Just Beat the Game and I'm Still Confused...


Blue Mage
Mar 5, 2009
Alright. I played it a long time ago, and couldn't beat the dragon outside Bevelle so I quit. I recently played it again, and loved it and played it literally non stop. I didn't do much else. I freaking love the plot, the gameplay and the whole game, but I thought it would make more sense by now. But it hasn't. So I'm putting up a Q&A for everyone, including me. I'll add other people's questions too, and start by putting mine on.


Q: Am I alone on being pretty freaking confused at the end?

Q: Was Tidus ever real? He had to be since dream Zanarkand is made to be exactly like the real Zanarkand, right?

Q: How and why does Sin attack dream Zanarkand? When Jecht was there, and when Tidus was there?

Q: Why did the aeons start dissapearing at the end? Because the fayth were finally at rest after dreaming and fighting Sin for so long?

Q: Was it just me or was some of the voice acting horrendous? And some of the dialouge was very confusing?

Q: I read on a summary of FFX that Jyscal guado and his wife had internal problems and has to separate, and then she turned into an aeon. When was this separation explained?

Q: I read on this board that there is a debate between "Thank You" and "I Love You", and which is more significant. How is it even a competition? Isn't "I Love You" much more compassionate and expressive?

Q: Why did Tidus continue to tell his dad that he hates him at the end? Is it because he's in denial?

Q: Where are they when they're on that platform at the end of the game, fighting Jecht? And what's that area leading up to it after you defeat Sin?

Q: At the end of FFX-2 I saw the ending for it (Although I didn't beat it) and it shows that Tidus comes up from the ocean. WTF? He's not real. So why would he come back?

Q: Why when Auron went on the journey with Braska did he keep trying to persuade Braska and Jecht not to sacrifice themselves, but then with Yuna he was completely adamant in his goal to get her there? He didn't care she had to die, even though he already knew the consequences and results?

Q: Why was everyone so surprised at what Yunalesca told them? That they had to sacrifice themselves and the Calm would only be temporary and Sin never dies? That the Pilgrimage is merely for hope? I thought everyone knew that? It seems like it blew everyone's minds when Yunalesca told it to them, but didn't Yuna even say earlier in the game she's willing to sacrifice her life for hope in Spira?

Q: Why do Tidus and Jecht know the hymn of fayth from Zanarkand? How, if the Hymn of Fayth is something from Spira?

Q: When Tidus starts the game and says, "Listen to my story- this may be our last chance" is he talking to everyone in the party? Are they all just reminiscing over what's been happening over the past? And why does Yuna encourage him to stop, saying they should get moving? She sees not point in staying in the past?

Q: Who is Yuna sending at the end when she's dancing? [Other than Auron]

Q: Why do Jecht and Tidus high five each other around all the dead people, if they're technically not dead, they're just dreams? Shouldn't they be gone completely, considering they're dreams, not dead souls?

Q: Why in the beginning of FFX-2 does Yuna not want to share her memory of Zanarkand with anyone? During FFX, I don't really remember anything occuring deserving of such distress? Tidus and them all sat at the campsite, but that was about it, right?

Q: Why do you summon your aeons in the final boss battle, only to defeat them? Is it so Yu Yevon has no one to posess or summon, and therefore you may attack him in his weakest form?
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Q: Am I alone on being pretty freaking confused at the end?
Ummm, I wasn't very confused...just depressed:(

Q: Was Tidus ever real? He had to be since dream Zanarkand is made to be exactly like the real Zanarkand, right?
There was a real Tidus in the real Zanarkand yes, and dream Tidus was made out of him..I am assuming out of his memories, that's the best guess I have.

Q: How and why does Sin attack dream Zanarkand? When Jecht was there, and when Tidus was there?
I think Sin has an attachment to the Fayth of some sort that would allow him to pass through worlds. It is obviously a very powerful entity and since the dream world seems to somehow be attached to the real one (afterall Jecht passed through as well before coming into contact with sin) it would make sense that it would be able to pass those barriers, probably using it's connection to the Fayth as it is...basically, an Aeon.

