Keyblade wielding...


Jul 24, 2008
If you was given the power to wield the keyblade what would you do with that power...? I would go by the game and kick heartless Also like to teach Karl Heaton a few manners as well. He is like a flaming moron, like trying to convince a Nobody. dont ask, dont tell.


Anyways, I would probably start an evil Kingdom and kill people. My sister would probably be the first person to go >.>
I would keep to myself, the only time i would use it was if someone started trying to kill me i would defend myself, but i would try to stay out of trouble.

or i would get the Oblivion and a batman outfit and become a caped cruisader and try to save the city
First thing I'd do is track down all the people I hold grudges against and pummel them to death with it...or turn them into heartless, either is fine really.

Then I'd probably go down to Memphis (only city in this state I like) and do the same to the government officials down there and get rid of all the ghetto trash, then I'd take over the city and declare a monarchy or something and turn it into a nice place again. Then I'd probably do it to the rest of the country. Or I'd just kill more people I didn't like.

I have good goals :wacky:
I'd use it to scare the crap out of my enemies, save people and such, and mayde do something for myself too. I suppose it'd be a mixture of good and evil. >_>
Best idea?

To lock all my valuables, as the Keyblade would be the only key to unlock them. :P
I would use mine to fix drainpipes, make planks of wood and build rollercoasters...and stuff.
I'd become a vigilante,roaming the streets at night,stopping supercriminals,being the talk of town and maybe getting a stolen kiss with mary jane...
maybe I'd call myself ''the World's Key''