks move in a puzzle like movement, always changing every few minutes. This is the fight would take place in.

IC: Yuji waitted there, his hood over his head as he sat down of the white blocks. His dreads dangled from his the hood, but due to the darkness of both, it would seemed as if the hoody was attached to him. His fingers were clinched in fist thought the fingerless black gloves, each with the mark of a white phoniex. He breath the area, his eyes focusing on any aspect the good gather, some way to find in advantage in this arena. Across from him hovered his portal cannon, BC Protoype, the anti-gavity disk on the bottoms holding it's weight. The CyZom looked at the hovering weapon, his purple eyes inspecting the thing, before turning his attention to the sky.

He had fogotten how long it had been before he stepped in a fight on this temple. He closed his eyes, removing the thought from his mind. It hardly matter now, all that did was the incoming challenger. So he waitted, his sense alert for any harm to be done.