Q: Why did the aeons start dissapearing at the end? Because the fayth were finally at rest after dreaming and fighting Sin for so long?
Yes, basically the Aeons were there because the Fayth were dreaming. The Fayth were basically the mystical force that drove those kinds of powers and made them possible. (I think that the Aeons were some of the Fayth, yes? I could be wrong) So when Yuna allowed the Fayth to finally rest and stop their own battle with sin she had to sacrifice the Aeons to do that.

Q: Was it just me or was some of the voice acting horrendous? And some of the dialouge was very confusing?
Yes, some of it really was. You must remember though that not only did they have to translate it form japanese (sometimes very hard to do and still fit it in while getting the point across) but this game was made at a time when voice acting to that level in a game was ..relatively..new..so some ineptitude would be expected.

Q: I read on a summary of FFX that Jyscal guado and his wife had internal problems and has to separate, and then she turned into an aeon. When was this separation explained?
Ummm, not the slightest of clue. Never knew that, sometimes those extra facts are never explained in the games and are just things that the creators know.

Q: I read on this board that there is a debate between "Thank You" and "I Love You", and which is more significant. How is it even a competition? Isn't "I Love You" much more compassionate and expressive?
There is a difference in the languages. It is (this is what I heard so I am not sure) apparently much more uncommon for people in Japan to say 'I Love You' so there...saying 'Thank You' would mean much, much more. In a way it can also be argued that it could even be more powerful in english. While I love you clearly states her feelings..saying thankyou...still ahs a whole depth behind it..thankyou for being on this journey for me, thankyou for saving me, thankyou for SHOWING me life, SHOWING me love. Basically, it's up to the individual to decide.

Q: Why did Tidus continue to tell his dad that he hates him at the end? Is it because he's in denial?
Well, He was holding him and crying him at the same time so that changes things. Basically..he had been waiting all these years to tell his father he hated him..all that pent up anger and rage...and when it comes down to it..he finds out his father never abandoned him and that he had loved him. Him telling him over and over that he hates him is 1) a release of that one thing he always needed to say and 2) him really telling him he loves him. The act of crying as he does so, holding him, shaking his head and the tone of his voice clearly get across that although he NEEDS to tell him he 'hates him' because he's been waiting all those years to do it he is really letting fo of all that hate in that moment..and therfore telling him that he loves him.

Q: Where are they when they're on that platform at the end of the game, fighting Jecht? And what's that area leading up to it after you defeat Sin?
Well, you're inside Sin. Apparently..he ate a whole city. Don't know much more than that. I say it's est just to accept it.

Q: At the end of FFX-2 I saw the ending for it (Although I didn't beat it) and it shows that Tidus comes up from the ocean. WTF? He's not real. So why would he come back?

The Fayth were able to make him real for Yuna, he had been touched by sin so he, while not being fully.."real", was not merely a dream anymore. This is something of a debate, there is a discussion on the boards, but one theory is that the Fayth kept dreaming..just to bring him back and that's it.

Well, those are the best answers I have. The thing with FF is that you need to come up with a lot of your own answers to fill inthe blanks because a lot of the time there IS no clear answer for things. It onvolves a lot of reaching on your part until you come to a conclusion that satisfies you. Hope this helped anyway! Great game!
Q: Am I alone on being pretty freaking confused at the end?
Ummm, I wasn't very confused...just depressed:(

Q: Was Tidus ever real? He had to be since dream Zanarkand is made to be exactly like the real Zanarkand, right?
There was a real Tidus in the real Zanarkand yes, and dream Tidus was made out of him..I am assuming out of his memories, that's the best guess I have.

