Just to ask about an email I got...


Mar 4, 2007
London, UK
I got an email today just saying I hadn't been active on the forums much lately and politely asking if I could post more etc - since I post almost every day was just puzzled why I got such a message.

I don't mind and all, there's no harm done by it, just a bit bewildered about getting it, can anyone shed some light? ^^
We occasionally get these sent, even if we're completely active. It's nothing to be concerned about, unless your username is Darkblade. :p

I got it too. As did most of the members here, I'm sure. It's more than likely a stunt to bring back old members though.
Yeah, I got one myself and I've been fairly active Lol... I'm sure it's just an error with whatever marketing/member maintenance tool Darkblade uses.
I keep getting them, mainly because I registered in March but I didn't post till a couple of days ago but I got another which I thought was strange.
When I first joined here I got one almost every single day. It's been quite a whiel though since I got one. I feel left out.:huh:
That's...weird. I only got one, which was Jan. 18. I signed up at Dec. and never posted until Darkblade e-mailed me on Jan. 18. Ever since then, I've been posting and never got another e-mail from him. Hmm, maybe it has something to do with your options here on FFF? Are you sure you guys have it set up right?

I feel so left out now. :(

Even though it isn't a big deal, it is still something the staff-if they wanted-could look into just to make the board run smoother. Really, its probably not a big problem and wouldn't be too hard to fix, and this way active members wouldn't be bothered.