Q: How and why does Sin attack dream Zanarkand? When Jecht was there, and when Tidus was there?
I think Sin has an attachment to the Fayth of some sort that would allow him to pass through worlds. It is obviously a very powerful entity and since the dream world seems to somehow be attached to the real one (afterall Jecht passed through as well before coming into contact with sin) it would make sense that it would be able to pass those barriers, probably using it's connection to the Fayth as it is...basically, an Aeon.

Q: Why did the aeons start dissapearing at the end? Because the fayth were finally at rest after dreaming and fighting Sin for so long?
Yes, basically the Aeons were there because the Fayth were dreaming. The Fayth were basically the mystical force that drove those kinds of powers and made them possible. (I think that the Aeons were some of the Fayth, yes? I could be wrong) So when Yuna allowed the Fayth to finally rest and stop their own battle with sin she had to sacrifice the Aeons to do that.

Q: Was it just me or was some of the voice acting horrendous? And some of the dialouge was very confusing?
Yes, some of it really was. You must remember though that not only did they have to translate it form japanese (sometimes very hard to do and still fit it in while getting the point across) but this game was made at a time when voice acting to that level in a game was ..relatively..new..so some ineptitude would be expected.

Q: I read on a summary of FFX that Jyscal guado and his wife had internal problems and has to separate, and then she turned into an aeon. When was this separation explained?
Ummm, not the slightest of clue. Never knew that, sometimes those extra facts are never explained in the games and are just things that the creators know.

Q: I read on this board that there is a debate between "Thank You" and "I Love You", and which is more significant. How is it even a competition? Isn't "I Love You" much more compassionate and expressive?
There is a difference in the languages. It is (this is what I heard so I am not sure) apparently much more uncommon for people in Japan to say 'I Love You' so there...saying 'Thank You' would mean much, much more. In a way it can also be argued that it could even be more powerful in english. While I love you clearly states her feelings..saying thankyou...still ahs a whole depth behind it..thankyou for being on this journey for me, thankyou for saving me, thankyou for SHOWING me life, SHOWING me love. Basically, it's up to the individual to decide.

Q: Why did Tidus continue to tell his dad that he hates him at the end? Is it because he's in denial?
Well, He was holding him and crying him at the same time so that changes things. Basically..he had been waiting all these years to tell his father he hated him..all that pent up anger and rage...and when it comes down to it..he finds out his father never abandoned him and that he had loved him. Him telling him over and over that he hates him is 1) a release of that one thing he always needed to say and 2) him really telling him he loves him. The act of crying as he does so, holding him, shaking his head and the tone of his voice clearly get across that although he NEEDS to tell him he 'hates him' because he's been waiting all those years to do it he is really letting fo of all that hate in that moment..and therfore telling him that he loves him.

Q: Where are they when they're on that platform at the end of the game, fighting Jecht? And what's that area leading up to it after you defeat Sin?
Well, you're inside Sin. Apparently..he ate a whole city. Don't know much more than that. I say it's est just to accept it.

Q: At the end of FFX-2 I saw the ending for it (Although I didn't beat it) and it shows that Tidus comes up from the ocean. WTF? He's not real. So why would he come back?

The Fayth were able to make him real for Yuna, he had been touched by sin so he, while not being fully.."real", was not merely a dream anymore. This is something of a debate, there is a discussion on the boards, but one theory is that the Fayth kept dreaming..just to bring him back and that's it.

Well, those are the best answers I have. The thing with FF is that you need to come up with a lot of your own answers to fill inthe blanks because a lot of the time there IS no clear answer for things. It onvolves a lot of reaching on your part until you come to a conclusion that satisfies you. Hope this helped anyway! Great game!
Appreciate it. It still seems a little weird though, since if that thing about the fayth resting is true, wouldn't that mean that everytime Yuna summons an aeon in battle, that Tidus would dissapear and all that shit would happen?.... That's really all she did at the end of the game afterall right? Summon them?
since if that thing about the fayth resting is true, wouldn't that mean that everytime Yuna summons an aeon in battle, that Tidus would dissapear and all that shit would happen?
Well no...because to summon Aeons the Fayth need to be dreaming...and it's not like all their power goes into summoning one single Aeon. There seem to be a great number of them so they are able to keep many things going at once. In fact as opposed tot he Aeons resting when Yuna summons them that would be the time when they would have to be well..concentration even harder..in order to bring forth the Aeons for her.
Oh, new one I've been wondering:

Q: Why when Auron went on the journey with Braska did he keep trying to persuade Braska and Jecht not to sacrifice themselves, but then with Yuna he was completely adamant in his goal to get her there? He didn't care she had to die, even though he already knew the consequences and results?


Q: Why was everyone so surprised at what Yunalesca told them? That they had to sacrifice themselves and the Calm would only be temporary and Sin never dies? That the Pilgrimage is merely for hope? I thought everyone knew that? It seems like it blew everyone's minds when Yunalesca told it to them, but didn't Yuna even say earlier in the game she's willing to sacrifice her life for hope in Spira?

Damn, and another

Q: Why do Tidus and Jecht know the hymn of fayth from Zanarkand? How, if the Hymn of Fayth is something from Spira?
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Can only try answering one of your question, may need other more knowledgeable members to answer your other questions.

Q: Why was everyone so surprised at what Yunalesca told them? That they had to sacrifice themselves and the Calm would only be temporary and Sin never dies? That the Pilgrimage is merely for hope? I thought everyone knew that? It seems like it blew everyone's minds when Yunalesca told it to them, but didn't Yuna even say earlier in the game she's willing to sacrifice her life for hope in Spira?[/quote]

A: I think why everyone was so surprised is the revelation of the Final Aeon. I don't think anyone knows that (Except for Auron of course) in exchange for the Calm, the selected Guardian would become the fayth for the final summoning, and in turn become the new Sin for Yu Yevon. There were probably more taken aback by how Yu Yevon conspired the whole Sin and Calm thing to keep his own invincibility.
Q: Why when Auron went on the journey with Braska did he keep trying to persuade Braska and Jecht not to sacrifice themselves, but then with Yuna he was completely adamant in his goal to get her there? He didn't care she had to die, even though he already knew the consequences and results?

Personally I believe that Aurons plan, or hope, all along was that they would defeat sin once and for all. So him pushing so hard to get there was him, even though he knew she and others still may die, just him trying to change things once and for all....regardless of the costs. He understood that even though he cared for all of them, i believe he cared about Yuna, that some sacrifices would be necesarry for the good of Spira.

That's how I see it anyway, It's been a few years since I've played the games too..so I could be making connections that aren't really there.
Q: Why do Tidus and Jecht know the hymn of fayth from Zanarkand? How, if the Hymn of Fayth is something from Spira?

Tidus knew it because Auron used ot hum it when he was looking after TIdus as a child...as for Jecht...well...he definitely knew it after coming to SPira..I am not sure of anything past that...
Q: Am I alone on being pretty freaking confused at the end?
Ummm, I wasn't very confused...just depressed:(
You and me both

Q: Was Tidus ever real? He had to be since dream Zanarkand is made to be exactly like the real Zanarkand, right?
There was a real Tidus in the real Zanarkand yes, and dream Tidus was made out of him..I am assuming out of his memories, that's the best guess I have.
No...he wasn't ever real. However he was based off of somebody from the real Zanarkand that existed 1000 years ago. Play FFX-2 to find out who I'm talking about. ^_^ Unless you want me to spoil it for you.

Q: How and why does Sin attack dream Zanarkand? When Jecht was there, and when Tidus was there?
I think Sin has an attachment to the Fayth of some sort that would allow him to pass through worlds. It is obviously a very powerful entity and since the dream world seems to somehow be attached to the real one (afterall Jecht passed through as well before coming into contact with sin) it would make sense that it would be able to pass those barriers, probably using it's connection to the Fayth as it is...basically, an Aeon.
Simple: Because of Yu Yevon. He's using the Fayth so naturally Sin would have a link with the Fayth. However this particular Sin was his father, so I think that also had something to do with it as well. He wanted to bring Tidus to Spira so they could figure out a way to break Sin's never-ending cycle.

Q: Why did the aeons start dissapearing at the end? Because the fayth were finally at rest after dreaming and fighting Sin for so long?
Yes, basically the Aeons were there because the Fayth were dreaming. The Fayth were basically the mystical force that drove those kinds of powers and made them possible. (I think that the Aeons were some of the Fayth, yes? I could be wrong) So when Yuna allowed the Fayth to finally rest and stop their own battle with sin she had to sacrifice the Aeons to do that.

She didn't sacrifice the Aeons. Maechen said in FFX that the Fayth reach the spirit of the summoner and that's how they're able to summon an Aeon. The Aeons were dreams just as much as Tidus and Jecht were. That's why they disappeared.

Q: Was it just me or was some of the voice acting horrendous? And some of the dialouge was very confusing?
Yes, some of it really was. You must remember though that not only did they have to translate it form japanese (sometimes very hard to do and still fit it in while getting the point across) but this game was made at a time when voice acting to that level in a game was ..relatively..new..so some ineptitude would be expected.
Yeah some of it was, but please put into consideration that this was the very first Final Fantasy to have voice overs. Give them some credit.

Q: I read on a summary of FFX that Jyscal guado and his wife had internal problems and has to separate, and then she turned into an aeon. When was this separation explained?
Ummm, not the slightest of clue. Never knew that, sometimes those extra facts are never explained in the games and are just things that the creators know.

There was controversy between Jyscal marrying a human woman and when Seymour was born, as a child he was ridiculed and such. I can only assume it was when Seymour's mother decided to become a Fayth was when they separated. I don't believe it's ever specifically mentioned.

Q: I read on this board that there is a debate between "Thank You" and "I Love You", and which is more significant. How is it even a competition? Isn't "I Love You" much more compassionate and expressive?
There is a difference in the languages. It is (this is what I heard so I am not sure) apparently much more uncommon for people in Japan to say 'I Love You' so there...saying 'Thank You' would mean much, much more. In a way it can also be argued that it could even be more powerful in english. While I love you clearly states her feelings..saying thankyou...still ahs a whole depth behind it..thankyou for being on this journey for me, thankyou for saving me, thankyou for SHOWING me life, SHOWING me love. Basically, it's up to the individual to decide.
He pretty much said it all. I think it's just up to the player to decide which one has more meaning. It's all in your own opinion.

Q: Why did Tidus continue to tell his dad that he hates him at the end? Is it because he's in denial?
Well, He was holding him and crying him at the same time so that changes things. Basically..he had been waiting all these years to tell his father he hated him..all that pent up anger and rage...and when it comes down to it..he finds out his father never abandoned him and that he had loved him. Him telling him over and over that he hates him is 1) a release of that one thing he always needed to say and 2) him really telling him he loves him. The act of crying as he does so, holding him, shaking his head and the tone of his voice clearly get across that although he NEEDS to tell him he 'hates him' because he's been waiting all those years to do it he is really letting fo of all that hate in that moment..and therfore telling him that he loves him.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Q: Where are they when they're on that platform at the end of the game, fighting Jecht? And what's that area leading up to it after you defeat Sin?
Well, you're inside Sin. Apparently..he ate a whole city. Don't know much more than that. I say it's est just to accept it.

If you study it well enough, it looks an awful lot like Zanarkand does it not? It doesn't every specifically mention, but I believe it has to do with Yu Yevon and the dream Zanarkand perhaps? Or maybe it's the Zanarkand Sin helped destory 1000 years ago (because most of Zanarkand was destroyed by Bevelle and their machina war...then Sin came, blah blah blah)

Q: At the end of FFX-2 I saw the ending for it (Although I didn't beat it) and it shows that Tidus comes up from the ocean. WTF? He's not real. So why would he come back?
The Fayth were able to make him real for Yuna, he had been touched by sin so he, while not being fully.."real", was not merely a dream anymore. This is something of a debate, there is a discussion on the boards, but one theory is that the Fayth kept dreaming..just to bring him back and that's it.
Really you should play the game to understand it more fully. Basically the fact of the matter is is that Tidus is back at the end of FFX-2 for good and he's not going anywhere this time.

Sorry for quoting you, Sylvanius, there were just a few questions you answered a little incorrectly that I felt needed corrected, at least imo. Anyway, hope those answers help a bit!
Q: Why did the aeons start dissapearing at the end? Because the fayth were finally at rest after dreaming and fighting Sin for so long?
Yes, basically the Aeons were there because the Fayth were dreaming. The Fayth were basically the mystical force that drove those kinds of powers and made them possible. (I think that the Aeons were some of the Fayth, yes? I could be wrong) So when Yuna allowed the Fayth to finally rest and stop their own battle with sin she had to sacrifice the Aeons to do that.

She didn't sacrifice the Aeons. Maechen said in FFX that the Fayth reach the spirit of the summoner and that's how they're able to summon an Aeon. The Aeons were dreams just as much as Tidus and Jecht were. That's why they disappeared.
Oops, when I said 'sacrifice' I mean give up the ability to summon them really so I didn't mean 'sacrifice' in the typical sense of the word.

Q: I read on this board that there is a debate between "Thank You" and "I Love You", and which is more significant. How is it even a competition? Isn't "I Love You" much more compassionate and expressive?
There is a difference in the languages. It is (this is what I heard so I am not sure) apparently much more uncommon for people in Japan to say 'I Love You' so there...saying 'Thank You' would mean much, much more. In a way it can also be argued that it could even be more powerful in english. While I love you clearly states her feelings..saying thankyou...still ahs a whole depth behind it..thankyou for being on this journey for me, thankyou for saving me, thankyou for SHOWING me life, SHOWING me love. Basically, it's up to the individual to decide.
He pretty much said it all. I think it's just up to the player to decide which one has more meaning. It's all in your own opinion.
She ;)

Mod edit: Sorry...^^; just please don't double post in the future. Thanks!

Meh, I hope I don't sound like an idiot, but a couple more questions.

Q: When Tidus starts the game and says, "Listen to my story- this may be our last chance" is he talking to everyone in the party? Are they all just reminiscing over what's been happening over the past? And why does Yuna encourage him to stop, saying they should get moving? She sees not point in staying in the past?

Q: Who is Yuna sending at the end when she's dancing? [Other than Auron]

Q: Why do Jecht and Tidus high five each other around all the dead people, if they're technically not dead, they're just dreams? Shouldn't they be gone completely, considering they're dreams, not dead souls?

Q: Why in the beginning of FFX-2 does Yuna not want to share her memory of Zanarkand with anyone? During FFX, I don't really remember anything occuring deserving of such distress? Tidus and them all sat at the campsite, but that was about it, right?

Q: Why do you summon your aeons in the final boss battle, only to defeat them? Is it so Yu Yevon has no one to posess or summon, and therefore you may attack him in his weakest form?
Q: When Tidus starts the game and says, "Listen to my story- this may be our last chance" is he talking to everyone in the party? Are they all just reminiscing over what's been happening over the past? And why does Yuna encourage him to stop, saying they should get moving? She sees not point in staying in the past?

I don't think that he's talking to the rest of the group for that sentence, as he's being telling his story to everyone throughout the game - that's what those seemingly random voiceovers were about.

Basically, I think it's just to tell the player that a dramatic story is coming up.

As for Yuna, I just think that she wants to get the ordeal over and done with, and thinking about the past isn't going to help make the ordeal any easier (in fact, it proberly made it much harder to carry on, despite the confidence she shows).

Q: Who is Yuna sending at the end when she's dancing? [Other than Auron]
The fayth I presume, seeing as Yu-Yevon is now truely dead, and the fayth don't have to constantly keep dreaming now.

Q: Why do Jecht and Tidus high five each other around all the dead people, if they're technically not dead, they're just dreams? Shouldn't they be gone completely, considering they're dreams, not dead souls?
Who knows. Maybe t was one last acceptance gesture before they disappeared completely.

Q: Why in the beginning of FFX-2 does Yuna not want to share her memory of Zanarkand with anyone? During FFX, I don't really remember anything occuring deserving of such distress? Tidus and them all sat at the campsite, but that was about it, right?
Well, that was the place where (at the time) they believed that they were going to have their last conversation together as a group. Wouldn't you not want to share that memory?

Q: Why do you summon your aeons in the final boss battle, only to defeat them? Is it so Yu Yevon has no one to posess or summon, and therefore you may attack him in his weakest form?
Bingo. You've got it in one.
I don't think that he's talking to the rest of the group for that sentence, as he's being telling his story to everyone throughout the game - that's what those seemingly random voiceovers were about.

Basically, I think it's just to tell the player that a dramatic story is coming up.

As for Yuna, I just think that she wants to get the ordeal over and done with, and thinking about the past isn't going to help make the ordeal any easier (in fact, it proberly made it much harder to carry on, despite the confidence she shows).
Well, I'm not saying specifically that part, but was he describing his journey to the whole party throughout the game, right?
Well, I'm not saying specifically that part, but was he describing his journey to the whole party throughout the game, right?

I have always thought of it that Tidus's reminiscing was up until you got to Zanarkand, and when you get to Zanarkand, you get out of the past and into the present.
I have always thought of it that Tidus's reminiscing was up until you got to Zanarkand, and when you get to Zanarkand, you get out of the past and into the present.
That's pretty much canoncal.

And yes, he was basically describing his feelings on what happened at certain points in the story. I don't think they told the whole story, otherwise it would get boring very quickly.

Anyways, they would know the story anyway, considering that they were involved in it.
Also, does anyone else think it was strange at all that they only kiss each other once throughout both stories, including when they're reunited. Like Yuna has been missing him tremendously for a couple of years, and then some and Tidus has been literally out of existence; but when they see each other, they only hug each other, seemingly as if they're only friends. Just seemed strange to me.
It's also strange that on the back of FFX-2, it says "A friend may still be alive..." as if he is only a friend.
Well, I didn't think their embrace in X-2 seemed like ;just friends' there was something very tender and intimate in the way they held eachother. Besides they kind of got cut off with Wakka shouting ';get a room!' ( <3 Wakka). As for the other things well..they really never had time to establish a real relationship...when he dissapeared they were really still discovering eachother so to speak...so it would make more sense to say 'a friend' and other such things. With the whole kiss thing too...they were just barely figuring out some sort of relationship...and they both, especially Yuna, seemed very very new to it. Plus their love was a very..innocent, pure, untainted love. Love at it's barest form, so it really didn't NEED all the phsycial contact. Besides...in Japan, according to psychology class actually, kissing isn't really as "popular" (that's what the book said) or as common...think of all the animes you've seen and notice how most of them keep that kind of thing to a fair minumum.

Again just my view...and my psych classes on the last part...feel free to form your own opinion.
Well, I didn't think their embrace in X-2 seemed like ;just friends' there was something very tender and intimate in the way they held eachother. Besides they kind of got cut off with Wakka shouting ';get a room!' ( <3 Wakka). As for the other things well..they really never had time to establish a real relationship...when he dissapeared they were really still discovering eachother so to speak...so it would make more sense to say 'a friend' and other such things. With the whole kiss thing too...they were just barely figuring out some sort of relationship...and they both, especially Yuna, seemed very very new to it. Plus their love was a very..innocent, pure, untainted love. Love at it's barest form, so it really didn't NEED all the phsycial contact. Besides...in Japan, according to psychology class actually, kissing isn't really as "popular" (that's what the book said) or as common...think of all the animes you've seen and notice how most of them keep that kind of thing to a fair minumum.

Again just my view...and my psych classes on the last part...feel free to form your own opinion.
Hehe. I don't watch anime. But I do see what you're saying. They were trying to figure each other out, but then the kiss came at Guadosalam, but still they wanted to learn about each other. But before they could delve into a relationship, Tidus dissapears and leaves Yuna wondering what could've been, correct?
Hehe. I don't watch anime. But I do see what you're saying. They were trying to figure each other out, but then the kiss came at Guadosalam, but still they wanted to learn about each other. But before they could delve into a relationship, Tidus dissapears and leaves Yuna wondering what could've been, correct?

Almost, not so much wondering what could have been as..knowing what was taken form her. I think they both new that once there was time..they wanted more. There just wasn't the right time to start a relationship while fighting Sin. They barely had time to stay alive, forget starting a relationship. I think that after guadosolam there was kind of an understanding between them of what they both felt..but Yuna thought she was going to die...so...well..how do you start a relationship knowing that? Then after they defeated Yunalesca..imo there was kind of an unspoken bond there of 'if we survive this...'..that if they survived it, they could begin something. It's all very vague and a lot of theories really.
Almost, not so much wondering what could have been as..knowing what was taken form her. I think they both new that once there was time..they wanted more. There just wasn't the right time to start a relationship while fighting Sin. They barely had time to stay alive, forget starting a relationship. I think that after guadosolam there was kind of an understanding between them of what they both felt..but Yuna thought she was going to die...so...well..how do you start a relationship knowing that? Then after they defeated Yunalesca..imo there was kind of an unspoken bond there of 'if we survive this...'..that if they survived it, they could begin something. It's all very vague and a lot of theories really.
I like that theory most. It's the nicest. :) Haha. Maybe I'm a sucker. Haha.
Meh, I hope I don't sound like an idiot, but a couple more questions.
That doesn't make you sound like an idiot, only curious is all.

Q: When Tidus starts the game and says, "Listen to my story- this may be our last chance" is he talking to everyone in the party? Are they all just reminiscing over what's been happening over the past? And why does Yuna encourage him to stop, saying they should get moving? She sees not point in staying in the past?
No, he's not talking to everyone in the party. Basically he's just wanting the player to listen to his story. They're on their way to defeat Sin. He could die trying to save Yuna and help fight Sin, etc...
Yuna wants him to stop because I think it hurts her too much to remember all those times together, but yes I do believe they are reminiscing over past events. Yuna knows she's about to die, so I feel like she's felt like she's heard enough. Too painful.

Q: Who is Yuna sending at the end when she's dancing? [Other than Auron]
Yuna is sending the Fayth. Keep in mind they were once human beings as well, but their souls were taken from their still-living bodies by Yu Yevon.

Q: Why do Jecht and Tidus high five each other around all the dead people, if they're technically not dead, they're just dreams? Shouldn't they be gone completely, considering they're dreams, not dead souls?
Tidus and Jecht had both been touched by Sin. As the Fayth had said, they became more than just dreams now. I believe that's why they're on the Farplane now.

Q: Why in the beginning of FFX-2 does Yuna not want to share her memory of Zanarkand with anyone? During FFX, I don't really remember anything occuring deserving of such distress? Tidus and them all sat at the campsite, but that was about it, right?
Because that's a very private, personal moment to her. For one, she thought it would be the last she was going to get to share with all her friends gathered beside her, along with the man she was in love with. Also, Yuna believed she was walking the road to her death. I'm sure those feelings are all very personal and she doesn't want to share them just yet.

Q: Why do you summon your aeons in the final boss battle, only to defeat them? Is it so Yu Yevon has no one to posess or summon, and therefore you may attack him in his weakest form?
Yep, that's exactly why. That's why the fayth urged Yuna to call them. Yu Yevon would posess the aeons regardless during a fight with him, so either way it was going to happen. Sadly but surely.